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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. so, how are you today?

  2. but yeah, whitenoise is dying out...especially with some of the higher profile members leaving, aka shambelle

  3. lol, i was meaning how would you start a new era of whitenoise. it kinda seemed likeyou were suggesting that i start a new era of whitenoise or something :P

  4. thanks! i rather like it. a lot. :) lol but yeah, thanks

  5. how do you mean to bring that about, may i ask?

  6. lol, yeah that would be cool! but it'll be abused, thats the thing. just like the trashtalk forum was. :P lol.

  7. yep. and I GOT THE SKATE JERSEY TODAY!!! Boy, does it look great!!! :D :D i'll email pics to both of you

  8. for sure! dont they have a whitenoise forum though?

    we could make it so only the best posters are able to go into whitenoise, and not just everyone....

  9. ah ok. yeah, with my old stick my slapshot sucked, but thats because i wasn't doing it right, and because with the new stick i have a better blade/better flex for my size.

  10. yep. do you have a good shot?

  11. hahaha, yeah me too! i think he did, but i dont know for sure. :P and yeah, i dunno, i understand why they dont have one because it's so complicated, but still, it would be nice....

  12. i mean consistancy i guess, i can get a good hard shot off more than i used to. but yeah, probably a little bit harder, though i have to practice accuracy :P (well, for my slapshots anyways)

  13. haha, i know! especially since some people were really wondering what happened with MIB :D

    oh well. it had a good run. (we really need a whitenoise section)

  14. they deleted your threads!!! :( :(

  15. yeah, well i was in one that i'm supposed to hand in, but i cant because i'm so busy (probably moving, so i have to constantly be cleaning, or be out, or do all sorts of crap) but yeah, when people dont hand in stuff it's annoying. i feel bad for doing it this time. :(

    as for what to make a sig on, try some sort of movie that you really like, or maybe an actor. :)

  16. so, basically all you said was HA, right q? :P (darn, thought it was funnier than that)

    and lol bilal :P

  17. i'm living. :P very tired lol

  18. i know, it's been a long time....it was very fun. :) and i think i'm getting a better shot, so thats good. but yeah, that would be very fun ruutu, if i wasn't planning on moving, i might have done that here with a few people i know....ah well.

  19. *bursts in Kramer style* "Pigman baby, Pigman!!"

  20. thats good, i guess. at least it's some sleep. and i'm good, played ice hockey for a couple hours, but we have another person coming to look at our house tonight, and maybe another tomorrow.....so, lots of cleaning, yay....

  21. haha, yeah, i guess... :P

    and i TOLD you ruutu, watch it!! geez man.. :P

  22. so, how are you today?

  23. lol, no there isn't, but there should be. :(

  24. yep, thats my favorite part. well, actually when the sperm whale is questioning it's experience, and then starts naming stuff while falling out of the sky is my favorite part. lol :P

  25. holy crap! you've got more posts than me, and you've only been around for 4 months.... O.O

    sorry, got carried away. hows things bilal?

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