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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 4 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    I see we are accepting our votes really count for nothing.  It matters not which puppets we elect.  Their strings are still pulled by the same wealthy elite.  

    Well they kinda do when over 90% of the time, incumbents win reelection in the US.  Its not much different here in Canada.   A sitting mayor of Prince George has only lost reelection I think 3 times.  Most of the time, our MLAs only changed when there was a retirement.   Our MP Dick Harris lived in Osoyoos for the last 3 years of his final term, and people here still voted for the conservative candidate.

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  2. 2 hours ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    Wasn't there a party that was based in part on western alienation??  Can't put my finger on it.   Didn't they have to tune that down and change their name to have a chance at power?  Mmmmmm

    This was what I first posted ^^^

    33 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Again Manning was one of the first to congratulate Layton for wiping out the separatists and Harper worked on the pro Canada side in the referendum. Sure a party to get western concerns heard just like the liberals are a party that gets the concerns of Ontario and Quebec heard. Are the liberals separatists? I mean maybe Trudeau is considering he said Canada belongs to Quebec.

    Where did I mention separation?  Clearly I said alienation and I said IN PART.  The point was that western alienation wasn't new.  And western alienation also occurred during conservative governance.  So there pal.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Didn't Harper work on the pro Canada side during the referendum?


    The more you know lefty.

    Lefty.  Ok pal.


    You tell me if this doesn't sound like western alienation.   And I said IN PART. 


    "The party was the brainchild of a group of discontented Western interest groups who were upset with the PC government and the lack of a voice for Western concerns at the national level. Leading figures in this movement included Ted Byfield, Stan Roberts, Francis Winspear, and Preston Manning. A major intellectual impetus at the time was provided by Peter Brimelow's 1986 book, The Patriot Game. They believed the West needed its own party if it was to be heard. "

  4. 2 hours ago, Rob_Zepp said:

    I remember growing up in Canada when we had this thing called "Remembrance Day" where we would celebrate ALL veterans who had served Canada proudly and fought for the freedoms we all hold dear.   However, in Justin Trudeau's world, that was too exclusionary and more pandering was required and he has decided Canada needs a bunch of different mini-Remembrance Days for each different ethnic group.    How quickly the country that is my birthplace is becoming a shadow of what it was.




    Oh, it's Aboriginal Veterans Day.  People complaining about this??  Why again??


  5. This sums up how much of a sham this "investigation"  into Brett is.  100 Senators have access to ONE copy of an over 1000 page report.  Scam.



    FBI investigation into Kavanaugh is over 1,000 pages. Senators must read a single copy in 24 hours

    Senators would have to read one page per minute to read it all in less than 17 hours

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    October 4, 2018

    Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement after reviewing the supplemental FBI background documents on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh: 

    “After reviewing the additional background check documents on Judge Kavanaugh, four things are crystal clear.

    “First, the documents raise even more serious doubts in my mind about Judge Kavanaugh’s truthfulness.

    “Second, Judge Kavanaugh stated at his hearing that the individuals at the incident involving Dr. Ford refuted her version of events. From their own public statements, we knew that to be false, and nothing in this report changes that.

    “Third, it appears very clearly to me that the FBI was severely limited in which questions they could ask and which leads they could follow.

    “And finally, to say that this investigation exonerates Judge Kavanaugh, or to say that this is a complete investigation, is patently false. Chairman Grassley’s claim that there is no hint of misconduct in these documents is just not true.”


  7. Didn't want to burn up my free views on the Washington Post, so found it here.  








    Among those who have signed the letter so far is Martha Minow, the former dean of Harvard Law School, where Kavanaugh's upcoming course on the Supreme Court was recently canceled.

    As many as 26 other Harvard Law School professionals have added their names to the list, alongside hundreds of professors from other schools, including Yale Law School, which is Kavanaugh's alma mater, Stanford University and the University of Chicago Law School.


  8. 53 minutes ago, ChuckNORRIS4Cup said:


    Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska gave an impassioned speech on sexual assault and the #MeToo movement on the Senate floor Wednesday night.


