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Posts posted by Gross-Misconduct

  1. you clearly have one of those looking back with stars situations going on. bertuzzi was good, but he's not what you remember, that's for sure. In fact, his biggest knock was he was lazy and floated 95% of the time, turning it on only when there was an offensive chance.

    Really? Todd Bertuzzi in his prime was the most efective power forward in the league. Lazy, yes. Did he float, way too often. But his skills could never be denied. Im sure I can find many impressive highlights on youtube of Bertuzzi over the years displaying his skating, puck handling skills, etc..

    I doubt I'd find many Kassian highlights if any. Oh right, theres the smashing Gagner's jaw with his stick footage. thats kinda impressive, I guess.

  2. I guess no talent hacks are often drafted in the top 15? No one is making apologies or excuses for Kassian's play. He needs to be better, but he also needs to be given the chance to be better, and that means being put into better situations, situations where he can play to his strengths. I think it's terrible that JT isn't using him on the 2nd PP........it's not like that unit is lightiong it up. He's a great passer, has good vision and he can battle in front, like Kesler does on the first unit. Let him play 3rd line mins with better players and get some time on the PP to build up some confidence.

    My friend, do some homework. There have been many busts drafted top 15 over the years. Many.

    No doubt 2nd PP or some more ice time would help Zack's confidence. But his effectiveness is limited by his skill set. His bad skating and poor decision making doesn't make for a 1st or 2nd line player.

  3. Like I said, you choose your words well. It's kind of an attack though, he is not showing a lot, but he has shown some skill. He is a decent skater when he's not loafing. But hey, I want him in Utica so it's tough to argue with me on this without getting into the tired battle of semantics. He will never be like Bertuzzi in my opinion, he's not cantankerous enough. Bert is a tough comparison as well because if Nikolishin didn't jump on Bert's back and break Moore's neck, Bert would have been a vastly more productive and mean SOB of a player after the "incident".

    The skating is miles apart. Bertuzzi in his prime looked like an overgrown Paul Coffey on the ice. And even at Bert's age and with his back surgery and injury problems, he is still a better skater than Kassian.

  4. "Kassian is a horrible skater. Never seen a great shot from him. Havent seen playmaking skills from him except for maybe 2,3 times. He seems to have no hockey IQ. You have to have a seed first before you can flourish" That's not an attack?

    How is my opinion an attack? Cause you dont like it? If I said he was ugly, stupid or made fun of his hair, thats an attack. Criticizing his hockey skills is not an attack.

    That was my response to the ever popular Bertuzzi-Kassian comparisons. Bertuzzi had all the skills to flourish into an elite power forward in the NHL, and he did. I'm saying Kassian doesnt have those skills to begin with.

    3rd line, 15-20 goal scorer? Yes.

    1st, 2nd line power forward, Bertuzzi like player? No way.

  5. It's inevitable that Cody and Zach will be compared for years to come but it's just crying over spilled milk. Support Zach or don't, cry that Cody is gone or cheer, it doesn't matter either way. People who ardently support Zach are premature while people who say he is doomed to be a bust are premature. It's fun poking the wasps nest though.

    I have my hand in it :lol:

    Good post though.

  6. Kassian fans love to point out he's only 22 and power forwards need time to develop. Can we all agree that Jamie Benn is a power foward?

    Well here's Jamie Benn's stats at the young age of 22.

    71 GMS

    26 Goals

    37 Assists

    63 Points


    55 PIMS

    And Benn only had 7 points less the year before at the young age of 21. And Benn is a 5th round 129th overall pick.

    Kassian has a lot of work to do to prove he isn't a 1st round bust.

  7. If Kassian wasn't traded for Cody would you rag on him this badly?

    If you miss your Cody that's something to take out on the GM as it was never Kassians fault he was traded in the first place. Kass is cheap and on line 4 and sometimes three right now. No reason to be expecting all that much and really no reason to be atacked like he is.

    I never attacked Kassian. And I dont care about Cody.

    My question is would the Kassian believers see so much upside in him if he wasnt traded for Cody?

