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Posts posted by g_bassi13

  1. 6 hours ago, shiznak said:


    Sandow wasn't even getting a huge reaction, until he started doing the impersonation bit and that's exactly why he's so over with the crowd, because he was entertaining. But that doesn't  mean he deserves a push. There are plenty of wrestlers, who are being undervalued by the company, who are just as (if not better), in every aspects than Sandow, that deserves a push over him.

    I don't agree with the aspect regarding his push. I think he should have gotten it as a heel, when he was a heel. Then as a face I think he should have been an upper mid carder or so. When instead he was thrown as low as low can go. And that was during the peak of his reactions.


    But I think as a total character the guy was superior to a lot of my favourite wrestlers. But he is just one of many who didn't get their chance, and ultimately will never get the chance.

  2. 9 hours ago, Chris said:

    I skipped Raw/Smackdown last week as soon as I saw they went back to recapping the whole show every 5 minutes - and I skipped Raw last night; They've gone back to following Vince's formula already.

    Last night it was especially true. Most of their worst tendencies were out on display.


    Smackdown was better than Raw this week, definitively in my books. Though, it was kind of by default. They just had to not suck. And they didn't suck. It was very generic, but it didn't suck. That Ambrose/Ziggler promo at the beginning was complete gold though. That intensity, and the way it ended was just on the mark.

  3. On 14/08/2016 at 3:39 PM, Grapefruits said:

    Was looking over the ECCW schedule. Halloween Hell is slated to happen in New West.  It's been a Cloverdale event for years.  Cloverdale also didn't host the Anniversary show this year either.  Looks like ECCW won't be doing shows in Cloverdale anymore.

    Probably has to do with ASW's presence in Cloverdale. It's pretty much their home base, for their A shows. So maybe they don't infringe on that. Or maybe they just weren't pulling the numbers they needed there. I dunno, I'm just speculating.


    They both otherwise float around the lower mainland in their shows, with their designated homes.

  4. On 13/08/2016 at 1:55 AM, Twilight Sparkle said:

    i have fight network and still refuse to watch impact. i just don't care. sandow was always that little internet darling where his little following tried to dictate things and wwe knew that. there was no mismanagement with the guy, wwe didn't drop the ball on him, he was just a guy on the roster who had this annoying following

    Disagree whole heartedly, but that's a thing where we're going to have to agree to disagree.


    Felt like they chopped the guys legs out from under him on more than one occasion, and at one point began to blatantly ignore the reaction he was getting, to the point that it was perplexing.


    He was not the best worker in the world, but he's not much worse than a lot of the prototypical guys that the WWE has pushed to the top in that respect. And he's certainly more charismatic than most of them. Not saying he needed all of the titles, of all of the time. But that failed cash in, combined with his immediate drop to a comedic jobber, was unfortunate in my eyes. Both him and Cody Rhodes lost their title picture opportunity that day that cash in failed..


    I hope he makes the most of his chance in TNA. They probably will give him a title opportunity at some point down the road. Not yet though.

  5. On 12/08/2016 at 10:35 AM, Chris said:

    Maybe, but they still don't have anybody on the roster I'm excited to see. Derrick Bateman and the Hardy Boyz? I don't care. The Broken Matt Hardy thing is cool and has been interesting to follow online, but at this point, I think TNA is on Life Support in the ICU; the initials TNA have gone from being cool and interesting/exciting as a wrestling fan, to a total joke. There was a time when TNA could have been what NXT is now, but they blew it, and I don't care what they do as a company anymore, TNA is just another little indy promotion, good for helping ex-WWE talent find their "thing" - beyond that I hope they can somehow re-brand that company and rebuild for the future; but I've been let down by them too many times to go back(stopped watching/truly following around '10 - still keep up with interesting things on Youtube once in awhile) I do appreciate the free stream of talent that TNA has provided WWE - I just wish they had been more willing to work with eachother(WWE/TNA); Imagine if WWE/TNA had signed a talent deal and TNA was NXT, imagine TNA Impact on the WWE Network and on TV in some form; It could have been glorious.

    That's fair enough. You're not under any obligation to watch it or anything.


    But just because you don't, doesn't mean that they're not doing things right at the moment.


    Without exaggeration, I could count an endless number of things it's doing better than Raw at the moment.


    Granted they do always blow things whenever they have something good going for them. But this has been a consistent 8 months or so of goodness from them, so I'm happy that they're operating. And they're not particularly doing so as a feeder to the WWE, or NXT, or any such thing. It's more about them just doing what they have with ex WWE stars. And whether or not you like what they did with the WWE, they're definitely doing a better job with them in TNA.




    It's one of those things, where you look at the WWE, and it seems like it's written for kids, with the interests that a kid would have, and for the attention span that a kid holds. And then someone asks you why you're watching a show for kids, and complaining about it.


