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Everything posted by Trebreh

  1. did i hear that correct? that guy scored his 3rd... THIRD goal of the season?
  2. why does this garbage Habs team always play like world beaters against us...
  3. good on Jake for laying out that gnome.
  4. team is soft if nobody even confronted Domi after that hit that EVERYONE saw.
  5. &^@#ing pos! someone better crosscheck the &^@# out of Domi.
  6. Hold off till the last minute and offer them our zamboni driver Barrie.
  7. Especially after his team got beaten by their own zamboni driver!
  8. No surprise we're out of the Barrie trade. Dubass wanted a 1st and prospects for him lol good luck with that.
  9. I would have loved Ritchie here... I hope we're in on Josh Anderson now.
  10. Lol at these prices for Pagaeu and Itsnicetoseeyou. Toffoli is better than both and we didn't give up a first
  11. Barrie is the type of D man that need a good shutdown or two way defenceman paired with him to excel. The problem with him was, the Avs team he played on didn't really have a good shutdown D man like Edler to play with and the Laffs are just terrible defensively as a whole. My sense tell me (Eliotte Friedman style) that JB think's he can be paired with Edler and pushes Myers down to the bottom pair with Fantenberg to give our top 6 a good balance of offence and defence. I like Stecher as much as the next guy, he's a character dude. But we need more than characters to win the Cup. Depth and scoring wins championships in today's NHL. Edler - Barrie Hughes - Tanev Fantenberg - Myers This gives us more options on the PP1 and PP2 and if *knocks on wood* Hughes misses any time in the playoffs we have another offensive Dman.
  12. MacEwen better not be in any package! maybe Goldy instead.
  13. we are seeing one of the biggest chokes in sports history lol
  14. I don't know where i read this, but apparently we kicked the tires on Severson?
  15. we need Fantenberg to return so Benn can chill in the pressbox again and we desperately need an upgrade on Stecher to stabilize the bottom pairing.
  16. "playing hard" and losing is not going to cut it in the stretch drive. We need points and we can't be giving up points to teams below us. the 2nd line was terrible tonight and Green made no adjustments.
  17. Hughes had a hell of a game, I would've loved to have seen him deke Dubnyk. Green put Pearson and Bo in the shootout after a terrible game and hands of stones.
  18. Bo over Jake and Gaudette too... when will this coach realise those two have a better release?
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