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Status Updates posted by Charmy_Canuck

  1. Still around just quiet.

  2. Still around just quiet.

  3. Awe!I was missing the forums so I am gonna try to post a little more often...I keep in touch with some people from CDC via fb and junk but yeas...I am hoping to stay here for a while! haha I have been around for 4 years after all...I can't believe its been that long!

  4. yea I do that sometimes ;)

  5. WOOOOO!!!!! Canucks are going to the SCF!!!! I am STOKED!!!!

    1. Sully2Cool


      wooooooooooooooo.GO CANUCKS GO.CANUCKS IN 5.:)

  6. boo I am sick...I loathe being sick!

    1. BruinsForCup2011


      Possessed AND sick??! :(

  7. not much! Been away for a while...be back for just a little while...

  8. ooo I'm so scared...what shall I do? LOLOLOL!!! :P

  9. @glassJAw I am waaaay past grade school there buddy! Should I care what a bunch of prepubescent 12 year old's think? If they aren't 12 then they act like they are 12...This isn't a popularity contest here.

  10. no actually my skin is dry if you must know and that isn't why I glow ha ha...

  11. Playing your banjo out on the front porch with some straw hangin out your mouth lately? Seriously tho what is with you and banjos?

  12. You joined CDC on my birthday almost 3 years ago lol.

  13. Awe poor Honey Badger...What did he do this time. Hey whatever happened to Aminal :( I miss that kat.

  14. No /gives you the puppy dog eyes...I am doing okay now. ^_^ I was hanging around, and how about you Mister? Aren't you supposed to be working? How did the meeting go?

  15. *^_^*

    don't spend too much time on mob wars ;) Go out and ride or something ^_^

  16. I just like manual better is all.

  17. PS I didn't forget on facebook. You must have gone to bed :(

  18. Happy birthday a day late! Sorry I forgot :( Hope you are having a great time on your trip ^_^

  19. why does it look like that guy in your sig is crying and sneezing?

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