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Captain Aerosex

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Captain Aerosex last won the day on March 24 2013

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About Captain Aerosex

  • Birthday 02/29/1916

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    Kelowna/North Van
  • Interests
    Aside from hockey and Canucks...snowboarding, basketball, lifting, gaming, all fields of science, and music (rock, reggae, funk, rap, electro)

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  1. Been interested in the guy since I watched him fight Brimage. His skills, humour, and confidence made me a fan and persuaded me that he might have what it took to be champion, and his next 2 fights only added to that. After Poirier, I believed completely. When I got into MMA, GSP and Silva were my favourites. But they were already established. Conor is the first fighter that I've watched and rooted for as he climbed the ladder. Somebody who I've tried to emulate in the gym and whose mentality I try to capture. Now he's the biggest star in MMA. It's inspirational for me. I'm incredibly happy for the guy. At the same time...I feel for Jose. 10 years Undefeated, P4P #1, FW GOAT...destroyed in 13 seconds. He's going to be dragged through the mud. Overall a decent card. Didn't live up to 189. Weidman screwed himself in an otherwise close fight that he would've won if he kept fighting his fight. Holloway made Stephens look like he didn't belong in there, as did Maia to Gunnar. Romero-Jacare was disappointing. Neither guy really earned a win. If Conor moves up, Edgar-Holloway for the strap. If he stays to fight Edgar, Aldo-Holloway.
  2. Dollar Billashaw is for real. Good lord. Felder/Barboza was the greatest spinning $&!#fest I've ever seen. With some tuning up, Felder's going to be scary.
  3. Hah, he shattered his own foot doing that unfortunately.
  4. I never buy PPVs, but was compelled by the hype to get this one. So glad I did. I wouldn't consider it a stretch to say this is the greatest card in fighting history. Prelims weren't great (except for Elbowfest 2015, which was awesome) but every fight on the main card was somewhere on the continuum of awesome to legendary.
  5. A less pretty picture...the Red King seems like a more fitting nickname than it used to.
  6. Greatest PPV in UFC history, one of the best nights of combat ever. I'm paining for Rory, pulling so hard for him and he pushed himself to the limit throughout the fight. You could hear him going "my head" in pain between rounds and you could see the agony he was in during the fight (broken right foot apparently, as well as the exploded face). Him and Robbie are absolute gladiators, one of the best fights of all-time. I hope Rory isn't damaged for life by this fight. And McGregor...I've been saying this guy was for real for a long time now. Now the hype is through the roof for that unification bout.
  7. Well this blows. But this (not even considering Aldo's injury) is a more interesting fight to me, stylistically. It's just...all the hype...I had the hardest boner for so many months, and now it's just kinda...you know...up...
  8. A guy who survived the favelas, trained in abject poverty sleeping on the gym floor to become a pro fighter, and now the most dominant active champion in the UFC plus the greatest featherweight in history...is a pansy?
  9. Well done. Did not see Andrei pulling that off, but holy &^@#ing hell what a fight. The Chris is the $&!#. Good on ya DC, I wanted Rumble to win, but meh. We all know either of them is just a paper champ until the GOAT gets back.
  10. Same except Rumble. But that's not a confident pick: I'm really unsure about the new LHW champ.
  11. Joe Rogan has Joe Schilling on his podcast and they're talking about the training Ann Wolfe is making Kirkland do. She has a heavy bag attached to an arm on a truck (like a mini-crane sort of) and she slowly drives towards him while he's facing the truck hitting the bag. She doesn't stop, so he has to constantly keep moving backwards while he's hitting the bag. Nuts, but perhaps effective.
  12. Pac's the best Mayweather will have ever fought, a southpaw, and has Roach in his corner. But I don't think he'll 'expose' Mayweather. Floyd doesn't show any real flaws, other than low output and a reliance on clinching. The only real bugaboo is that he'll hold his right hand high in guard, so maybe a booming left to the liver could be available for Pacquiao. If Manny wins, it won't be him picking apart Floyd and showing us all these flaws that nobody exposed before. It'll be him biting down on his mouthguard, ripping his heart out of his chest, and taking the fight to a less motivated Floyd. And like I said, whoever referees has a big impact on the fight.
  13. I think Pac could easily win by decision simply by sheer output. Depends on how much Mayweather clinches, and then if the ref is going to be letting them grapple or breaking it up quickly. But Maidana was catching Mayweather, so Floyd turned it into a wrestling match. If Marcos is putting tips on him, Pacquiao can.
  14. Wish I could take credit for it. I'm just sharing the incredulity.
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