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Raoul Duke

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Posts posted by Raoul Duke

  1. So I just finished watching the UFC show....

    JT vs CB = Yawn

    Johnson vs Burns was one of the worst decisions in UFC history. How do you even consider giving Burns that win?

    Valesquez vs O'Brien I really enjoyed. Great control by Caine to just beat the crap outta O'Brien. Nice job.

    Frankie Edgar was sick tonight. Just outclassed Franca with ease. I'd like to see him get a nice push soon.

    Vera vs Andy was terrible. This Andy guy didn't even look like he should be there. And Vera's a chump. An overcocky, boring fighter IMO.

    ANDERRRRRRRSON SIIIIIILVA....... wow! What a move. Grabs the leg and says.... "GOOD NIGHT!!" Awesome knockout!

    My fave though, Rory Markham's knockout over Brodie Farber!! What a kick. Barber went completely stiff!!

  2. lol, nothing quite like getting your drunk-on in a nice oxygen rich casino, then walking out the door in to the dry blast furnace to make you feel wobbly :P

    On the bright side, you're back in time to watch the fights :)

    Well sorta. I gotta close tonite at work, so I have to tape it. Not only that, but I have to go from 6pm-2am without watching it OR anyone saying anything about it!

  3. So.......

    Tried to find the UFC training center in Vegas but not a single cab driver knew where it was. We went around the area of the Palms/Rio but didn't see anything that looked familiar.

    This was extremely difficult due to being extremely intoxicated and it being 40+ degrees outside.

  4. I hate to sound like a "Hey... I know that guy" guy, but I actually grew up with Denis and his brother Thomas. I was better friends with Tom but I always remember him saying how tough his brother was and all that. Good to see him doing so well.

    And yah, that'd be sick to see him in the UFC.

    Also.... I leave for the Vegas tomorrow morning. My buddy and I are gonna go look for the UFC Training Center. Wish us luck and see y'all in four days!!

  5. I definetly agree on Amir. With the right training, this guy could be awesome. He's got the right frame of mind already.

    And I'm really starting to like Bisping. I'll admit, after his garbage win over Hamill and him bragging about it after really pissed me off. But he seems to have turned a corner since then. I could see him giving Anderson problems, but that's about it. Anderson is waaaaaay too good.

  6. actually, i never post in the UFC thread and i never will again.

    LIAR!!! You said you were done!!! So why this......


    Anyways (crybaby).....

    More reasons to hate BJ Penn:

    A dream match is close

    After defeating Sean Sherk by TKO in May, lightweight champion B.J. Penn left no doubt whom he wanted to face next. That man is welterweight champion, Georges St. Pierre.

    St. Pierre beat Penn by split decision at UFC 56 in March 2006.

    Pitting two reigning champions in different weight classes against one another would be a first for the UFC. Initially reluctant, White has relented and will make the match – if one thing happens first.

    “Georges St. Pierre has to get by Jon Fitch first. Fitch is no joke,” said White, “If St. Pierre buzzsaws through Fitch then yes, we’ll do BJ vs. GSP.”

    Fitch believes he’ll break up the potential dream fight.

    “I think I match up very well with St. Pierre,” Fitch said, “A lot of people aren’t giving me credit, but I don’t care. I know what I’ll be able to do that night.”

    Should St. Pierre and Penn end up meeting, Penn will continue to defend the lightweight title while also competing as a welterweight.

    “BJ will keep the title and go to 170,” said White, “Penn also said he’ll come back down to defend the title at lightweight.”

    In the lightweight division, Roger Huerta and Kenny Florian will be fighting at UFC 87 in August in what was believed to be a number one contenders match. The winner of that fight will no longer get an immediate chance due to Penn’s insistence to fight St. Pierre.

    “BJ will not fight the winner of Huerta and Florian. He wants GSP,” said White.

    Then, tongue in cheek, White said, “Penn even wants me to pull the Fitch fight.”

    The winner of Roger/Kenny no longer is guaranteed the LW title shot because Baby Joke has to have his rematch with GSP. I can't stand this little prick. Possibly the biggest mouth in the UFC and what really sucks is, Dana will give him the fight. It's garbage. Florian and Huerta are BOTH worthy #1 contenders, but now have to wait for til after the "superfight", or as I call it.... GSP beating the living snot out of Baby Joke.

