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Everything posted by Otis

  1. Love Lana but that song is terrible IMO soooo good. Matthew GOAT imo
  2. Had to give the mafia an extra kill to give them a chance?
  3. yes. what's the point in voting out kesler? it's a 50/50 shot
  4. It's basically a 50/50 shot on Kesler/Otherwise.. one has to die to figure out which is lying, otherwise is running away with the vote so i'll place my vote on her. Vote3 Otherwise
  5. Loving the play of the CDCGML Blackhawks!!! Get in and there's a chance!
  6. Never an underdog in cdcgml imo. Anyone can win.
  7. Otis lives for himself fuck the rest. #SKtalk
  8. There's lots of room on the Panthers bandwagon!
  9. Good trade for both sides IMO. And Go Habs/Hawks!!!
  10. I don't got work la manana so I can play any time.. Just before the Pens game good for u? 3?
  11. imo no. i work 4-10 so miss the gut of action
  12. McQuaid shut down due to ankle surgery, damn. Was holding out hope he could return in the playoffs... get well soon Adam!
  13. Are we calling it Ballsy now? My first game was Ballsy guys, hehe.
  14. wait a sheriff contacted toews without investigation? I thought he was the investigation
  15. We're obviously número uno. Everyone else can battle for second place tbh.
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