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Status Updates posted by Regnecek

  1. nice sig. jumpin on his bandwagon now? lol

  2. Badass indeed! Very much like our new friend! haha.

    Thanks, g'nite, get some rest!

  3. Haha, not much. I'm not feeling well. I think Imma go rest. I'll ttyl :D

    OMG WE TOTALLY KNOW HIM lol [kinda] lol

  4. lmao, ok fine! I secretly wished that 1 new message was from Jarkko, but it turned out to be from this guy Matt LOL.

  5. *sigh*

    you is way up there too :)

  6. shhh dont tell no one, it's our secret lol.

    I wonder if it's a poser though? Adding other ppl posing as players? lol

  7. lol you forgot me!



  8. lol wow, I just saw the temp ban msg you put up there like 2 weeks ago. lol a lil slow am I?

  9. I sent it, let me know what you think.

  10. So i accepted the request. It looks real to me..a lot of stuff in Finnish all over the page. Maybe it's just another fan. But why request our page? YOU EVEN SPELLED HIS NAME WRONG lol

  11. lol admit it, you love levin more.

  12. Oh I have an idea! About as half as excited as I would be lol

  13. ok ok i'm going! lol

  14. I dunno! Should I accept the request?

  15. shhhhhh he owns. He has a few good lines in "I want it that way"

    P.S. I logged into our facebook account. Jarkko RUUTU requested us as friends lol.

  16. YAY! I can't wait. I think Ibby will be happy to know he has a fan! pssssst, snap a few of Coach V if you can..because he is PIMPIN'!

  17. omg! I Love that episode! When they all sip the pop or whatever lol. Howie's reaction was OVERACTING..Brian? Nick? *passes out*

  18. HAVE FUN. You better tell Pillie, Ibby, and Edler that I said hi <3

  19. UGH. OWCH.

    Its okay. You're a warrior. I mean why else would you listen to BSB? *snickers*

  20. I'm sick and busy :( and tired lol

  21. Definitely. Ugh, now another long stretch in between games *siggggggh*

  22. What a game yesterday! They nucks are baaaaaaaaaack :D

  23. *sigh*

    Did you hear anything about AJ's solo album? I like the sound of his voice, I wouldn't mind giving it a listen.

  24. TRU DAT! Here come all the bandwagoners..EW.

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