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Raoul Duke

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Posts posted by Raoul Duke

  1. Wow....

    Didn't even notice this....

    Ultimate Fight Night 14!! July 19 from The Palms in Vegas. Fight card:

    Anderson Silva vs James Irvin (Silva's bumping up to Light heavyweight fo this match, thus retaining his MW title)

    Brandon Vera vs Reese Andy (who?)

    Anthony Johnson vs Kevin Burns

    Cain Velasquez vs Jake O'Brien

    Frankie Edgar vs Hermes Franca

    Brian Garcia vs David Baron

    This was put together on short notice, basically to compete with Affliction's PPV, which has a headliner of Fedor vs Tim Sylvia (yawn). Either way, despite a bunch of no-names, this is a free show on Spike.

  2. Updated card for UFC 87: Seek and Destroy (Aug 9), which could be one of the biggets PPV's of the year:

    Welterweight Championship: George St. Pierre vs Jon Fitch

    Lightweight Bout to Determine the #1 Contender (next for BJ Penn): Kenny Florina vs Roger Huerta

    Heavyweight Bout: Brock Lesnar vs Heath Herring

    Middleweight Bout: Rich Franklin vs Dan Henderson <<<< HUGE!!!!! CANT WAIT!!

    Lightweight Bout: Mac Danzig vs Clay Guida

  3. Was beyond awesome, I actually jumped out of my chair and yelled when I saw the tap! :) I don't know if that makes me a crazy sport fan, or just a nut for getting that excited about a "reality" show :P

    I think Amir went from the underdog to the favorite. Watching CB get rocked on more than one occasion by both Amir and Tim sorta strips away some of his shine :P I can't see CB being able to consistently dominate Amir on the ground or getting him into a submission, so shy of a knockout I would definitely put my money on Amir.

    Just imagine what Amir will be like when he is a full-time fighter training with the best. Scary :blink:

    Especially since he's had a few extra months of training now. But then again, so has CB. I really wish Tim beat CB, so they coulda had two really cool guys in the final. I'm gonna be really pissed if CB somehow tries another boring donkey fight and gets a decision somehow on Saturday.

    But yah, my buddy and I were just as excited!! Did you hear Forrest hollering as if someone got murdered?? :lol: Funny stuff!! He was more excited than Amir!!

    Also, UFC 88 has now been named "Breakthrough" apparently. I'm anxious to see if Chuck can be the first to knock out Rashad.

  4. Any predictions on the fighters for the finale? I reckon if Amir can manage to take CB this week he'll take the title :P

    Personally I think he should get a contract just for his self-depreciating interviews :P

    Amir's the most entertaining fighter on TUF since Chris Leben, except for good reasons. Love his style too. But against CB, it's gonna be tough. If he can somehow get through him, I think he can beat anyone. But Jesse is pretty damn tough too, despite being an absolute moron.

    As for the finale, they couldn't get a matchup for the main event?? Tanner/Grove??? Meh. Could be okay I guess. I just remember last year's finale being soooo good (Huerta/Guida).

  5. So, I've mentioned this before in this thread but didn't really get a response....

    Anybody have any clue where the UFC Training Center is located in Las Vegas??? Apparently it's kept secret, and I've google searched EVERYTHING!! At times during the Ultimate Fighter, you'll see a guy get eliminated and as he's walking to the car to leave, you can see the Rio and the Palms hotels almost right next door to them. I've always wondered exactly where it is. I've tried Google Earth too, but can't really make out the parking lot in that area.

    Anyone? :lol: I'd love to go visit when I head back there next month.

  6. Michael Bisping beat Jason Day, a fighter who is not considered top tier, or top 10, it does not mean he now magically moves into title contention or into the top 10 MW rankings. When he fights and beats legitimate opposition, then you can start singing his praisies, but until then, he's fresh meat in the MW division. I am taking nothing away from his impressive victory, but people shouting for him to get a shot at Anderson Silva are ????ing nuts. A win over McCarthy and Day does not = a title shot. Kampmann and Leben should be on the horizon and then gate keeper Franklin. Don't look past those fights because you're putting the cart before the horse.

    Where did ever shout for him to get a title shot?? Basically what I was trying to say was at this rate, the way he looks (which is pretty much unstoppable, especially at Middleweight), he could be the one to eventually do it.

    And IMO, Bisping would kill all three of the guys you mentioned. Even Franklin.

  7. Pretty decent PPV tonight for what the card was.....

    - Alves made Hughes look reeeeeally old. He scares me. GSP's gonna have a tough time with him if they ever meet!

    - Bisping absolutely dominated Day as expected. Could he be the one to stop Anderson???

    - Marquardt was robbed. Garbage call by Herb Dean (hitting the back of the head??). I HATED how Lietes celebrated after they announced his name. Lucky ????. What a joke.

    - Swick handled Davis pretty easily I guess. Kinda saw that as a mismatch in the first place, despite Davis' 11-fight win streak.

    - And of course, with Brandon Vera we get the "Noooo... I was fine!!!" bull. When you're getting pummelled like that with no answer, what else is the ref gonna do?? Good stoppage IMO.

