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Posts posted by Gross-Misconduct

  1. For those of us who have NHL.com or Center ice, we can assure you Cody Hodgson is a total flop as a first liner. On pace to have the worst season in modern NHL history for point totals by a first line center.

    The guy never was a first liner. He reminds me a lot of Brendan Morrison without the speed. BMO was a good second line center turned 1st liner due to Bert and Nazzy.

    He is almost 24 years old. We Canuck fans have watched him since junior. He is fully developed. He is not getting bigger or stronger or faster. If anything, at 5ft 11 , I mean 6ft , he should dump some weight so he can become faster.

    Zack is a power forward. Like defense men , it takes far longer to develop them. Zacks problems are mental, which are the kinds of things that age and coaching can develop. He already has the size speed and strength.

    By time they are 25 Kassian will be as good as Hodgson and will probably surpass him by then.

    Just calling him a power forward doesnt make it true. He has the size, but a lot of guys have size. That doesnt automatically make them power forwards.

    Speed? What speed? I havent seen any speed from him. But I have seen horrible skating that cant keep up. Strength? So do a lot of players and most of them can back it up with quick feet which Zac cant do.

    Power forwards should have hockey sense too. Know when to pass, when to hit, when to shoot. All things that Zac cant do.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Kassian has had a huge opportunity in Vancouver. He was the golden boy, with Gillis invested in seeing him succeed. This gave him far more time and patience from the coaches than any ordinary rookie.

    If he really had the smarts he would have been working his tail off to improve the skills he has... first one to the rink in the morning, last one to leave. Practising his shot, practising his skating, working, working, working.

    But that wasn't the case. 1st full year he plays he comes to camp overweight. 2nd year he does work a little harder in the summer to lose weight, but no significant improvement in his skills. No difference in his shot, no difference in his skating.

    His game understanding has improved, his overall ability to position himself offensively has improved, and he does take the puck to the net a little better. But offensive is his only improvement, his defensive skills are still rock bottom, he is continually giving the puck away or passing to a team mate and putting them in a worse position than himself, thus guaranteeing a turnover.

    This kid really needs to understand that his future as a big time NHL player is now on the line. If he wants to spend the rest of his 3-4 year career on the 4th line, then keep up what he's doing. If he wants to score 25 goals a year and be physical presence, (that's the most we can hope for) then he needs to buckle down.

    Good post.

    The 25 goals is only realistic if he works his ass off and hits his max potential.

    The, Kassian can be a 1st line, power-forward, power play, 'Bertuzzi like' player believers are fooling themselves.

  3. Ahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Since when can you tell from a guy his age? Oh wait, fire everyone in management and hire you! our problems are all solved!

    How can I tell Kassian will never score 30 goals? Easy. I watch him play. He's brutal.

    No speed, no shot, no offensive creativity. This is not the recipe for a 30 goal scorer. You think he'll ever hit 30? I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.

  4. Here's an OHL scouting report from the '09 draft that forsees the troubles Kassian is having.

    There is no doubt that Kassian has NHL size and strength, and that he has the potential to play a power game on more than a fourth line. He goes to the net, cycles the puck well and has some finish. However, I have serious concerns with not only his skating but his ability to create offence with the puck and on the fly. At the U18s, when the pace was quicker, the opponent more talented than the OHL, he seemed to have very little utility offensively other than as a big body down low. In the NHL, this would limit the number of systems where he could really have an impact.


    People should stop expecting a top power forward who can play top minutes and get 30 goals. It will never happen.

  5. If you're under the impression he can't skate, I'd suggest you check out any of the sources.

    The bulk of Canucks games are broadcast on Sportsnet, with the odd game on TSN or HNIC on CBC. You can watch a Canucks game on any of those networks.

    Kassian is the gu y in a Canucks jersey who wears the number 9.

    I've seen plenty of games. He's a brutal skater. To your point, the fact that he doesnt fall down when he steps on the ice and is able to keep his balance, then I guess he can skate. But not very well and he's definetly the worst skater on the Canucks.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I have seen nothing from Kassian to indicate that he will be anything more than a decent 3rd liner if he puts all his assets together.

    I don't cant see how anyone expects this guy to be a Todd Bertuzzi like player, ever. He cant skate, doesnt have a great shot, doesnt have great playmaking skills.

    Ive heard he's shown 'flashes of brilliance' since becoming a Canuck. Can someone link me these 'flashes' or post a youtube video, cause I havent seen any flashes of brilliance from Kassian.

  7. Well he has to say something or else morons like you will probably criticize him for saying nothing.

    So no matter what he says, there's nothing you along with the 12 other morons who gave you a positive for your original your comment , will be satisfied. Give him a chance to fix things. No GM has come close to accomplishing what he has, and I can tell you straight out, there's not much a new gm can do right off the bat anyways.

    Now now, no need for name calling.

  8. Does anyone else feel that the "self destructing" that we are seeing from Mr. Ford as a ruse? A setup for the eventual book he will release?

    Obviously the smoking crack and boozing wasn't part of his plan. But the way he has handled this entire situation has me feeling like he knew his time was up and decided to take advantage of the 15 minutes of fame while he has it.

    Might be something to this. I was starting to wonder myself. Once everything exploded and he knew the gig was up, I think he decided to milk this thing and cash in later. Book or script or reality show or whatever.

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