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Everything posted by Kran

  1. *sigh*

    There's been like four or five people jumping onto my page and say stuff like "Whoa it's Peter Chao!!" I think it's the reason why my profile views is so high

  2. Hell yeah, what a sweet move by the MUUUUUULE

  3. Avs are going down

  4. Sorry to intrude your profile page kind sir, but I've got a question. How do you get the youtube video to play by itself like that?

  5. OHHHHHHHH WE'RE HALF WAY THERE (to getting Gold)!!!
  6. So how is it over there in Sweden right now?

  7. You've never been told you look like your parents?
  8. Oh that? It's just my patriotic side of me talking, it'll go away when March comes around :P

    Don't worry, it's not just the US, I'll be changing it to other nations as Canada steam rolls one team after another B)

  9. Ashleigh, riiiiight

  10. It was Ashley right? Or some other way to spell it I think

  11. Herro prz, wirr you be changing your name from Paver Datsyuk to Ferris Buerrer soon?

  12. Don't worry I know you are. The guy's so multi-talented it's not even funny. I wish he got some more exposure to North America though, we're lacking a true music star like him over here

  13. Don't be dissing Leehom, dawg

  14. It may seem that way, but god knows what he's REALLY looking at
  15. It's not too late to storm back and take like, 6th or 7th place

  16. No news on Kronwall yet so I think he's fine now. It just looked really bad when he collided with Staal.

    Hmm......Tanking? Red Wings? DOES NOT COMPUTE! Well then again, Nino Neidereitter does look pretty sweet in a Wings jersey ;)

  17. Wow......Kron is hurt again

  18. Yeah, we'd be begging for his stabs at our players
  19. Next time, re-upload it somewhere else
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