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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

    AMC now up only 9% after CEO also indicates company is massively overvalued and will sell stock directly to retail.



    Make that -9%. ......  It's over.

    Jimmy Fallon Hello GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


    And just like the AMC is green again FML.


    Portfolio.... red red red red red red red oh hey blackberry red red red.

  2. 9 hours ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    Couldn't have happened to a better person.   Embedded in the article are a number of his greatest COVID-19 hits.  





    Anti-Vax COVID-19 Conspiracy Theorist Rick Wiles Hospitalized With COVID-19

    Sounds like a lovely man after reading that article.... Guess god may have sent the death angel after him!

    • Cheers 2
  3. 11 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

    Beyond Meat is getting pumped beyond belief, I threw 10k into couple of days ago.

    Hopefully it pays off!

    Nice!  That'll be nice going into the weekend.  Might have to start watching the market more now, been pretty iffy lately with all the red days but this whole week has looked a little nicer.

  4. 6 hours ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

    BC Restart Plan




    Pretty happy with this.  Hopefully we can stay the course and get full open in September and get life back to as normal as possible.  Got to say I am surprised for indoor sports opening so quick here, thought that would have been July atleast.  Glad my outdoor sports will be back up and running though.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

    Brilliant, a good friend of mine from Calgary is vacationing in Osoyoos next week. We were planning on meeting up with him there but now we can’t go but he still can, oh well, at least he can visit us here later.


    They’re trapping 90% of BCs population in a fraction of a percentage of the area, all the people that normally get away for weekends will now be cramming into all the busy spots those that usually don’t travel go to such as beaches and lakes. 

    I know lots of people who wanted to go camping to remote areas around the province that they normally go to but cancelled becaue they know they have to drive through the road blocks.  So glad out of provincers get free reign though... 

  6. 8 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    there's not much we can do about Biden tho. All I'm saying is maybe its prudent to wait for 1 week after a long weekend to re-open things. We know these long weekends lead to spikes, so wouldn't it make sense to wait a few days?

    I thought you mean like for an extended period like months more.  My bad. 

    • Vintage 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    I feel for the small businesses, but instead of re-opening too soon I'd rather help them with more financial assistance. 

    Issue though Jimmy is the long term effects.  I was just reading how Biden may sign a bill that allows US cruise ships to bypass Vancouver and go straight to Alaska from a century old bill.  Theres some talk they may make it permanent too and apparently that tourism accounts for billions in revenue.  Its easy to say give financial assistance but if this bill goes through that tourism is gonna take a massive long term effect as ports will be bypassed. All those tourism buisness will be destroyed financially. 

  8. 5 hours ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:



    It is looking like approval for children as young as around 4 will get approval late this year or early next year.  By then, participants in the phased trials last year would have been fully vaccinated for a full year and many of the early 12 to 15 year old children will have been fully vaccinated.  That should provide a wealth of data when it comes to approving vaccinations for younger children.  Hardly something a rushed job, experimental vaccine would look like.


    EDIT:  just providing some info.  Not being critical of your position.  Vaccines for your children probably won't be available until next year.




    Fauci Says He Expects Vaccines For Younger Children By End Of Year Or Early 2022

    Like I am fine getting it for myself, I have no issues with that.  I know my brother in law got the AZ and was basically knocked out for 3 days because it hit him so hard, even one guy at work got Pfizer and was out for a whole weekend he was saying so I have no interest in putting my young children through that feeling until things are down pat show safe for their ages.  I am fine waiting until next spring/summer if it means more long term tests are done on other children to prove its safe for such young kids.



    39 minutes ago, HKSR said:

    I've got a 3yo and 1yo too... the 1yo is nursing, so our hope is she is getting some antibodies from my wife (who has had her vaccination)... the 3yo is also drinking pumped milk.  There have been studies done already where antibodies have been shown to be present in breast milk upto 80 days after the mother received the vaccine. 




    I have heard that about other stuff in the past, glad to see there may be some going into my baby but not directly as a shot.  Hopefully it actually happens and they can work on getting their immune system built up in the mean time via the milk.

    • Cheers 1
  9. 3 hours ago, stawns said:

    So how do we get schools back to normal if kids don't get vaccinated?  Grade 6 immunizations are going on in my school today, what's the difference?

    My kids 3 and 1. Going to wait for more info well before I would consider vaccinating them when the time comes.


    And I said "any time soon" not "never" so way to twist my words. 

    • Vintage 1
  10. 6 hours ago, King Heffy said:

    I think a vaccine passport is a reasonable requirement for entry here.

    Do you think we should have vaccine passports to go to other countries then? Or other provinces?


    I think it was Horgan (maybe another premier though) who supported vaccine passports but only for foreigners and didn't feel Canadians should get them.  I was like "little bit of a double standard there bud"


    PS: I do somewhat support the idea of vaccine passports being someone who will be vaccinated myself.  But I am not giving my kids the shot any time soon.

  11. On 5/15/2021 at 12:31 PM, Violator said:

    Saw a story of a condo on Vancouver Island going for nearly one million over asking.


    Seems pretty fishy 



    "The condominium townhome on a dead-end street was priced at $1.4 million, but sold at nearly $2.4 million, the listing agent, who did not want to be named, told the island’s CHEK News. The buyer was not disclosed, nor were photos available of the property."


    Good thing the feds are propsing that 1% foreign buyers tax... that'll really make this go for only 990k over instead of 1 mill over....

