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Everything posted by Dogbyte

  1. I would send him down. I've been watching him closely the lat couple games and I desperately want him to succeed but he's not geting the message. He's got to learn that you're fighting a war in the trenches with your brothers and keeping the puck out of the net is a staple of life not a haphazard decision if your so inclined. I hate to say it but he plays lazy or just careless, There are countless times where he can backcheck a bit and break up plays but he sits on the half boards waiting for opportunities. He's a cheater. That might have worked in junior but he's got to clue in to the fact that he's in the NHL and he has responsibilities.
  2. Yeah me too. He should have made that move years ago and now he's sitting in the corner waiting for the paint to dry. I mean even if he went and got Ryder, at least it's an effort. He's just afraid to fail. It's not as hard to bring in third line gems than it is to bring in a player that matters.
  3. Unfortunately all we're watching this year is Gillis' mistake. It's like watching an accounting ledger. No matter how much you look at it the numbers just don't add up and your wasting your time. Oh well. It's not like I'm not used to losing.
  4. Lou's biggest problem may be focusing when the play is not in his end. If there is ever a turnover or weird play he's completely out to lunch. Remember when Hamhuis scored on us. Hamhuis screwed it up bad but Lou did get scored on from 90 feet away on a very slow moving puck that eventually rebounded at about 7MPH from behind is own net and bounced in off his skates. I don't want to recall how many plays I've seen like that from him. The Richards goal, all those goals from behind the net a couple years back. It seems like he's busy preening himself like a peacock when those goals go in.
  5. And yet Gillis would rather have the most expensive D in the league as compared to goal scoring forwards.
  6. What a joke, don't fall asleep against Chicago in the third in a close game. Idiots.
  7. Yeah, quantitative analysis of turnovers doesn't mean much. Some players turn the puck over all the time because they're agressive but keep it front of them and are great two way players. It's costly turnovers at crucial moments that means something. And Kassian f'kd up royally the other night as well.
  8. Kes has been on fire. Nice shot, would have got stopped if he went near post.
  9. The Sedins are horrible on the PP. Stop cycling and shoot the godamn puck already.
  10. Yeah, that reminds me of how sportscasters stopped saying stuff like, they haven't won a game in Vancouver in 7 years. Now they always say they haven't won a game there since 2006. I think it's because it gives more definite info and provides a reference if it's replayed on tape. It's stupid though. It sounds so dumb when the say stuff like he hasn't scored since 2011. It's like what was that 1 year and bit ago, two years, 3? Why don't you just tell me? It's your job, I don't want to be doing math while I'm drinking beer and watching hockey.
  11. YAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAA Wooo hoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo Stanton to Welsh.
  12. The best part of that is it really doesn't mater. Did you notice how much space Hansen had in the top right corner and he still went underarm?
  13. I know the Hip are from Toronto area but I wish Dave would play more of them.
  14. He's like, "you got to earn it you young punk".
  15. Time to rest and put the foot on the brakes for tomorrow?
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