    Well, TNA is presented in more a manner for adults to consume. Like I said, the storylines are not one dimensional, and they manage to hold about 8-9 wrestlers in the main event, with a legitimate shot at holding that title. All holding that claim at the same time. Like right now. It's still a wrestling show, with wrestling feuds, but it doesn't approach the situation under the preconception that you're stupid.


    Again, I'm not even telling you that you have to go watch it or anything. Just saying that it's objectively very good, has been for the last 8 months consistently, and is certainly better than WWE programming has been.

  6. That was a pretty bad Raw. If the first one after Battleground was great, and the second one was good, the third one tolerable, then this fourth one was outright bad. In my mind it has been a pretty consistent slope downwards.


    This week in particular was the first one that really felt like it was just a pre-brand split Raw. The coat of paint covering it wasn't even there this time.


    Like last week you can accept as filler, as 2 weeks before a PPV it's hard to manage momentum for feuds, and hold a 3 hour show at the same time. Not too much of it was outright bad, but nothing in particular of interest happened.


    But this week was the go home show. And it tried even less hard than the previous week had. No effort to get things through, and done.


    Hopefully things pick back up again after Summerslam, but if these trends are any indication, the WWE has too hard of a time carrying things creatively for any particularly long period of time.

  7. Sausage Party - 4.5/10


    Large parts of it were funny, but it really dragged. Almost all of the humour that actually hit was in the first half. 


    The biggest problem was just how political of a movie it was. Seriously, it was just preachy as all F. Very obnoxious.


    It was trying to say so many different things at once, on top of its other problems. It kind of forgets how its world works, and the characters don't exactly progress smoothly. Characters that all suck.

  8. 20 hours ago, DollarAndADream said:

    Some of my favourite parts had to be finding and taking down those dragons.


    I wish I wasn't so bored with games these days though. Like, I want to just go back and keep playing my save....exploring all the regions and whatnot. I'm done with it though. I basically had to force myself to beat the main story because nowadays with any game I play I just get bored after like 3 weeks. Besides the first week where I play the hell out of games, like anyone does.


    Exploring Dragon Age Inquisition wasn't too fun though. Would have liked if it hadn't tried to model itself after Skyrim so hard (it just didn't do a very good job with it.) The thing it did best was dealing with character interaction, dialogue choices, and fleshing out scenes as such. Not quite Dragon Age Origins level in that respect, but it did feel like shades of Mass Effect 2 when it came to how personable that all felt. I say that as a very good thing.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Chris said:

    I didn't think anybody was actually able to find/watch TNA on a weekly basis.

    It's on Fight Network in Canada. With near literally every wrestling promotion having their shows on that channel as well. For wrestling fans, they've tried to model themselves into the perfect channel. TNA, ROH, NJPW. CMLL, AAA, and even others that aren't so big. Their review show, Live Audio Wrestling, is one of the better ones for the WWE.


    Why to choose to watch TNA? Because since the new year they've been consistently great. Watching WWE flounder from week to week after generating momentum and dropping it gets frustrating, and TNA's booking is incredibly more thought out, stable, and logical. The feuds work better, and people have more than one rival at a time. Knowing who's going to win and lose some of the more important matches isn't even predictable sometimes because there's about 2-3 different logical routes a story can take at any given time. And they often take the best ones.


    I usually have more fun rooting for my favourites to win, because I don't have to worry about people permanently falling into booking hell when they don't deserve it. Because they don't fall into it. This year it's been easy to just trust them. and enjoy. Because they've been rewarding that way.


    It's just better TV from a basic storytelling standpoint.



    • Upvote 1
  10. Well Galloway, Lashley, and the Hardy's have been killing it with TNA. So I hope Sandow can do the same.


    For Matt it's been obviously about creative freedom. For Galloway it was just about being given a chance to have important matches, and important rivalries. And with Lashley this year it's been about just letting him be a destructive heel.


    That's not even including Derek Bateman/EC3, who the WWE never treated as anything more than a throwaway NXT competitor, who actually had charisma up the wazoo. 


    For Sandow it will be about not holding him down, and letting him use the mic to put himself over. Like Eli Drake has. He might not be a top champion for them, but that's not what it's about. It's about having a character flourish. 

  11. 23 hours ago, shiznak said:



    Randy needs to be doing what Jericho's current role is/was, and that is putting over new/young talents or elevate the mid-card scene. I wouldn't mind putting the IC title on him for a lengthy run, then dropping it to someone like Samoa Joe or Nakamura at Mania'. Sadly though, there isn't enough big name young talents on Smackdown for him to be doing this. Except maybe for Corbin or Crews.

    100% agree. Maybe a run or two with the title. But he should be putting guys over at this stage. Too bad Smackdown doesn't have many guys to put over. Almost every guy on the precipice of needing that nudge are all on Raw. Except maybe Wyatt.

  12. As $&!# as Dragon Age 2 was, and as $&!# of a developer Bioware had/(has?) become, Inquisition was a more than acceptable game.


    Some of the worst combat I've ever seen in a game, but it looks like they legitimately tried to put effort into the whole endeavour (which was the major problem with their last few entries. They stopped giving a $&!#.)


