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Everything posted by Rob_Zepp

  1. Career mate! Nice thing about what I do is I get chunks of time.....but when busy, really busy. Off season always less busy but there are still things to do. nice to know someone noticed!

  2. GREAT SONG by one of my ATF bands......! :D
  3. mix on the pod...precise moment now...."Down in the Park" remake by Marilyn Manson
  4. Notice how he has done squat in the third round? The guy is useless....
  5. Roughly it goes like this: "cough, cough....Hawks suck" "No, Canucks suck...cover your mouth with that crap" "Cough, cough...... Hawks suck" "You are asking for it little one of the hockey Canuck Nation. I will do bad things to your head with mighty power (or it could have been flowers) upon arrival at next station". "Cough, cough,.... Hawks suck" "That's it you little twerp of genetic mutation unknown in this region of state controlled conception. You will bow down and be forced to watch Game Two over and over" "Cough, cough....Hawks suck" "OK, that is it. Next stop I will change into more gymnastic apparel and while eating my lunch will curse you while doing my nightly exercise" "Cough, cough....." Rest is much the same. Nothing really that great. Some slagging of various players. Surprisingly little said about Eager's hit but the little guy sure knows his hockey.
  6. ??? A thread that unites the board should be locked? What twisted logic would be at play in your head on this one?
  7. Why do people enjoy a fine wine? Why do people enjoy a good movie? Why are epic threads given ever lasting life?
  8. They have been feeding off his example....it sucks. No real effort in a game for a while.
  9. Burrows has been invisible for almost a week.....done nothing in a game situation. Pathetic.
  10. I wonder why Clutch doesn't simply come on here and say "I screwed up" and have a good laugh with everyone about it. I think 99% of the poking at him has been good natured and makes a global good point about this site that too many post things without really thinking them through (I mean in a hockey sense). Having this thread stand will (hopefully) make some think harder in future. If Clutch was to come back to say "I was messing with you" or "I messed up" or any variety of responses, all would be good too...... Anyway, I think this thread is golden and the reason I brought it back to life in the first place those few months back.
  12. Agreed...his the OP was classic but he simply would not stop....about three or four into his act, this one showed up: I could visualize Clutch on the couch last night when the "no hands" tip in when in, when he who "can't skate" blew around Jackman or when he with "no heart and soul" scored what may be the most important goal of his career to date. Clutch was in anguish. He could not bring himself to cheer for the Canucks. His conflict was so great. Clutch, please pick another player to malign next year.
  13. He didn't score last night. He is a bum. Clutch was right. Burrows is a drag on the entire team.
  14. Bradford, you were offering 10:1 odds Canucks make it out of first round. I will take you up on that. Please respond.

  15. Sure, other alignment fine (I don't know the Lower Mainland well anymore) but just get some rail in place. I like the insurance way of doing it as easier to track but a per km is a good idea as well.... Point needs to be driven home that more public transit benefits EVERYONE so EVERYONE should pay more for it.
  16. There are bridges all over Europe more than 500 years old.....age is not the determining factor if you can make a good commitment to public transit. The mentality that we have to continually build more capacity for cars is fundamentally flawed.
  17. Why not have a rail system from downtown all the way out to Langley/Chilliwack that runs down the centre of the Trans Canada? It could have major stops in Langley, Surrey, Burnaby, East Van and Downtown. Above grade, not Skytrain but good old fashioned rail technology. Like West Coast Express only another cooridor. Also, add a $100 a year public transit tax on all ICBC policies (one per vehicle) with a rebate for each vehicle used less than 4000 km per year or something like that. I know many would cry a river over that but it would benefit EVERYONE to encourage people to get out of their cars and be more like it is here in Europe. Do it before you HAVE to do it.
  18. Thanks for calming the childish posts! Good job.

  19. Same guarantee AIC gave on people for their investment returns?
  20. If it was ever posted before, I didn't see it. Interesting article and it seems a lot of prophetic stuff in there in terms of his emergence as a guy who can find the twine at the NHL level.
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