    I think if Kassian plays to his max potential, he could be a 3rd line,15- 20 goal scorer. Right now he's playing like a true 4th liner with zero upside. It's those people that believe Kassian has all the 'tools' to be a Bertuzzi like, 1st, 2nd line player who should play on the PP and play with the Sedins that need to face reality. No way will he EVER be like Bertuzzi. I'll repeat myself, Kassian is a horrible skater who has showed me nothing to believe he has any 'tools' to be a power forward in this league.

  8. Kassian so far has been a failure. Just too slow, and that's led to tons of turnovers, inability to get a forecheck going or anything else. So much for Torts getting through to him. The least he can do is drop 'em, but he's not even doing that.

    Dissapointed? You bet. But kinda unsurprised too. We haven't had young players break out here forever now.

    2 things that Kassian believers will remind you of ...

    Kassian is young.

    Cody Hodgson is struggling.

  9. Guuuiiise, they're a clean team. They don't go after anybody remember? Shawn Thornton was just protecting himself

    At least that's what the coach says. I mean, who am I to not believe Bill from King of the Hill.


    Stop with the sarcasim. This is why other fans hate the Cancuks fanbase. You're a big meanie..blah blah blah blah blah.

    I hate Boston. I hate Boston fans. I hate their coach. The PC police can do you know what to my you know what.

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  10. Hey Kassian fans, dont let his on ice futility get in the way. He's young and although he has very little tools to work with except a big(often out of shape) body, he's young. He cant skate but he's young. He's showing no offensive upside but he's young.

    Oh yeah, and Cody Hodgson isnt exactly setting the league on fire. How that helps Kassian, I have no idea but Buffalo sucks.

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  11. bert also never took off till he got traded to the canucks. Hopefully kass flourishes w the canucks. That was a high risk trade.

    Please dont compare Bertuzzi to Kassian.

    Bertuzzi is an awesome skater. Great shot. Good playmaking skills, Great hockey IQ. Those are the skills he already had that flourished.

    Kassian is a horrible skater. Never seen a great shot from him. Havent seen playmaking skills from him except for maybe 2,3 times. He seems to have no hockey IQ. You have to have a seed first before you can flourish.

  12. Love the "Gillis is an idiot" posts though.

    - Garrison - Cheap.

    - Tanev - Cheap.

    - Santorelli - Cheap, steal.

    - Sedin's - Cheap, not on long term contracts.

    - Bieksa - Cheap.

    - Kesler - Affordable, not on long term contract.

    - Richardson - Cheap. Short contract.

    - Hamhuis - Cheap. Not on long term.

    Only contract(s) you can fault him for is:

    - Burrows ($4.5M) Although most knew it was an overpayment, it was also to make good on the previous contract Burrows got.

    - Luongo. Terrible contract. However, part of the blame goes to Luongo/agent for obviously assisting in such a contract, and the NHL for allowing contracts like this to take place to begin with. Blenty of blame goes around on that one.

    Gillis deserves some credit for his signings. But my criticism of MG is his bad deals (Ballard, Luongo's contract, Hodgson, Schneider) and his prosractinating and apparent fear of pulling the trigger on a big deal.

  13. Kassian with 25 pts in just under 100 games..so to me santo and kass as it seems are producing at the same rate.

    To the guy above me..kassian is much better then weise.

    Kassian - 107 GMs 16 G 11 A -13 149 PMS

    Weise - 138 GMs 9 G 13 A -8 152 PMS

    Not by much. For a 1st rounder vs a 4th rounder, those stats arent very impressive.

    Oh right, if Zach was only given top line minutes and PP time, he'd be awesome. I'm sure Weise's numbers would improve too, no?

    • Upvote 2
  14. Im 32, canadian..played junior hockey..i know alot about hockey actually. I know its a fact kassian has more points on a worse line then any oter players on our team. I know its a fact tht if you put kass with the sedins, points will come for all three, something santo couldnt manage the other night. Two different players and one has been on the 4th line all year..ill take kassians 6 over santos 16. If you are moronic enough to think santorelli will have a bigger effect on this team then kassian will then, well that is all.

    If you played junior hockey then why cant you see that Kassian is nothing more than a 3rd winger at best? Putting Kassian with the Sedins makes as much sense as Weise. Im sure Weise would put up some numbers with the Sedins too, sayin.

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