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Everything posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. I some questions for the Kavanaugh defenders: Would you pet a dog that might have bitten other people? Would you let someone stay in you house who might have stolen property from other people? Would you have unprotected sex with someone who might have been exposed to an STD? Are you OK with BK and the questions of his character sitting on the highest court in the US for decades? OR Would you require a lot more digging into the past of the dog, etc. before petting the dog, letting the person stay in your house, having sex with that person, and letting BK sit on the Supreme Court?
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/kavanaugh-s-testimony-starting-look-more-more-problematic-n915771 Kavanaugh's testimony is starting to look more and more problematic First Read is your briefing from "Meet the Press" and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter.
  3. https://thinkprogress.org/kavanaugh-1997-wedding-photo-ramirez-nbc-50f89119756e/ Text messages suggest Kavanaugh didn’t tell the truth about 1997 photo with accuser Kavanaugh said he “doesn’t have a specific recollection." Text messages indicate his team had a photograph.
  4. What a baby. She deserved all the penalties she got. She berated the ref over and over. Then cried a river. This isn't the first time Serena pulled this garbage
  5. When you actually crunch the numbers this represents a drop in the bucket when you compare it to the money that can best be described as corporate welfare. You want waste look at the cost overruns in the Harper navy shipbuilding program. Billions was spent before even the first ship was started. The navy ends up getting fewer ships that cost way way more than if they had built the ships elsewhere and outfitted them here. This is also akin to the calls for welfare recipients passing drug tests to get welfare. Whenever it has been tried the testing program cost more than what the taxpayer saved in not having to pay druggies welfare.
  6. Well that is the golden temple. How would one act and dress if they were visiting the Vatican, Mecca or the temple mount.
  7. In Canada gun ownership is not a right guaranteed by the constitution. It is a privilege. If the government decided to take guns away we will be #@$&* out of luck. If the government decided to go the way of Austrailia, gun nuts would temper tantrum like little toddlers and the guns would be rounded up. The US is a different animal. The 2nd amendment was an addition to the constitution that lawmakers decided was needed years and years and years ago. The change made then is celebrated but proposed changes made today cannot be done because reasons. Let's also remember that there is language that often gets omitted when people talk about the 2nd.
  8. The simplest retort to gun nuts in Canada: Gun Ownership Is Not A Right It Is A Privilege If gun ownership was an enshrined right in our constitution then I could understand the uproar. BTW responsible gun user here.
  9. Enough time that Euron could get his fleet built and sail around to Kings Landing.
  10. And Veep, Silicon Valley finished. At least we found out when Curb comes back. Hold the door!!!!!!!
  11. The blindness is a test. How many kung fu movies does the protagonist in training montages have to wear a blindfold???
  12. I can understand the need to separate the two when the TV series was a season or two in and people wanted to talk about the red wedding. However, now that the series has "caught up" and is veering from the books it is not like book readers have any major spoilers hanging over the heads of non readers. About the only spoilers would relate to some of the cliffhangers that populate the end of A Dance \with Dragons. It seems like those final spoilers will be dealt with by the end of this season. And since when do people not talk about what MAY happen in a show. This season, book readers will finally have very few "spoilers" hanging over the heads of watchers.
  13. Had to post this. I foresee a future episode where the make-up department will need lots of make-up to cover her tattoos. At least if they follow the books. No need to spoil it for non-readers. All should hope.
  14. I don't see much of your questions having any relevant answers in the season finale tonight. Next season(s) I would say yes. For the Dany haters, it's been way too long
  15. Are you like in Game of Thrones? Anyplace south of the border is southern.
  16. Last season we had these reactions to one of the main plot points of the season. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78juOpTM3tE I wonder if the reactions will be very different at the key moment this season. Can't wait for Sunday.
  17. There is the difference between someone who "gets" GoT and someone who doesn't. Weak minded fools can go and watch the Bachelor or some "reality" crap and "real" people will watch the real adult orientated programs.
  18. Here is to hoping that RVP's career year was a one off and he reverts back to the guy who averaged 9 goals and less than 30 games a year. Go Gunners
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