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Everything posted by KelownaCanucksFan

  1. Take away those ugly helmets and those kings jerseys are beautiful, especially with the old logo. and the black skate jersey is just awesome
  2. I’m out no point in watching this train wreck, this refereeing is making it unwatchable
  3. The refereeing this year has made many games unwatchable, it’s so obvious they are attempting to fix the games. on another note Martin’s mask is awesome, love the chrome
  4. Hard to believe that the flames won the division with 1/3 of the d core and the goalie from the worst years of the Benning era. Ouch
  5. Get your golf clubs out boys it’s over, after Green was fired it was a decent 2nd half, d core and bottom 6 needs a full rebuild
  6. Garland-Miller-Pods was great the last few games why break that line up for Chaisson. I like Bruce but man does he ever make some head scratching lineup decisions at times
  7. Myers Could have nailed that guy crossing the line, yet laid off, led directly to the goal
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