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Status Updates posted by yuz

  1. yuz

    No. That is perfectly normal. mwahaha :3

    haha, really cool that you still remember me as the Sturm fan even when I've been away from CDC for so long haha :D

  2. I missed the game. I hear that Sturm had a really good game. So happy for him!!! Can't wait until the season starts and I can confirm his jersey number so I can buy it lol

    Oooo. I live in Coal Harbour. We don't live too too far away from each other XD

  3. Oh cool! I don't live too far away. You live near downtown as well?

  4. Hey! Yeah...can't wait until the season starts and to see Sturmy! XD

    Thanks for commenting on my pic haha. It's kinda old (over a year old haha) and I have shorter hair now because it was so damaged lol

    Feels like it's still summer though. Enjoy your 'long walks at the beach' (which beach btw?)

  5. Yeah me too. I'm a Bruins fan but also a huge Marco Sturm fan so I can't wait to see him play! Need hockey in general so I have something to watch in the evenings haha.

  6. Summer's been good. Too bad the weather here kinda sucks though :S

  7. yuz

    Hey you! Yeah, it's been a while. How are you? :D

    Hope all is well!

  8. I am a hungry hungry hippo

  9. I've already been e-married to TheGermanCanuck in the past so I don't think I can. Sorry :P

  10. Back in Vancouver! Bye Toronto

    1. Coconuts


      I'd be happy too. :D

    2. yuz


      Yup! I am one happy person right now XD

  11. I see. Lots of stuff going on in your life right now haha.

    My life has just stabilized....had a dramatic summer LOL

    Can't wait until the hockey season starts.

    What goals do you have in mind for training?

  12. Heya~

    Sorry. I've been away from the interwebs lol

    I gotta stop working 6 days/week work schedules.... (0__0)

    So what up?

  13. Hay! Boston does not suck lol

    I could train you perhaps but whereabouts do you live?

    I work downtown and live around Yonge/Eglington-ish

  14. Epic rain as I'm typing this out haha.

    Yeah, the weather is unpredictable here but at least it doesn't rain for days like Vancouver (trying to look at the positive side of things)

    I moved for a change of scenery. Plus, the industry that I work for (Fitness) is much bigger in Toronto than Vancouver so that was my main reasons.

    But of course being closer to Boston is ...

  15. Watching HGTV makes you want to buy a place.

    1. BedBeats™2.0


      When is the housewarming?!

    2. yuz


      I didn't say I have the money to buy a place....yet lol XD

  16. Oooo, you moved to Leafs Nation.

    Why you do thaatttt!!!!

    I did that too last year. I actually love it here.

    How do you find it so far?

  17. Hey you :)

    How's life?

  18. So madly in love that even the Bruins loss doesn't even upset me. My heart is so dumb.

  19. Yeah. I really like it here in Toronto minus the NHL team.

    As a diehard hockey fan, it's so easy to do roadtrips too haha <3

  20. Just to visit.

    I love Toronto too much to leave already haha.

  21. I know!!

    Too bad we couldn't meet up in December with lovekesler and rinslet

    I think I'll be back for the summer/fall maybe? :)

  22. haha. this stupid boy. that is all.

    Yay! msg me on fb if you get to Toronto!

    lovekesler is visiting me this month :)

  23. Bruins fan broke my heart.

    Back to dating Leafs fans....ew lol

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