  12. 16 minutes ago, gurn said:

    Please provide a list of all improperly jailed Canadians in China, that the Conservatives talked the Chinese into releasing, while they were in power in Canada.

    Cons aren't any better. But they aren't in power right now so the can't really do anything other than condem them. China just has the world by the balls was my point, everyone bends over backwards for the garbage CCP regime. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Cheers 1
  13. 50 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    I think you need to do some homework 

    Ah just read there's like 100 in jail there. Well I guess that's what happens when you go to communist countries like China, they don't give 2 craps about where your from and will flex their muscles. Not a surprise liberals haven't gotten them out yet they like to appease China to much. Chinese citizens are amazing but their government is a POS. 


    I don't keep up with world politics much and what's going on. 

    • RoughGame 1
  14. 14 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

    I said the main income is the drug trade.


    There is no reason they should be able to sell drugs cheaper than a good government system. thye would also be regulated and clean so we would have way less health issues and death.

    That said the prices of legal weed is stupid. Makes me feel they are in cahoots with the underground trade in some way. 

    Confused Gary Coleman GIF


    I still don't get why drug dealers put stuff like fentynal in their stuff, why would they risk killing off their clients?  Seems like bad buisness practice

  15. 6 hours ago, drummer4now said:

    This right here sums what I mean by uneducated and/or ignorant.. 


    You essentially exposed yourself with this one. 

    If you don't care about this incident then why comment in this thread? just to bash religion I see. 


    So I assume you're one of those people assume nothing will happen after your life? just dirt and nothing. Good luck buddy. 


    I am sure all the billions of people in the world who adhere to religion are all idiots right? and just the minority of atheists and a like are the smart ones. 

    You missed my point.  You're saying athiests are uneducated because we don't believe in an afterlife or god or allah or anything like that. Just because we don't believe in something doesn't make us any different, we just think theres nothing out there or in the afterlife.  


    I have no issue with religion.  80% of my friends are either Christians or Muslim and many of them are very hard into religion (pray before every meal, can't miss church on weekends, etc.).  I have no issue, I think its great that they think theres an afterlife, or that theirs a god that they believe can help change their life by praying.  I have no issue at all, never have.  I don't believe a "god" created the world, I believe in evolution of humans while may of them believe god created earth, created people, etc. 


    When I die, you know what there is no afterlife in my view.  I will get burned to ash or tossed in a hole and composted down and thats where I will chill for all enternity.  I don't believe in souls going to heaven or hell, don't believe you get re-incarnated, or anything like that.  But you know what, if you believe in stuff like that, all the power to you, I just think its weird to pray to god, believe he's the all mighty, etc.


    I grew up Christian, going to church, learning about jesus, god and the bible.  It just made no sense to me, there was nothing there to make me believe that there was a higher power and I needed to dedicate my life to him and serve him when I died.  I simply gave it up, my parents are still Christian, and my mom sure believes shes going to heaven, and thats great for her, but its just not for me or my family. 



    2 hours ago, drummer4now said:

    I rather not sorry. 

    He is most likely correct about the physical body of life, but not what most religion teaches and that being the soul of an individual. 

    Whether you believe in heaven or hell, reincarnation etc.. it has to have some sort of truth to it if it has been spoken about for centuries across various cultures and religions.

    All things in the world have a creator so it makes sense to believe that such is the case in life at least IMO.

    I tend to take some of the hardcore scientific figures in society with a grain of salt because of a lot of their knowledge is just theories like Big Bang. 

    The nice thing is all things expire eventually and we find out the answers once it is all said and done.


    So I guess no need to waste time arguing about something like this and just live life. 

    Unfortunately we will never be able to come back and say what happens to prove it.  Maybe you're completely right about your soul going up to your creator (whatever religion you are with and whatever the path of your soul after).  I just don't believe anything is going to happen to my body or soul when I die, but your right, when we both die, we will see what happens to our souls post death. Maybe you're right, maybe I am right.  And like I have said, I hope you're soul goes where you want it to.



    Now back on subject, I bet we can both agree, it would be nice if these 2 groups would stop killing each other and figure something out so innocent people could stop being killed.

  16. 23 hours ago, drummer4now said:

    I was using that as an example of the posters logic and refusal to read the facts.. instead of using the same narrative we hear all the time. 

    Religion this religion that.. 


    My experience with anti-religious people is they are usually very uneducated or just plain ignorant.

    I guess living in small towns doesn't help either.  


    I don't have an issue if you are not religious as no one is forcing anyone to believe in the western world but at least have the respect for it. 


    I have studied this in University a place of knowledge and come to learn some facts also hearing first hand accounts with people that live there. 

    So because some people don't believe in some guy who claimed he was God's son, died, allegedly came back alive and died again and we don't worship some magical being in the sky who supposibly listens to prayers that means we are uneducated or ignorant?  What if we just think all religion is hocus pocus cult mentality. To each their own, people can worship and believe anything they want, I don't see why people who don't believe in praying to an intimate object in the sky makes them less educated when you literally have people praying to the sky that are more educated?


    Religion has constantly been a reason people start wars. Was all throughout history. One religion felt they were superior to the other and wanted to conquer each other. 


    I don't know this specific incident between isreal and Palestinian partially because I don't really give a crap. I wish people would just give up and stop killing each other for no good reason but some reason these people are so hell bent on destroying each other is absolutely stupid. I'm amazed the rest of the world hasn't stepped in and smacked them silly and told them up go back to their own countries and stop killing innocent people just trying to live their lives in peace. 

    • RoughGame 1
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