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Everything posted by Monty

  1. I have to agree, and totally forgot to put that in my review of Django. The whole last 30 minutes seemed incredibly out of place when compared to the rest of the movie, and it all started with Christoph Waltz's character. So I don't spoil it, but it all started with the last decision he made. Completely out of character for him to make that decision, based on how calculated and careful he was for the whole film.It's not that the gun fight was not entertaining, I just think that the film would have been infinitely better if it were handled differently.
  2. That's with Cruise and Freeman, right? I might just be the only person in the world that doesn't like Morgan Freeman.
  3. The Awakening - 3/10 Takes a lot to make a good supernatural/horror movie nowadays. Being original is so tough for that genre, that I feel as though if people don't get it right, they really get it wrong. I appreciate what the writers were going for, but it just wasn't very interesting and there were no scares at all. Rebecca Hall started out fine, but then got quite bad as the movie dragged on. Avoid. Django Unchained - 7/10 Not really sure what to add that people haven't already said. I do like the idea, somewhat (but not really) similar idea that Tarantino had with Inglorious Basterds. Jamie Foxx was really good, and I really can't stand him usually. Christoph Waltz ok, but as others have said, incredibly similar character to his in Basterds (at least, the way he presented himself). The standout character for me was Sam Jackson. Was expecting his character to be a minor role, like in the last few Tarantino films. However, he really was prominant here, and absolutely stole all the scenes that he was in.
  4. The Last Starfighter - 6.5/10 I remember enjoying this a lot more when I was a kid. Bought it on Blu-Ray for $8, thought it would be nice in my collection. Positives: Still quite funny after all these years. The dialogue between "beta" Alex and his girlfriend and brother are quite funny. Negatives: The FX are very dated and the story is quite ridiculous, as most 80s movies are: Guy lives in a trailer park, sets the top record on the Starfighter arcade game in the park, gets recruited by aliens to fight alongside the Startfighters (arcade game was part of an advanced recruiting project). Actually, going through the plotline, this should really be a positive.
  5. The Grey - 3.5/10 Didn't really enjoy any part of it, to be honest. I like Liam Neeson, but I didn't really think this film needed to be made. Now obviously one could argue that most films do not need to be made, which is a fair point. It's not that the movie is poorly made, it's just not an interesting story. Plane crash, death, wolves, more death. Reason why I gave it a 3.5 and not a 1 is because it ended the way it should have ended.
  6. I knew that was coming.Difference is I get something special watching those crapfest movies with her.
  7. So my wife doesn't like horror movies, not a big deal to me.
  8. Haven't bought a new album in an awful long time. However, I'm getting really excited for Daft Punk's new material in May.
  9. Fail on your part for bringing your girlfriend to Evil Dead. After 9 years of marriage, I know better than to watch things like that with my wife. Back in 2007, we took a road trip to Minneapolis (from Winnipeg) and watched 28 Weeks Later the night we got there. My wife still brings this up as the worst decision I have made. Yet, she drags me to Twilight films and I can't (but do) say a peep.
  10. Finished Bioshock Infinite on the weekend. I'd give it a 6.5/10. Nothing I haven't played before, wouldn't play it again either. I bought ICO/Shadow of Collossus last week, so slowly going through Shadow while fitting in a game or two NHL 13. Really into my BAP on NHL 13 actually. I never really played the mode throughout the years, but I've played through a few seasons as a goaltender now. Got drafted 14th overall by the Lightening after playing a whole season on Rimouski. Made the Lightening roster my first season as a 72 overall and cemented myself as the #1 (went out in the second round of the playoffs). I then won all 4 pre-season games the following season and didn't make the Lightening that year (WTF?). Sent back down to Rimouski and tore up the league. Playing on the Lightening this year and am currently rated 85 overall. However, once my goaltender either gets out of his ELC or is seen as the teams best asset, I'm requesting a trade. I was not happy or impressed with making the team my first year and not the second.
  11. The Raven - 3/10 An all around bad film. I like John Cusack a lot, but to be honest, there's a reason he isn't cast that often. To be fair though, this was a poorly written film, with only Brendan Gleeson able to make something out of nothing. One of those times where the a film looks good on paper, but is just translated poorly on screen. Different script and actors would have probably turned this into an interesting murder/mystery. All in all, wooden acting and a terrible script make this a film worth skipping.
  12. If this was 10 years ago, I'd be right with you. However, work, married life, and having season tickets to the Jets takes up a lot of time. After that, having US Netflix really helps out a lot for tv watching. There are still loads of shows/films I still haven't watched. My brother loaned The Wire to me about 5 months ago, only watched 2 episodes so far. Sons of Anarchy is in our queue on Netflix, probably won't get to it until late summer. It just never ends really. So as much as I'd like to watch GoT right now, there is a lot to keep me occupied until it comes out to buy next year.
