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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 14 minutes ago, DonLever said:

    Picture already show on TV.  Don't read too much into it.  Does not mean he is a hardcore Nazi.   Prince Harry was pictured  in  a Nazi SS uniform when  he was a teenager.

    Ya, as Lincoln said.  


    I think Harry's getup was a Halloween costume.   As you said, does not mean he is a Nazi.


    • Haha 2
  2. 37 minutes ago, Kragar said:

    I understand Bernie is not their fave, but it did slip my mind.


    Medicare for all also means downgrading our current levels of care, to the point where we will have wait times like in Canada and Britain.  Oh joy.  There are plenty of things that are needed to fix our system.  Socializing it is not the ideal solution.

    The US system works if you have a great plan or lots of money.  If you don't,  you either go bankrupt due to medical cost (one of if not the leading cause of middle class bankruptcies),  or you ration your care.  Thousands die each year due to the cost of private medicine in the United States. 


    Wait times happen for elective procedures like joint replacements, etc.  If you go into the hospital with a heart attack,  you get the care.  If you go into the hospital with fingers cut off, you get the care.   If you need an ambulance and it takes you to the nearest hospital,  you don't get a bill afterwards or get told that you need to go to the hospital across town because the one you were initially sent to is out of your network. 


    Ya, the US system is soooooo great, not.


    Edit: I'll give a personal example.   I broke my ankle in Whistler mountain biking.   The clinics orthopedic surgeon was only available Monday to Friday, so they sent me home with a boot and crutches (I paid for).  Once home, I went to the hospital and was scheduled for surgery the next day.  I only had to wait due to where and when my injury happened, not due to waitlist rationing, like pro-private healthcare advocates fearmonger.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kragar said:

    It's fixed now.  At least they agreed to a new contract.  I'm sure some nits could be picked over that, but the main issue was apparently resolved.  Anyhow, I'm sure it was a national embarrassment for him, especially since the story broke out of the Washington Post, as opposed to Fox or Breitbart.


    He's more honest about some things, surely.  Intellectual honesty (i.e. how he intends to pay for all the free stuff) is still lacking, IMO, but then I guess we always get more promises than answers during the campaign.

    Here are some factors that led to this story blowing up. 


    1)  There has been a concerted effort by MSM to smear Bernie and his campaign.

    2) Leadership in the Campaign, when made aware of the issues tried to rectify the situation.  The initial proposals were rejected by the union.  This part, due to 1) was not reported.  


    Honest reporting would know the difference between Salaried employees vs. Hourly employees.  


    As for the bit about how to pay for everything, Medicare for all is actually cheaper than the current system when you take into account the private taxes (insurance premiums, deductibles,  co-pays), bloated administrative costs of private insurance companies, price gouging by many of the private medical companies,  etc..  A libertarian think tank study proved it, reported on last year.   The free college thing could easily be paid for by actually cutting funding to the Defense budget instead of constantly increasing it.  The Army doesn't want more tanks,  but Congress kept approving more.  There's two.  What more do you need?

  4. 1 minute ago, HerrDrFunk said:

    It's funny to see them say it's based on a book, ala Game of Thrones, when the Witcher video games are most certainly the reason why we're getting the NetFlix adaptation.

    The games made the Witcher series more mainstream.  The powers that be involved in the Netflix series have stated they are not re-doing the stories from the games.



    ‘The Witcher’ Showrunner Says Netflix Series Will Never Adapt the Video Games


    Comic-Con: Henry Cavill stars in fantasy series based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels

  5. 54 minutes ago, Canuckster86 said:

    But wasn't that apollo 11 mission the only time humans "supposedly" landed on the moon?  I am not a NASA follower, I just dont get why if it did happen way back then why hasn't anyone gone back 

    First off, there were massive budget cuts to NASA that reduced the number of missions.  Second, the powers that be figured low Earth orbit missions supplemented by unmanned probes would provide the most bang for the buck.  Third, the shuttle program.  Fourth, the infrastructure to construct rockets big enough to launch a moon mission had long been mothballed/turfed, the aforementioned budget couldn't support a new launch program.  And fifth, it's only until recently that the cost to launch stuff into space combined with the aforementioned technological advances have made moon missions affordable given NASA's budget. 

    • Cheers 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, DonLever said:

    Today is 50th anniversary of the moon landing of Apollo 11. 


    So does anyone here remember that day besides me?   I bet 90% of the people on this forum were not even born when the event occurred.


