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Status Updates posted by Charmy_Canuck

  1. dude! where been? School is brutally AWESOME!! and time consuming. Hebrew is fun and exciting. And Bio103 rawks too! I jsut love school, but its so much stinking work. But in the end it will be worth it for me! Later dude!

  2. Probably a yellow diesel beetle, and a corrado project car. I want a yellow Corrado and I want to drop a TDI engine into it ^_^ Standard transmission in both, none of this automatic garbage ^_^

  3. haven't gotten one yet, but I deff want to get one. at least for riding sake. I want to learn badly so I at least know how to ride one. Anyways I think I will get one with my settlement money I am supposed to get soon. 75,000 should be more than enough lol.

  4. wondering where I was eh? lol

  5. Thanks for your concern. After the Luc thing I do feel that it is a danger. But I want to learn and learn right. I also want to save $$

  6. I realize that, however I am nto exactly rich. driving in my jetta isn't exactly what I want to do. Although I am closer to school and work in a week its still a lot of gas$$ I am just thinking I could save by riding a bike. I don't mind learning and I want to. I am a little scared but I feel I should learn.

  7. I do! I also know that he was riding a bike beyond his level and made a bad move by passing when it was windy and around a corner no less. I am fully aware of what could happen.

  8. that was a helpful post.

  9. Please don't troll our beautiful boards ;)

  10. AHAHAHAHAH!!! Funny!

  11. Good! And you must be cool since every day is your b-day. Or maybe not all that cake would give one a belly ache.

  12. How many birthdays does it take to get to the middle of a Zomg Leet?

  13. no offense but your signature looks like naslund is taking a pee...I like it but maybe put the streak over a bit more?

  14. A little bit yes, but mostly just art stuff. I am taking a break away from it so I don't burn myself out which I feel like I am almost there...But I do still take them for fun at the moment. I could get a job in a studio pretty easily I am sure. I do know lighting and stuff so meh it should be all good. I will try to get a studio job in BC once I get my work permit.

  15. I am great! I start at Trinity Western in the fall. I am moving at the end of the month and I already have my job set up in Bham. I just need to get an on campus job (only 10 hours) and find the right place to live and I am set. I am totally stoked ^_^

  16. are you still in Toronto? Isn't that where you moved? Anyways hey!

  17. Oh and December is a good month eh?

  18. how am I very clever? lol

  19. why did you visit my page of all pages to visit? Just wondering is all...

  20. Ongiri balls are teh yum! I made my first ones last night and I am making some for breakfast ^_^ Oh and I found a great cookbook. It was written by a Jewish lasdy who married into a Japanese family and learned how to cook from her inlaws. I love cooking ;)

  21. hey do you see lots of Cane toads? Is it true they sound like balloons popping when they are run over? I saw a special on them once in grade12. It was kinda weird and gross. They said lots of em live in Australia. Don't know if you live in that part or not. Sorry just a random question I was wondering about lol.

  22. lol kool! how about you? lol ur like 12...but its cool!

  23. That's cool! I am doing biblical studies and I want to do a concentration in Anthropology. I woul dlove to do research over in the middle east and Israel.

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