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Posts posted by Gross-Misconduct

  1. Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,

    Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,

    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it,

    Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,

    Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,

    Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,

    Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,

    Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,

    Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,

    View it, code it, jam - unlock it,

    Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,

    Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,

    Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,

    Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,

    Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,

    Turn it, leave it, start - format it.


  2. All I here from Zack fans are excuses, excuses, excuses.

    I think the hits will come once he is more comfortable in the rest of his game I assume the coach has him focusing on making the right play and not forcing the hit. Once he learns the defensive game and trust his decisions he will make more hits hopefully towards the end of the season and in the playoffs we will see this happening.

    That didnt take long :lol:

  3. Kass had an awesome third period tonight, and a decent game overall. Good speed and vision out there. To bad whenever he makes a wicked pass to his teammates they can't score. :sadno:

    How bout that wicked saucer pass Bieksa gave Daniel to spring him on that break away? Too bad whenever Bieksa makes a wicked pass his teammates cant score.

    All I here from Zack fans are excuses, excuses, excuses. You guys see that sweet goal from Sestito? He showed soft hands and some skill. Too bad he doesn't get ice time with the Sedins and some PP time.

  4. They are not all going to be Todd Bertuzzi. Kassian is a good hockey player with the size we covet. Top line winger? likely not. 2nd line winger? Probably. Would I trade CoHo again for Kassian? YES.

    Pretty much the same drum I've been banging but you put it in nicer terms so as not to get the Kassian fans all over you.

    Only difference is I'm not convinced he can be 2nd line. Solid 3rd liner, 15-20 goals making some big hits and fighting when needed? Absolutely. If he raises his game to a 25+ goal scorer, power forward I'd be surprised but not shocked. But no way is he gonna be that 1st line, 30+ goal scorer, PP, all-star power forward some expect from him.

  5. Hospital stays can be traumatic for patients and their family members. I give you the top 10 ways to survive a hospital stay while maintaining your sanity.

    10. Bring your own pillow. Trust me.

    9. Bring a laptop computer or request one from the hospital. Hospitals all have free wireless these days and many will actually provide you with a laptop if you just ask.

    8. Bring an accurate and updated medication list with you. Nothing leaves you more vulnerable to hospital errors than to have your doctor give you medication you haven’t taken in months or for you to miss medications that haven’t been updated by your five outpatient doctors since they bought their worthless EMR three years ago.

    7. Write down all your questions early. Your doctor will only come to your room once a day (because they only get paid by Medicare to come once in a day) and any unanswered questions will have to wait until the following day.

    6. Be patient. There is no clock in a hospital. Nobody knows when any of your tests are scheduled to be done. Not the cleaning lady. Not your nurse. Not even the doctor doing the procedure knows when you’re up. You’ll know when you’re up when they cart you away. Believing anything otherwise will just make you frustrated.

    5. You’re going to be told things that contradict each other multiple times a day. That’s normal. Accept it. All your doctors and nurses carry their own perspective and experience. There is no right answer to many of the questions you will seek. In order to feel the best, simply pick the answer that makes you feel the best and run with it.

    4. Being sick is highly unpredictable. If hospital care was easy and straightforward, we would be monitoring you from home with our Skype account. But we aren’t. You may be stable one hour and unconscious the next. That’s not your doctor’s or your nurse’s fault. That’s why you’re in the hospital.

    3. Your doctors and nurses are not dumb or uncaring because they don’t do things exactly as you wish or respond to your every need or request with immediacy. We see thousands of patients a year who all carry their own life baggage in one way or another. There is no protocol for making everyone happy. The closest we can come is to provide you with our AIDET process, which does an excellent job of preparing you for #4, 5 and 6, but it won’t make you happy.

    2. Be nice. If you are mean to your doctors or nurses, they will consciously (or subconsciously) avoid interaction with you and your family. There are many safely guarded methods handed down through centuries of medical and nursing training that have prepared doctors and nurses for the difficult family. We know all the methods by heart.

    1. Request a hospitalist. We’ll get you out quicker and less sicker. Less sicker does not mean healthy. You are in the hospital because you aren’t healthy. The best we can offer is to make you less sick. Any doctor claiming otherwise is …well … see #5

    Bonus tip

    Here is one last hospital survival tip that will shed hours off your day of uncertainty:

    When you are admitted to the hospital, request the highest hospital floor for your room. Most doctors will take the elevator to the top of the hospital and do gravity rounds. That’s because doctors, like most Americans shun stairs in favor of elevators. That means doctors will start at the top of the hospital and work their way down from floor to floor until they are done seeing patients. If you don’t want to be last, make sure you get to the top of the patient list hospital.

    There you have it folks. A hospitalist’s guide exclusively for patients on how to survive a hospital stay while maintaining a sense of sanity.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I think the glasses comment was eluding to actually watching Kassian play rather than reading a stat sheet.

    Kassian is actually very fast for his size, he has a bullet for a shot, I only wish he would use it more. As far as creativity he is showing it now that he is getting playing time with other skilled players. Pretty hard to be creative when you are playing with Sestito and Welsh, wonder how creative CoHo would be with those 2 on his wings and playing 7 mins a night.

    Here we go again with the Coho comparisons...Kassian's numbers suck but look at Cody, bla blah blah.

