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Status Updates posted by Regnecek

  1. YAY! It's going to be awesome.

  2. Haha, but I'm proud of you for sticking with the job. :) Dont forget to save for BSB!

  3. I'm alright. School is crazy, but almost done.

    Ugh, BSB best come out there. So far I checked their site and they have dates in the states, Japan and Australia, they HAVE to come here!

    How are you?

  4. I can talk this weekend!!!!! How about you?

  5. *sigh* Do we know if BSB is coming out here for the tour yet?

    P.S. hi, how's life?

  6. I miss you more :(

    When's your last day of classes/exams?

  7. Only a few more weeks until we get to yap like we've never YAPPED before! I can't wait. I think it's coming up on 2 and half weeks since we last talked! *gasp* :(

    YES KRAJICEK'S GOAL WAS AMAZING! He's a superstar ♥

  8. Now we can't convert him to a BSB fan. I bet he knew what was coming and ran away before we could execute.

  9. Hi! It's been forever since we talked! I can't wait until the semester is over...then pillie, levin, and fohlie! I hope you're doing well.

  10. No CDC chats for us...I blame meself! Xmas break, it's SOOOOO on :P

  11. I'm leaving you a comment because you can't leave me any...HI :)

  12. Great hat trick!

    Ugh, I'll be busy, but thinking of you <3

  13. Haha his reaction was GREAT. I have a feeling he'll scorea few more this season. LUKAS CAME BACK, LUKAS CAME BACK!


  14. So, I saw Ocean's Eleven today, FINALLY. Good movie. VERY good movie ;)

  15. How great was Pillie's goal. UGH PERFECTION :D

  16. You forgot the f in Fohlie btw.

    He shouldnt' have got 4 games. 1 or 2 at most. Koivu should have got some for his flying eblow. And Gaborik too for his hit on kesler. League blows. BIG. TIME.

  17. oh oh about the zipping of pics, I can't seem to get that done, I"ll have to send you individual ones. *sigh*

  18. Indeed! He'd appreciate the attention.

  19. Haha, you'd have overhead cams from every angle. We wouldn't miss a beat! AND THAT'S THE PLAN! :d

  20. LMAO. And what a pic it would be. PERFECTION. From all different angles!

  21. *dies dies dies*

    Stupid non birds eye view!

  22. *giggles like a girl at a BSB concert* It was GLORIOUS!

    Next in line...me, you, and Pillie!

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