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Status Updates posted by Regnecek

  1. Tonight's the big night..I shall see you later :)

    P.S. somebody just met Lukas, but I"m not going to say who *diesssssss*

  2. Haha, you rock me socks <3

  3. LMAO. "Jarkko Canuc is a FAN!" lol.

    Ugh, I have to go read now. Wanna talk tomorrow night?

  4. Aww, okay!

    How are you? Did you tell Ibby he has A fan? lol

  5. YAY. Come visit if you can ;) I'm on lol

  6. Even though there were no goals, that was one HECK of a game! Back and forth the entire thing! RAWR.

    Haha, Mitchell is badass. the end.

  7. LMAO.

    I'm going to bed. If I can fall asleep.

    Hopefully you'll stop your jackass-isms and save some for tomorrow to prevent bannage lol


  8. stop being a jackass then lol

    tell me why ain't nothing but a heartache?

  9. lol read a book if you're bored! I think it's your goal to be banned. You're going to achieve it SOON.

  10. Um, your posts are seriously MORONIC. Are you on crack? lol


  12. zomg what did you do now?

  13. Did you really send him a msg! OMG.


    lmaoooooooooooI laughed at "lest we forget our plan" for like 3 days...LMAO.

    He doesn't stand a chance. We'll have him singing "Unmistakable" in no time =P

  15. Wishin' you lots of fun on Wednesday, we'll talk on the weekend :) STORY TIME!

  16. YEP.

    Dont forget our plan to convert our new Finnish friend to a BSB fan. *snickers*

    buhbye, g'nite.

  17. ew gross. I'm going to rest. *sigh* Headache :(

    Hopefully you'll get to see some Canuck hockey this week :)

  18. lol *points and laughs*


  19. lol I guess. I'll be happy to watch the games after my exam is finished! RAWR!

  20. you shut up yer face.

    I will like to sleeeep.

    I wanna see that new vamp movie. 30 days of night :)

  21. lmao be quiet! i'm tryna get my work done but i'm just in pain lol

  22. a cold, duh lol

  23. lol, it's okay. You're reppin the best player in the league. YEAH THERE I SAID IT.

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