    Inquisition slows down towards the end, but it was one where I disagreed more so stylistically with the endeavour than the quality. The quality was good. Which I can respect far, far, far, far more than anything about Bioware's last few games.


    People were right to recommend the game to me, and I'd pass that recommendation on, honestly. I was easily able to enjoy large parts of it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, b3. said:

    Reports out that Prince Fielder is calling it quits.

    Unless the team had some out of his contract, that's about $100 million in committed salary he's leaving on the table to retire. But if you don't got it, you don't got it.


    The guy has had enough of a career to sit on, and has made enough money that he doesn't have to begin to worry about that. So good on him. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Rough Neck said:


    Moltres isn't in the game yet none of the legendaries are. Could have been many things, Charizard, Aerodactly, Goldeen (which shadowed out just happens to look like a rare pokemon no one has ever seen before). 

    Very tough to explain then. It looked firey (like ghastly), and it was almost definitely a bird (like Aerodactyl). But without it to look at anymore it's not possible to say.

  15. 4 hours ago, Where's Wellwood said:

    I think it was probably a Ghastly. The silhouette looks like flames and they're more common at night.

    Was a bird. Ruled out Fearow and Pigeott.


    Fairly certain it was a Moltres.


    I did totally catch a Haunter that night though, along your point.

  16. 3 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

    I haven't watched the WWE in awhile but I have been kind of following it. Just because of AJ Styles, his stuff is really the only thing I follow cause hes the only thing that I care about on the show.


    But I actually looked up the AJ Styles/Cena promo from Smackdown, and it was the first time in awhile that I had actually seen something from the show.


    And it was just a terrible reminder of how bad Cena is.


    I loved AJ's promo for what it was, he really stuck it to Cena and the fans and stuff, it was awesome even though I don't like him being in this fued.


    But Cena was just annoying and cringeworthy garbage, I was legitimately annoyed and kinda angry listening to this crap, hes terrible, its always about the fans and the ass kissing, never the fued or the match or the opponent. Its an embarrassment to the greats that took it seriously in my opinion. 


    I was listening to Jericho's podcast interview with Vickie Guerrero not too long ago and it was an awesome episode actually, and then I saw he had another one with the sister of Nancy Beniot so I listened to that one and of course there were both mentioned throughout each. 


    So it just brought back memories of how great Eddie and Chris were, so when I was watching the Syles/Cena promo I still had that kind of on my mind so just to see how much worse Cena is in every way, it just sucks, cant have guys that really focus and love it for the sport of it. Cena's just not genuine like those guys you can tell.


    Im sorry, it was just on my mind, and I just wanted to share that lol. Just my opinion.


    I have been going back and watching some matches lately, I watched Eddie/Lesnar no way out today, awesome match

    I'm still that same way with Cena. That promo between the 2 was pretty bad. AJ saying the same thing that all of Cena's rivals that are superior to him say. That they are superior, and that they will prove it by beating him.


    Before they lose the feud and drop down the rankings.


    The thing I don't like about Cena's promos is that it's literally the same thing over and over again. Most wrestling promos recycle ideas, and most wrestlers cut the same promos over their career, but I don't think anyone has been as redundant as him on the mic. Even Hulk Hogan's stuff sounded less repetitive, and that was the 80's.


    It's not that he lacks the mic skills, it's that they're used to no effect.



    The worst thing about his argument on Smackdown was that Styles had a passion for wrestling and that he had a passion for the WWE. That part may not have been disingenuous, but that reasoning is hilarious when you break it down like that.



    I just kept hitting fast forward during that segment after his music hit. Went for minutes until he finally stopped talking, lol.

  17. On 03/08/2016 at 6:40 PM, NucksPatsFan said:

    Like that they're having Roman feud with another guy who gets all boo's (Rusev) to try and get Roman's reputation back up.

    Easily the best plan they could have for him. Better than trying the same thing until people get tired of booing.


    I still entirely groaned the moment he showed up on Raw, but having him take a step back will dampen that reaction to him in general from people.


    It was the same thing I was saying last year, before they hotshotted him to his first title at Survivor Series. Too early, wouldn't work. And it didn't.


    I think Reigns' standing with the crowd is pretty broken at this point, far more than it was before they gave him 3 world title runs in a few months. But this new experiment will fail if they don't take their entire time bringing him back down to earth before building him back up again.


    ... And that involves him not winning the US title from Rusev in this feud.

  18. On 05/08/2016 at 0:47 PM, canucks3322 said:

    Anyone understand the Eva Maria vs Becky Lynch match that didn't happen? I mean if it was acting Eva needs to work on it along with her wrestling unless she can get doctors to fix her wrestling like they did for her body she has no business being in the ring.

    I liked the idea behind having Eva Marie "forfeit" that much, but that execution... God that execution was awful. She was just kind of smiling awkwardly as she failed to properly sell her fake pulled muscle.


    That was worse than high school play levels of acting.

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