    And where is this 'bullet shot'? I havent seen it. I'd say Garrison has a bullet shot and I've never seen Kassian shoot it like that ever.

  7. I think you may want to get yourself a new set of glasses.

    Remember I said he will be a D.Penner type but a way better faster skater & better passing.

    I think it's time for you to serve your Game misconduct cause you're way off on Kassian.

    Hey guess what? I got myself a new set of glasses and guess what? Kassian still only has 9 points in 33 games. How can I be way off? I think I'm pretty bang on actually.

    But I'll give you credit, your Kassian/Penner comparison is closer than most Kassian lovers here. Penner is a big body, who has scoerd 30 goals only once and hit 20+ 3 other times. He also has consistency problems like Kassian. If Kassian can hit those numbers, I'd be surprised but not shocked.

    It's those Kassian fans who think he will be a 1st line, power forward, Bertuzzi in his prime like player that need to relax those unrealistic expectations.

  8. This season...

    CoHo and Kass are even in games played @ 33

    CoHo has 8 goals and 11 assists playing on the top line with Vanek/Moulson

    Kass has 7 goals and 2 assists playing mostly 4th line with Sestito/Weise/Booth

    Time on ice Coho is averaging 18:28, Kass is averaging 11:40

    Power play minutes Coho is averaging 3 minutes, Kass is averaging 25 seconds

    If you truly wanted to judge these players equally the first thing you would do is remove the powerplay time from the equation.

    Now we have CoHo at 15:28 ice time and Kass at 11:15

    So without their powerplay points...

    CoHo has 4 goals and 7 assists (playing on the top line with Vanek/Moulson)

    Kass has 7 goals and 2 assists (playing mostly 4th line with Sestito/Weise/Booth)

    Now to even out the ice times i'll divide CoHo's ES TOI by kass' ES TOI (15.5/11.25=1.38)

    So Kassians projected increase in production would be... (7g X 1.38 and 2a X 1.38)

    Kass 10 goals, 3 assists for 13 points


    Coho 4 goals, 7 assists for 11 points

    This is still without factoring in the Vanek/Moulson vs Sestito/Weise/Booth linemate factor.

    You've obviously done a bit of work here. I'm interested though, what if you replaced Kassian with Brad Richardson? What would his totals look like? Better than Kassian's numbers? Just wondering cause no one is making excuses for Richardson.

  9. None of us have actually seen what Booth can do what he is fully healthy. I've maintained that he's got all the tools to be a really good hockey player if he is healthy.

    After putting together a string of games where nothing has been bothering him, I think we can all say that he will only continue to improve.

    4M is a risk but we were all thinking the same way with Garrison, weren't we?

    ^^^ Sums up pretty much what I was gonna say. Booth does have the tools, he just has to get on a roll.

  10. Kassian's game is now becoming much more consistent and yet another night where he flashed a little "Kass que c'est" on his pass to Tanev. Plus he actually almost scored short-side right before that.

    Not to rain on your 'Love-on' for Kassian, but they teach you that pass in peewee. Blindly throwing the puck in front of the net from that position is very basic. I would expect a 1st round pick to make that play. Let's not make it out to be some amazing Gretzky like pass.

    Kassian fans are sure impressed easily.

  11. Wait a second. Im not up on whats going on here but is the OP actually saying he thinks the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax? Not ironically or satirically....but really?

    A 'hoax' that 20 children and 6 faculty members were killed by a gunman before killing himself is a bit far fetched.

    A 'cover-up' on the other hand, that the masacre did happen but not the way it's been reported is less far fetched. But still far fetched.

    I'll get my tin hat up and working and get back to this thread.

  12. Kassian sure gets a long leash from his fans for a high 1st round pick who can't get off the 3rd line.

    Anyways, the 'kid' is looking better. If we all look at his progress in baby-steps perhaps we will all agree that he's a future star in the making. I dont buy it. A 3rd liner capable of 15-20 goals is what he is. Set the bar low for this 'kid' like I have and you won't be dissapointed.

    I imagine if Zach scores tonight in back 2 back games his fans will be preparing a spot for him in the Canucks Ring of Honour.

  13. Agreed.

    That goal was a full stride in between the legs of Keith Seabrook. Even the Hawks announcers were saying it takes very serious skill to pull that off at the NHL level to a guy like Seabrook.

    Like I wrote earlier in this thread, the guy has 7 goals. The only thing the Hodgson lovers have left is the stupid goals and points which are Codys bread and butter . He is supposed to be better than Kassian at it.

    Hodgson has 8 goals. Kassian 7. His extra goal is an empty netter. First line minutes, first line team mates and all that PP time.

    Anyone saying we lost that trade at this point is being belligerent. Kassian is going to make him look like a joke in 2 more years.

    Get over the Hodgson thing already. Cody is gone, let it go. Why does Kassian's production (or lack of) have to be compared to Hodgson? So if Kassian is sucking real bad, we can say that Hodgson is sucking worse? How does that help the Canucks win games?

    Kassian is playing where he belongs. He's a 3rd line guy who can potentially get 15-20 goals. I've said that all along. If people would stop expecting a 1st line, power forward, Bertuzzi in his prime type of player, he wont be a dissapointment. He doesnt have the skills to be a high end player in the NHL.

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