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Everything posted by KelownaCanucksFan

  1. So they call that after not calling the hooking on a grade a scoring chance, typical bruins reffing
  2. They need to tighten up on the turnovers and they’ll be fine stop giving the other team freebies
  3. Where the call? Pods just got knocked over in front of the net 100 ft away from the puck
  4. There is many stringent laws and training required to handle guns on set, you know nothing of what you speak of. An actor like Baldwin has had hundreds of hours of training on guns, gun safety and handling during his career
  5. doesn't matter what the prop person told him, when you handle a firearm its YOUR responsibility to prove (or ACTS) the firearm and make sure it is safe, also just by looking in the cylinder you would see the front of the bullet and realize that it wasn't a blank but a real bullet All gunowners and users are taught this, and almost all of us follow this Assume every firearm is loaded, Control the muzzle direction at all times Trigger finger must be kept off the trigger and out of the trigger guard. See that the firearm is unloaded
  6. he's a lying sac of garbage, its impossible for that gun to fire without the trigger being pulled
  7. Alec needs to spend the rest of his life in jail, there is no way that style of gun goes off without the trigger being pulled (if you disagree you have never handled this style of firearm), also he broke every rule in gun safety by not "prove" or ACTS(ing) the gun, when it was given to him. When you hold a gun in your hand regardless of who gave it to you, you're responsible for what happens.
  8. His whole coaching philosophy was playing to not lose instead of pushing to win, that’s why 5on5 in the defensive zone it always looked like a penalty kill, sit back and wait for the game to come to you instead of taking it to the other team. It never made sense to me why he had them playing like this, especially this year when he was given an upgraded team with a lot more offensive skill
  9. Wow what a difference a day makes, best effort of the season, they outworked them start to finish!
  10. Good start to the new era, it’s nice to see them push play, if they keep playing like this it is finally going to be entertaining to watch hockey again. I like what I see so far
  11. I never understood why green didn’t give them more time together, mind boggling
  12. I haven’t taken the vax because my doctor has told me not to, does that make me a moron? I’ve had covid and have the antibodies. I’m not anti or pro vax, I’m pro freedom of choice. You are an unhinged lunitic just like olberman
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