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Everything posted by taxi

  1. The issue with attempting to use interest rates to cool the housing market, is that interest rate changes in Canada don't have a major affect on foreign investment. It also doesn't deal with the generational issue of baby boomers having lots of capital and younger generations not having any. In fact, it can make it worse, as raising interest rates raises the value of already existing capital.
  2. Developers will continue to build only luxury units as long as our archaic zoning laws permit them to profit from that. The zoning laws prevent mass scale development, which insures that supply never reaches demand and that both housing and land is always ultra-expensive. It maximizes return for the select developers who have the sway to get the building permits. Their units are "luxury" and sold at a premium. It also has the added benefit of keeping competing developers out of the market, as the cost of land is too high for any developers but the already established ones.
  3. Seems like it'd be a pretty easy workaround. All you need is a proxy who is "living or working" in Vancouver. I foresee a lot of students buying multiple high end properties downtown. Edit: The provincial government needs to close the loophole, which doesn't apply the foreign buyers tax to assignments of pre-sales. The unions and developers won't like that, so the NDP won't do it.
  4. Lol. No the right wing parties in Europe are far more extreme than anything in North America. The AfD isn't just extreme at it's more extreme elements. The party leaders themselves go on about the "father land".
  5. It's baffling that pre-sales are exempted from the 15% foreign buyer's tax. Makes no sense whatsoever.
  6. People realize that Merkel is running a center right party right? Even if she wins by a significant margin, this could still signal a significant shift to the right. If the main party is centre right and the rivals consist of far right parties, that makes for a fairly conservative parliament overall.
  7. I have no idea how the government measure inflation. Everything is clearly more expensive than it was 5 years ago, yet our inflation is almost non-existent.
  8. Even if you were to run for 1/2 hour a day, it'd be pretty substantial. You could do 5-6 km/ day. Everyone has time for some kind of exercise.
  9. I'd agree. If anything I'd say the squat is high, and he needs to increase the ratio of both his bench and deadlift to squat. Everyone is different though.
  10. Why do you need to be 160 lbs? If I were you I'd stop worrying about weight loss and start exercising.
  11. You can't really measure weight loss accurately week to week. Too many variables like bloating, water weight, hydration, etc... How tall are you?
  12. UGGHHH...how are housing starts still down. We have a massive shortage of condos, which is propelling our market up.
  13. The city needs people to buy investment properties so that there are properties available to rent. It's when ultra rich foreigners start buying the properties, and their price becomes detached from local wages, that a problem arises. Having empty properties is a major issue as well. The vast majority of locals who buy properties will rent them out, as they require the rental income. That's not true for the people just parking foreign money.
  14. The Canadian dollar is surging too...this could have an added effect of discouraging property investment by foreigners by decreasing their buying power.
  15. It's all temporary benefits though. The locals who sell/mortgage their property benefit in the short term. However, when a significant amount of your property is in the hands of non-residents, those benefits begin to seep out of the country. It's also a horrible idea to have an economy based on debt from leveraging homes. I've stated it before, but real estate is supposed to be a secondary industry. When you have jobs you should see locals buying real estate in accordance. When your jobs are dependent on the real estate, something's wrong. Edit: I also think the boom is really starting to take away from the culture at this point. We're now at the point where local and iconic restaurants and businesses are closing down and being replaced by big box stores. The number of things to do in the city is decreasing IMO.
  16. I feel like Canada is in some kind of inflation denial. I keep seeing all of these stats stating that the inflation rate is only 1-2%, but that doesn't jive with what I'm seeing at the cash register. The price of everything seems increased. Rent, cars, gas, food, restaurant bills, cars, etc.., and it seems to be happening across Canada. As someone who doesn't like to borrow, I'm hoping an increase in interest rates will curb this.
  17. It takes 9 months to fight the WW army? I know they walk slow but...
  18. He's actually not bloated. He had some kind of liquid injected into his upper body to give himself that look.
  19. It is very sad. I remember watching his bigger by the day, where he used steroids/GH to put on about 50lbs in 2 months...it was pretty terrifying to watch. He slimmed down later, but that could not have been good for him. Reports are stating that his death may have had nothing to do with steroids though, and he died of a drug overdose. Apparently paramedics found crushed white powder and then used an anti-opiate to revive him. So it could have been cocaine laced with Fentanyl. I'm sure all the steroids/GH he took didn't do wonders for his heart though. Amazing how many people continue to state that steroids aren't bad for you, but then every wrestler/body builder seems to drop dead around the age of 50.
  20. Anyone can do the workouts for the games, but only the top 20 (a few more of there are ties) qualify for the main event of the games. I'd be shocked if many of those athletes aren't on PEDs. We had people from our gym on them who did not qualify. The team events are easier to qualify for though.
  21. My crossfit gym forces you to do step downs now during box jumps. It's the jumping down part that led to the achilles injuries. As far as olympic lifting goes, yes you should never be lifting more than you are totally comfortable with. The majority of people who do the workouts "scale" them. Which means either doing lighter weights or substituting in movements you are more competent at. The best advice I can give for picking a gym, is to pick one that is close to your house/work. Giving yourself as few excuses as possible to gym is always the best way to go about it. Also, even the CanWest games is largely for athletes with an extreme level of commitment. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of PED use in crossfit. So qualifying for any kind of high level competition is very hard to do. You either have to take the PEDs too or be totally committed. There is the odd genetic freak, who is just good at it though.
  22. I do crossfit 2-3 times a week on top of my weighlifting regime. It forces me to do cardio, which I'm naturally horrible at and it keeps me more mobile. It also did wonders for my core and balanced out my strength across my entire body. My squat and deadlift improved dramatically. Despite the reputation for injuries, I've seen far more injuries from people lifting weights on their own. I'm guessing you won't be competing in the crossfit games anytime soon, so don't push yourself into something that may cause injury.
  23. With that kind of an injury, you'd expect pain during more ranges of motion. With an impingement, it's typically only certain ranges of motion that cause the pain. I'd go to a physiotherapist ASAP though, as even if it is just an impingement, an impingement can lead to a tear pretty quickly if untreated.
  24. Bran knows everything, but they still need proof. Littlefinger is very influential in the Vail. They'll need some kind of evidence of his wrongdoing before just offing him.
  25. I think the main issue is that George RR Martin didn't reveal the ending to Dan and Dave, because either he didn't know or wouldn't tell them. Dan and Dave then find out what the actual plot line in and realize they've spent the last two season not focusing on the right characters. HBO tells them they have two more seasons to wrap it up. So it forces them to cram a bunch of stuff into the last two seasons.
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