  8. So......

    Apparently at UFC 87 now Roger Huerta won't be facing Kenny Florian????


    Who the hell is Gary Palmer??? He's not even listed on the UFC fighter roster. Is this maybe a joke?? It doesn't say anything about Kenny being injured. Hmmm. That kinda sucks. And now it looks like they've taken Guida/Danzig off!! WTF??

    Tomorrow's PPV is a big MEH for me. Luckily, it's my buddy's stag and we're starting off at Edgewater so I don't actually have to pay for it!

  9. I have been apart of military martial arts for 3 and a half years. and believe me I have seen many MMA wannabees get cracked open. its run on emotion and rage and it is designed for a ring.

    MMA would never last on the street with multiple opponets while ypu have one guy in a guillotine the otherguys are kicking your head in. its very impractical. canada has the greatest un armed combat system in the world but instead you guys go american and stick to the very impractical MMA which is why soldiers over there are getting ripped apart by insugents who have no concept of a ring sport.

    What the hell are babbling about?? Canada has the greatest unarmed combat system in the world??? I don't even know what that means. Then you bring up insurgents?? Such a terrible argument.

    So you're saying that if these soldiers knew karate or kung-fu then we could defeat the insurgents?? :lol:

    I enjoy MMA purely as a sport they are hardend athletes and are very good at what they do but dont call MMA a fighting style because it doesnt last 10 seconds out in the street.

    I love that. "Out on the streets...." Yaaaah, where all the "real" fighting begins. :lol: WHO CARES???

  10. Because UFC consists of throwing a few punches, a few fairly basic grapples on the ground, thats really it. There is really no finesse or skill required.

    Nobody here is gonna take you seriously when you say you need no skill to be a UFC fighter.

    Also, your knowledge is amazing. You're going off about how Kimbo is kicking so much donkey in THE UFC (wtf?) and how that proves how the UFC is a complete joke compared to real martial arts. Kimbo Slice is 3-0, also NOT IN THE UFC, and probably never will be. He's beaten some nobody named Bo Cantrell, a beyond washed-up and fatass Tank Abbott, and a guy who had lost six of his previous eight fights, James Thompson. You couldn't have picked a worse example of an MMA fighter than Kimbo to prove your "theory". Especially since he fights in that bush league Elite XC.

    Again, what do you consider "real" martial arts?? You never did answer that question.

  11. UFC 84 was so good, probably my favorite event over the past few years.

    Yah, it was one of the better ones in a while. Although I wish the Wanderlei/Keith fight went much longer.

    Not very psyched at all for 85. Hughes/Alves IMO is a terrible main event. Even Bisping/Day sounds kinda meh.

    UFC 87 is gonna be the big one. GSP/Fitch, Huerta/Florian, Lesnar/Herring. Those three alone should make it on eof the more entertaing events in a long time. Huerta/Florian has the potential to be fight of the year. GO ROGER!!!

  12. Kimbo's fight wasn't the only fight that was flawed on Saturday night.

    Thumb in the eye, less than a minute or two later -> stop the fight cause he can't see. They didn't even give him his 5 minutes to recover. What BS.

    Thank got for the Faber / Pulver fight on Sunday. Faber is a beast at 145, but I don't think he could do much against UFC 155 champ BJ

    Yah, that thumb in the eye was kinda crap. But IMO, Smith acted like he was upset, even though I'm sure he was happy the fight stopped. Lawler looked PISSED!!

    Faber is a beast. Funny, cause he looks like a little pretty boy, and his name is very pretty. :lol:

  13. So apparently, there's a video out there that kinda shows just how flawed and possibly "fixed" that Kimbo fight was over the weekend. It breaks it down in detail. I just CAN'T FIND IT!!!!

    Pfize.... get to work, champ! :)

    Also, after watching Ultimate Liddell, I've finally become a fan of him. He's too nice a guy to not like.

  14. CBS Kimbo fight - worst called fight I've ever seen.

    Kimbo getting pounded on the ground for over one minute and no call but a few head shots in the next round and it's called?

    Kimbo is the worst fighter in mma right now, who has be beat? A washed up Tank?

    I hope the UFC signs him so he can get his assed kicked big time. POS

    Soooooo true.

    Thompson was just wailing on Kimbo when he had him down against the cage. Any good ref would've for sure stopped that fight then and there. He was doing absolutely nothing to protect himself. Then like you said, he hit him on his cauli-ear and Maragliota stepped in. I thought he was checking the cut, but then I thought to myself quickly, why the hell would he be checking an ear cut??? Absolutely terrible ending.

    The Smith/Lawler fight was great until that brutal call too (stopped due to an unintentional eye-gouge???).

    Really, the presentation itself was very bush league. Horrible commentators. Frank Shamrock sounded like a retard. All around, it reminded me of WCW competeing with WWE.

    Who cares about who beat who, who's drunk, who's a ????ty UFC fighter, who's not, who's single point IQ is lower, etc.


    Where the hell did that come from?? :huh:

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