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Status Updates posted by Regnecek

  1. *sigh* I have more unreleased stuff. I'll share it later...Imma go chill now. G'nite :)

  2. Imma put on and Ohlie jersey and wave goodbye :D [if I can leave without a word lol]

  3. Incorrect. No serenading until you admit Ohlund is the man.

  4. cuz you're obviously not thinking right? If you dont' like Ohlund, we can't be friends! OHLUND IS THE MAN.

  5. We're through!!!!!!!! How can you NOT like Ohlund? He's a f*ckin' WARRIOR.

  6. OMG STILL WRONG? I need lessons!

    LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO I just laughed for a good 10 minutes at their beards making it worse. LMAO best comment EVER! jk but seriously. [did i do it?]

  7. THEY DID IT! And to the Avalanche! UGH TAKE THAT!

  8. You suck! You can't NOT like them. They are AMAZING. So, they're a bit lazy? Let it slide lol.

    P.S. MATT COOKE SUCKS. JK, no seriously [did I do it right? :(]

  9. We're no longer friends. Dont' like the Sedins anymore? What's WRONG with you.

  10. I've only listened to the CD once. I need to a few more times before you get any lyrics..lol "Every time I close my eyes, I'm alive?"


    woooooooo GREAT GAME! =D

  11. You can say that AGAIN. and AGAIN :P

  12. I saw a comedy with friend yesterday. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile =D

  13. We are BADASS, we'll be fine.

  14. We'll be fine. Have a lil faith. Ugh, that CD is LOVE ♥

  15. Yeah, it's only a matter of time. A lot of hockey let to play. We'll be okay.

  16. Last night ppl were saying it was his achilees heel not the calf muscle...so I went to bed thinking his career was over. I'll take 6-8 weeks! Maybe we'll talk later tonight :)

  17. Good afternoon. Some more info on Bieksa, apparently it's his calf muscle now? 6-8 weeks?

  18. Say goodnite again...25 times wasn't enough lol

  19. lmao. HOMER = BADASS.

    go go go


    NITE! [50th time?]

  20. I know I was kiddin' too. And I dont' butcher it on purpose I swear.


  21. FINE I'LL STOP USING IT! geeeeeeeeeez I was just trying to have some fun. You do know that tonight was HORRIBLE right? jerk! :( *kick*

    Yeah Mo was great. Van fans can be STUPID.

  22. LOL your dorkiness always makes me laugh. JK, no seriously [sTOLEN]

    G'nite, sleep well. TTYL. [we shall try and convince ourselves this night didnt' happen tomorrow!]

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