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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. hahahaha, yeah thats one of my favorite parts too. :D :D

    but thats the part when the two missiles are transformed into a sperm whale, and a flower pot. the flower pot at the end says "Oh no, not again!" :P

  2. (you need to rent it and watch right away! no jokes)

  3. hitch hikers guide to the galaxy!! geez, how can you not know?? shame... :o

  4. lol ok, well maybe i'll see it. i kinda want to see hotrod though, so i think bourne will have to wait till the next time. :)

  5. thats perfectly fine, she's all yours bud. :)

  6. that wasn't nice. :(

  7. whoa, your a girl? i never knew that....crazy. guess i should actually say hi or something. hi :P

  8. oh, and ok, i'll say yes then. "yes"

  9. lol, maybe it's a good thing, but their pretty funny though. :P

    wow, i got ten minutes and a second laugh! i feel special. :D :P

  10. hummm.......i dunno, can she? i'd hazard a yes, but i think most people would usual;ly like to know the reason. :P

  11. well, i was refering to ruutu, but now that you mention it, i dont understand the laughing hysterically for ten minutes thing. like, was it really that funny? :P

  12. lol, yeah i know, he's a bit of a strange one....have you seen his posts?

  13. cleaning up, so your parents dont know? :P hahah

  14. geez man, partying while your parents are away, thats baaaaad. ::P

  15. (recommended amount of sleep, by the way. :P)

  16. good, hopefully you'll get a good 7-9 hours of sleep then.

  17. still though, get some sleep. you know, sleep deprivation is not good for you. in fact, if you stay up all night, all day, for aprox. ten days, you'll die. so yeah, be careful ruutu

  18. yuck man! i dont want your moley cells on my profile!

  19. whoa! thats late

  20. i know! it's awesome. luckily the guy when he bid didn't leave a lot of buffer room just in case. my bid was almost double that :P

  21. I'm so happy, I got a black canucks skate jersey off ebay for only 56 bucks! :D (plus shipping, but thats only 10 bucks :D)

  22. he did! the sneaky guy...pretty good for a skin anomaly...

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