    Sasse also dropped a bombshell about where he stands on Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's second nominee to the Supreme Court.

    "I urged the president to nominate a different individual. I urged the president to nominate a woman," Sasse said.


    He recounted the experiences of two personal friends he said were raped, adding that the #MeToo movement has been "complicated," but also a "very good thing."


    And then Sasse turned back to Trump: "We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time."



    Sounds to me like someone is building a case for a run for the GOP nomination, does it not??

  9. Just now, VanGnome said:

    I've never once defended Kavanaugh. Also, I penalize you for lack of originality. Those questions were the same ones used in the SNL episode with Matt Damon as Kavanaugh. To answer the question, the answer is no. But I'm not defending Kavanaugh, one of my first posts was "I don't really care which way the decision goes, and if he gets the job or not" (paraphrasing myself).

    I'm as objectively as possible looking at each party involved and determining the veracity of who's doing and saying what. Why does that default to me having to unequivocally support/believe Blaisey-Ford? Do false accusations not occur? Does misrecollection not also occur? Yes. And if this was an actual criminal trial, these things would be vetted properly, and prosecutors being able to fully question people without having Senators meddling and interfering.

    Didn't watch the episode, so fine, you got me there.




    I penalize you.  Did I accuse you of defending BK?  No.  I haven't looked though all the pages in this thread and my post was directed to those who were defending BK.


    I too am as objective as possible.  The whole reason why this whole thing is a sham has to do with the GOP and their insistence that this happen before the midterms.  I'm fully aware that criminal cases have a higher burden of proof.  This whole process is not criminal, and therefore has a lower burden of proof.  If the GOP was concerned about getting qualified, "good" people on the bench, they would have taken more time an care in who was put forward.  Don't blame Ford and the Dems for how crazy this is.  That falls squarely on TRUMP!! and the GOP.

    • Upvote 1
  10. I some questions for the Kavanaugh defenders:


    Would you pet a dog that might have bitten other people?


    Would you let someone stay in you house who might have stolen property from other people?


    Would you have unprotected sex with someone who might have been exposed to an STD?


    Are you OK with BK and the questions of his character sitting on the highest court in the US for decades?




    Would you require a lot more digging into the past of the dog, etc. before petting the dog, letting the person stay in your house, having sex with that person, and letting BK sit on the Supreme Court?

    • Haha 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

     but there are so many who simply seem to refuse to work - put them to work.

    When you actually crunch the numbers this represents a drop in the bucket when you compare it to the money that can best be described as corporate welfare.   You want waste look at the cost overruns in the Harper navy shipbuilding program.  Billions was spent before even the first ship was started.  The navy ends up getting fewer ships that cost way way more than if they had built the ships elsewhere and outfitted them here.


    This is also akin to the calls for welfare recipients passing drug tests to get welfare.   Whenever it has been tried the testing program cost more than what the taxpayer saved in not having to pay druggies welfare. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

    It gets very Orwellian once we start down this path. The end game here is to remove guns from the public. Its a big step, but it’s slowly going there. We are marching into 1984, not Lennon’s, Imagine


    I honestly wonder how many of these shootings are staged, blackmail-type things which seem ridiculous on the surface. Politics is a dirty business. Global politics is just as real. After JFK and 911, I think it’s not ridiculous and conspiracy theories have been proven true too many times to ignore anymore. 


    Guns will be systematically removed from owners until the spirit of the amendment is gone. Enjoy your freedoms while you have them. 

    In Canada gun ownership is not a right guaranteed by the constitution.   It is a privilege.   If the government decided to take guns away we will be #@$&* out of luck.  If the government decided to go the way of Austrailia, gun nuts would temper tantrum like little toddlers and the guns would be rounded up.


    The US is a different animal.  The 2nd amendment was an addition to the constitution that lawmakers decided was needed years and years and years ago.  The change made then is celebrated but proposed changes made today cannot be done because reasons.  Let's also remember that there is language that often gets omitted when people talk about the 2nd.

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