  13. Warrior - 6/10 Worth watching? I guess. If you like MMA you will probably like it a little more than I did. Tom Hardy did very well with very little (as in lines). I really don't know many actors that are both terrific with a lot of speaking in their roles and with little to no speaking in their roles. Hardy proved his acting chops in Bronson, while here, he really shows that he can say a lot without saying much at all. Aside from Daniel Day-Lewis, I really do not know any other actor that is actually terrific in non speaking roles.
  14. I'm always a season behind on GoT. We don't have HBO and always wait until it's released on Blu-Ray to watch them. Next year March for me.
  15. Honestly, I don't remember any lines in the movie. Like majority of action movies, it's just plain retarded. And while I like Aaron Eckhart, he had little to work with in his role. Eckhart: The United States does not negotiate with terrorists. Bad guy from first Fast and the Furious film: (holds knife to someones throat) Eckhart: Oh alright, here's the code you want. Seriously, it's really bad.
  16. Olympus Has Fallen - 3/10 Same as every other action movie ever released. Decent action, but forgettable. Battle Royale - 6.5/10 Finally got around to watching it. Disturbing, yet very well done. The ending was fairly weak, which knocked it down a few points. But overall, pretty good. How to Steal a Million - 8/10 Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. Hepburn's father re-creates (forges) classic art (sculptures, paintings) and then sells then at autions as originals (or so the public thinks). As one of his sculptures will soon be found out as a forgery (currently on display at a museum awaiting to be insured), Hepburn enlists O'Toole (a thief) to help her steal the sculpture back before it is assessed by the insurer. Very fun film. And while Hepburn is as solid as always, the real star is O'Toole.
  17. Argo - 8.5/10 Exactly the type of film I was expecting. Well shot, acted, and written. After The Town, I only expect great movies from director Ben Affleck. Worth watching, especially to see yet another great performance by Alan Arkin. The Hobbit - 9/10 I liked it even better this time around then when I first watched it in theaters. It may be because I watched it on Blu-Ray with 24fps, or because I knew going in what to expect. But as an interpretation of The Hobbit, it is a terrific film.
  18. Everyone is allowed to have their opinion. Not saying your wrong, not saying your right. In this instance, you are in the minority about your feelings towards GoT.
  19. Brick - 9.5/10 After several weeks of watching nothing but Star Trek TNG and Star Trek Enterprise on Netflix, my wife and I have been going on a movie rampage. All I have to say about Brick is, "Wow." The best description I can give of Brick is that it is like a private investigator story, set in modern day with high schoolers. After watching all of Rian Johnson's films, I can say in all honesty that Brick is the best one. I'm not going to give anything anyway, as it would be a shame for you to not watch a film that I would now put in my top 10 films of all time. Shame on me for thinking that Joseph Gordon-Levitts first good performance was in The Lookout. Brick is a superb film with absolutely fantastic writing. A must see.
  20. Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - 4/10 What a disappointment this was. I'm not in the film biznatch, but if I were, I would wait until the very end (or never in this movies case) to reveal what the "monsters" looked like. Not only do you see them quickly into the film, but they don't look entirely frightening, even to a child. Points for the film go towards Guy Pearce. He was recently in Lockout, which was also forgettable, but only watchable because he was in it. He wasn't particularly strong here, but it was nice to see him. Also, as much as people don't like Katie Holmes, she did a fine job. Didn't seem out of place at all, to be honest. As for the child actress, she was good too. In all, the acting was fine, but the stript wasn't terrific and the "monsters" were not scary at all.
  21. Safety Not Guaranteed - 7/10 If you don't have a lot of time to kill and want to be entertained, Safety Not Guaranteed is the perfect film to watch in a pinch. Less than an hour and a half long, the story follows Aubrey Plaza, an intern who goes to a small town in Washington to track down and write a stroy about a man who placed an ad regarding time travel. I have to say, as much as I cannot stand Aubrey Plaza's same old character, she was actually enjoyable and not the same character she plays in Parks & Rec/Funny People. Definitely off-beat, this may not be for everyone. But it's a cute, funny, little rom-com.
  22. Sorry, I had to bump this 1995 GoT trailer. I cannot stop thinking about how incredibly awesome this is.
  23. Just bought Unchartered 3. Pretty fun so far. Can't see myself finishing it anytime soon though.
  24. The Lincoln Lawyer - 6.5/10 Actually enjoyable. The only thing I knew about the film before going in was that it starred Matthew "six-pack" McConaughey. It was nice to see William H. Macy, Bryan Cranston, John Leguizamo, Ryan Phillippe, Marisa Tomei, and Josh Lucas show up. Although my wife and I predicted the ending, it was still a good watch.
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