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Posts posted by greenbean30

  1. 19 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    ....they say inflation is coming down.  But is it?


    They also said inflation was never really higher than around 7% ish but we know that's crap.


    You can't pretend for a moment that with fuel prices still 20% higher or more than last year, utilities higher than ever and new "delivery fee increases" and food prices in excess of 30% higher that anything has really changed 


    It's like when they hold a black Friday sale and claim huge discounts.  When in reality they jack the prices of things, discount it slightly and still come out ahead because they never really lost profit on anything, just suckered the consumer.


    The average person is struggling more than ever and you can show them fancy math claiming it's coming down.  But they're struggling more than ever and no amount of snake oil sales pitches will change that fact

    Yep, what they call inflation isn't really true inflation as they remove fuel and food out of their calculations.

    Well I'm sorry, but I still have to feed myself, heat my house and drive. So as much as they want to tell me inflation shouldn't include those things, those things really effect peoples bank accounts, probably more than anything else.

    • Cheers 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Provost said:

    People need to read the posts they are commenting on…


    I didn’t say all top ten picks end up as stars.  I said you should get an NHL player and often at the top end of the lineup from those picks.  If you are running at 50% on picks in that range, no one gets to call you a good scouting/draft guy.



    Yeah, if you aren't getting a bona fide NHLer in the top 10-15 of the draft, you aren't drafting well. Bona Fide NHLer does not mean star, just an NHLer who is playing every night.

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  3. 21 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

    Contrary to some views on here; I don't think Demko is on the block at all. I think this is more to do with evaluating Silovs against a pretty good NHL team and also as a reward for his solid play in Abby.

    He no longer has his added signing bonus to pad his salary and only makes 70K in the minors. Getting a boost in wages for his time spent with the big club is a nice added benefit too.

    I honestly didn't think Demko was on the block either, and I hope he isn't. Just seems strange that they're starting Silovs, but it very well could just to be see where he's at when it comes to NHL ready, for a back up roll next year.

    They could've just called Silovs up to sit on the bench for a couple of days and still got that boost in pay and time with the big club. Just shocking to me that he's starting.

  4. 4 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

    there was around 90s left on the clock I believe. The clock would have stopped, I forget whether or not PHI had a timeout remaining or not (I think they had 1?). Regardless, 80ish seconds is enough to get into field goal range to tie it. The Chiefs may have still won but the brutal call robbed philly of the chance to answer. It just leaves a sour taste after what was otherwise a really good game.

    Well Bradberry has come out and owned the call, saying he hoped he was gonna get away with one. He admitted to tugging on Juju's sweater and the hold, refs caught it.

    Not a great way to end a great game, a penalty never is, but it happened and the team that had all the momentum in the 2nd half, won the game. Which I still think would've happened even without the call.

  5. Just now, PistolPete13 said:

    They would have kicked the field goal anyway. Philly would have had a about a minute. Not sure the would have moved the ball far enough to tie it up.

    Chiefs had the momentum in the 2nd half.


    I was actually rooting for the Eagles, but they had too many passengers on defence to win this game. 7 defensive linemen who could start on most teams and not one gd sack. Wtf?

    This right here. The penalty will be the reason the Chiefs won, in a lot of people's minds. But really they were all over the Eagles in the 2nd half and were going to score and win there even without the holding call.

    • Cheers 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    That was the worst halftime show in NFL history. On top of that, the game was rigged with the worst holding call in Super Bowl history…

    Was not a good call, even though there was a hold just could've been let go, but I wouldn't say the game was rigged lol. Mahomes and the Chiefs were just the way better team in the 2nd half.

    • Cheers 1
    • There it is 1
  7. 40 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    So when is a catch and a fumble? Do you need to count to 3 to have control of the ball to count as a catch?

    Needs to be time to make a football play. IE turn and make a move up field

  8. 4 minutes ago, Locke Lamora said:

    A mild silver lining, but let’s face it, the really  issue is what is happening towards the top of the draft. Some really good talent there….which, with each win, won’t be making its way into our system. We need to go on a serious run of losses to tank and I just don’t see it happening. I feared for Bruce’s health so I’m ok with letting him go, but the new coach bump could really hurt our long term success.


    The Canucks are in dire need to some elite talent in our system. Early returns seem to suggest that Raty ain’t that. I’ll be happy to be wrong about that though.

    We have won 5 games since the new year, and lost 11. That's a 31% winning rate, you can't really expect much worse. No team in the NHL loses every single game.

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