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Everything posted by Trebreh

  1. "that was our best game of the season" "i like 69% of our game"
  2. if Roussel, Sutter etc are place holders... Green is a place holder coach. time for Aqua and JB to get a real NHL coach this summer.
  3. I don't even know how to describe how i feel right now. so many mind boggling coaching decisions i don't even know where to start. Roussel who was $&!# the entire night was apparently the best choice for the extra attacker. 4 straight losses to $&!#ty teams (yes Toronto included) in the most important month of the season.
  4. this coaching staff relies heavily on useless vets for some reason. when every other team is loading up and double shifting their lines in this time of the season.
  5. atta boy Tanev! he wanted that smoke. meanwhile... captain Bo over there just standing..
  6. Calgary got away with bloody murder in the 3rd, the refs put the whistle away for them.
  7. we let in a weak goal and of course the Lames score with a minute left to tie it!!
  8. wtf are these lines? Jake gets demoted despite being one of the better forwards last game?
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