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King of Anarchy

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Everything posted by King of Anarchy

  1. It doesn't look like him, but okay.

  2. Not bad. If you like that song then you should listen to I Feel Fine.

  3. If you like British accents, you should listen to The Beatles. B)

  4. Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, etc. Mostly British rock. How about yourself? (Jonas Brothers, Justin Timberlake, etc)

  5. Why would that be a problem? I don't like at least 50% of the stuff that you like and I bet that you can say the same thing to me. It's a relationship builder.

  6. I'm well aware of that.

  7. Is there a reason why Cody Hodgson wasn't in your '2008 Draft Watch'? Just wondering.

  8. Yeah. I’m hoping that they’re going to allow the players to sign a few personal items, but I have a feeling that it’s going to be exclusive to a team photo only.

  9. What can I say? I love those guys. They are guys, right?

  10. Hahah. Yeah, and how about his lackluster effort level too?
  11. Where the frack did I say that you shouldn’t talk about him? Wow. You’ve seriouly got to lay off the trigger.

  12. Do you just sort of wait around to see who views your profile? I only came back because I thought that I said bread instead of brand. :unsure:

  13. It happens, but you seriously need to let go of the Naslund arguments. I have never had anything against you. (believe it or not)

  14. Oh would you lighten up? It's Thanksgiving tomorrow. (I know about DB)

  15. It happens. I've always been attracted to the other brand of species.

  16. Exactly. Does the adjustment to my interests get a pass now?

  17. How is my favorite poster in the world doing?

  18. Damn right. It's has just about everything that you would hope for in a city.

  19. Pardon my ignorance, but when are all of those stations scheduled to open?
  20. Jeez. If that's the case, we might as well get rid of half of our team. You've only listed one debateable reason as to why we should dump him. Would you care to add more? (besides the fact that he's French-Canadian)
  21. And you're expecting one of those guys above to have all of those qualities? Get you're head checked.
  22. It hasn't. I’ve been riding on the 169 on a daily bases now for about 3 months and today was the first time that I was charged for 2 zones.
  23. Since when have they been charging 2 zones from Braid to Coquitlam Centre? That’s bull.
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