    It was a big news back in 1969 with daily TV coverage and news paper coverage.   The internet was decades away.


    Back in Vancouver, on July 20, 1969,   I remember the day as extremely hot, it must have in the mid 80's.   Back in 1969, there were only a few TV channels available and only through the air as there were no cable back then in our neighbourhood.  Like most people back then we had a B/W TV, colour TV was very expensive and few people could afford them.


    The coverage I saw was on Channel 12, then known as KVOS, based in Bellingham.   It was a CBS affiliate.  Now KVOS is a channel that shows old TV shows.


    So what did I see through our B/W TV?   Not much I have to say.   The image on our TV was very blurry.   The moment Neil Armstrong stepped on the moment, we could not really see what was going on.  It looked like white and black blobs.   Not impressive at all.


    Fast followed to 2019,  TV documentaries on right now show the events in sharp re-mastered digital detail.  What a difference.


    Part of the problem was that the TV feed transmitted from the Moon was in slow-scan TV and had to be converted to NTSC television format.  The end result was that the Apollo 11 landings were transmitted to your TV at effectively 10 fps as opposed to the standard approximately 30 fps of NTSC and the live conversion was rather poor.  The rest of the Apollo missions transmitted in standard format and did not use the SSTV format.


    The original SSTV was recorded on tapes and put away in storage.  It is these tapes that went missing.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Looks like Yang might stick around.  If over the summer he gets another percent in the polls, he'll be trying to break into the top 5 going into the caucuses.  Hopefully more than half the field will be gone by the fall.  Candidates need more time to respond than what they got in the first debate.


    Yang meets donor requirement for third and fourth debates

  8. 4 minutes ago, Canorth said:

    Too many skateboards across stages. To focused on the millennial vote he forgot what it’s like to be in a room with adults, is my guess.


    Also, he’s not running against Ted Cruz


    I’ll chalk it up to a learning experience. He’s still young and will have a few more chances 

    And he should run for the other TEXAS US Senate seat that is up in 2020.  Win that and he will gain support for next time.


    • Upvote 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Remember that whole hanging chad stupidity in Florida between Bush and Gore?  The idea is to help people with their right to make their choice.  Is it democracy when efforts are made to throw out peoples’ votes, or make it hard for them to vote?  

    It should be, but that would make it harder for a certain grand ole party to win as much as they do.

  10. 36 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    Voter suppression is happening everywhere, and it’s not only done by the GOP.

    Recently they illegally purged 200k voters in NYC.

    I see your New York 200,000 and raise you Georgia's 340,000.


    And for fun, I'll add Texas' failed/stalled attempt to purge 95,000.



    As for your New York 200,000, a good chunk of those were Dem voters in Brooklyn (just over 63,000 of that 200.000).  So your retort is not quite as strong as you think.


  11. 15 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Funny I never heard these cries when democrats win.

    Funny I never heard these cries when democrats win.


    Voter suppression is a thing.  Gerrymandering is a thing.  The recent file dump of a deceased GOP operative proves that the GOP actively is trying to suppress the vote.  Still waiting on the proof of the millions of illegals that voted for Shillary.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    why? there are other kinds of ID that are just as valid. Its a con myth designed to suppress voting in the US that only photo ID works. 

    Add in the requisite reduced hours and/or reduced number of locations that produce ID and you further reduce the ability of poor/old people getting ID.



    In Texas they proposed (later rejected for now) closing down 87 offices, resulting in 78 counties having no such office.  Imagine being poor or old and having to travel to the next county, and wait in line all the while not getting paid from your job.  Oh, and add in the fact that most Americans don't have more than $500 in their saving account for a rainy day.

    • Cheers 1
  13. Debate lineups set.  They spread out the top candidates to avoid the "kids table" debate that plagued the 2016 GOP debates.  I hope that half of this field drops out by the next debate at the end of July.  People are calling for Beto to drop out and run for the Texas senate seat that is up in 2020.



    Democratic Debate Lineup: Sanders And Biden To Face Off


    Candidates for the June 26 debate:

    • New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
    • New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker
    • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro
    • Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney
    • Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
    • Washington Gov. Jay Inslee
    • Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar
    • Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke
    • Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan
    • Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren

    The full list of candidates for the June 27 debate:

    • Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet
    • Former Vice President Joe Biden  
    • South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg
    • New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
    • California Sen. Kamala Harris
    • Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper
    • Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
    • California Rep. Eric Swalwell
    • Writer and spiritual guru Marianne Williamson
    • Entrepreneur Andrew Yang
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