  7. definately fixed. how many takedown did griffin have? compared to rampage?

    the guy even got bloodied up

    he wasn't able to do anything standing up, besides those leg kicks

    and in the 2nd, he wasnt able to do anything on the ground either

    rampage was by far the most dangerous all fight long

    Then you must have been watching a different fight, because what you're saying is simply not true. Forrest inflicted way more damage the entire fight. He may have been dropped in the first and taken down in the fourth, but overall he won.

  8. Love the whiney Forrest hater still lingering around. Go cry somewhere else, MegaNuck... nobody here cares!!!

    And Forrest won that fight. That is the bottom line. All three judges called it. You can cry "fix" all you want. Sour grapes, baby.


    lol, hey you have to admit at least seeing lesner in there is entertaining.

    Tis true. I'd like to see him do well, but again he's matched up against someone who I think will find a way to beat him. Herring's a tough (but boring) guy. Still, GO BROCK!

    Can't wait for Roger to become the #1 contender. Kenny, you're a great guy, but on August 9.... you're a dead female dog!!

  9. A rematch is a must. That was one of the more entertaining fights of the year. And to end so close, they can't not have one.

    Totally agreed.

    I'm just so happy that he's on top now. Now we have to see who's next for him....

    - Chuck?

    - Wanderlei?

    - Thiago Silva?

    - Machida?

    Regardless, I love the direction the UFC is going now with it's chapions. Four of the five are entertaining as hell, and will put on a great show no matter what. I leave out Nogeira here, cause I think the heavyweight division is terrible.

  10. I thought round 3 and 5 were wins for Rampage, but really could have either way. I had a die hard UFC buddy of mine over for the fights, he usually calls the rounds very well, and he thought Rampage should have won that fight. And he's no Rampage fan either.

    I may have rounds 3 and 4 mixed up. I'm still so pumped from the fight so I'm not thinking right.

    But dude, round 5 was Forrest. No question. He stalked him almost that whole last round landed waaaaaay more hits (leg and fists), and just seemed to want it more and it showed.

    Gotta love Page though. What a humble guy. Still hilarious as hell even after defeat. I'd kill for a rematch!!

  11. Kay, that's just retarded calling that fight a fix.

    Forrest won, plain and simple. And two of the judges scored it EXACTLY how I did in my head while I was watching:

    Round 1: Rampage 10-9

    Round 2: Forrest 10-8

    Round 3: Forrest 10-9

    Round 4: Rampage 10-9

    Round 5: Forrest 10-9

    Total: Forrest wins 48-46.

    Honestly, MegaNuck. Tell me how the hell Rampage won that fightother than the fact that you're a complete Rampage-homer.

    Huuuuge win!! So proud of Forrest!

  12. That does suck, Franklin/Henderson would have been sick.

    Will be interesting to see how Silva does at 205, just watched Franklin/Silva 2 again and I couldn't get over how strong Silva looked when he was holding Franklin's head in the clinch. I wonder if he'll be able to manhandle a larger opponent in the same fashion.

    Yah, I was watching that on Unleashed yesterday too. Silva's just too good. Me think he's gonna mess up Irvin pretty good.

  13. Nice!!

    And good call, the henderson/Franklin fight should be a beast :) Who do you predict betwwen Roger/Kenny? I'd put my money on Roger but Kenny has some nasty nasty elbows, gonna be a good one as well.

    I'm gonna go with my boy Roger on that one. He's one tough S.O.B. Kenny's damn good too, but I thin Roger will win by TKO or decision. I am worried, just because Kenny's got some serious skills.

    Just added to UFC 88:

    Karo Parisyan vs Yoshiyuki Yoshida

    James Lee vs. Tim Boetsch

    Meh. I hate Karo, but Boetsch could be entertaining if he fights like he did against David Heath.

    And I agree with Pfize. Fedor should crush Sylvia. As long as he can get in close. Once on the ground, Sylvia's murdered.

  14. GSP vs Fitch is still going to be the best fight of the year, kills me because they are my two favorite fighters :)

    Yep, looking like this could be one of the best.

    But I'm sorry, bro. Roger/Kenny will probably steal the show for UFC 87. Or maybe even Franklin/Henderson.

    And dude, I'm already in the process of making an Amir sig!! You can wear it too when it's done.

  15. AMIR WINS AGAIN!!! Ha ha!! CB whines after he taps. You gotta love that!

    Overall, a pretty boring show. Best fight was probably Diego/Luigi or that eastman/McFedries quickie.

    And now.... only two weeks til FORREST vs RAMPAGE!!!! Go Forrest!

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