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Everything posted by Otis

  1. 1) Aladeen 2) Kryten 3) King Heffy 4) Intoewsables 5) Peaches 6) Go Faulk Yourself 7. Luciferase 8. otherwise 9) IlDuce39 10) VICanucksfan5551 11( Drouin 12) JE14 13) Big Mike 14) Where's Wellwood 15)Otis 16)Kesler87 17) Bo Hunter Booth 18) Captain Aerosex 19) gbossi
  2. Kes just waiting for otis to sign up what a sweetheart.
  3. Tos otis on list. Next time listen to otis imo
  4. Big Hossa with the huge night and saad already earning his new contract! 51 points already today!
  5. We are pumped to come to terms with our home grown talent in Brandon Saad. He has been a huge part of our organization for years now and we look forward to him continuing to grow in our system.
  6. Wooo!! Keep it up my Hawks!!
  7. Tru, praise Otis. Don't worry I won't be playing next game likely anyways people just criticize poor Otis for trying new things. Ya after I died eh? Give me a break woman.
  8. Not my fault they started a lynch for me because of a joke, that's their own stupidity tbh. Plus I discussed it here in the thread and no one listened... Dunno how that is my fault when no one listened.
  9. it was implemented fine IMO. I was not getting out of a stupid lynch and this saves a lynch. I told people who I thought should be lynched and if they don't listen it's their own fault.
  10. Yeah ban the guy for trying to help his team win. Good logic you over serious mofo.
  11. Blame CA not me. Least the TP can have a proper lynch. That was the GOAT death. Thx toes <3
  12. Tru id rather you Cheerios lynch a mafia tho so I'll enjoy dying at the hands of Toews Ps those bandwagon votes on me are making it pretty obvs who a few of te mafia are. Lynch KH tbh. Bai.
  13. Good news Toews will be god killing me when he gets home maybe you guys can lynch a mafia ! Good luck fruit loops
  14. Lol you guys thought I was serious? Do you not know how I play this game? I was going to take the hit from the mafia. Idiots, idiots everywhere. Hope you guys lose. Edit for god kill
  15. GD, KH, BDM and one other possibly the final mafia IMO.
  16. Sheriff's get free lapdances right?
  17. I didn't have any sarcasm in my post sorry if I offended anyone.. every matchup is tough IMO and I won't be comfortable unless I have a humongous big lead! But I must say I enjoy your confidence in the Panthers
  18. Anything can happen in the playoffs so I will not be counting any eggs before they hatch my friend! Take nothing in life for granted
  19. Logic: Otis has been accurate in his accusations so he must be mafia.. kk there pal.
  20. Ok guys, there is a reason that I am not on the list... I am the Sheriff... come at me mafia! Vote King Heffy
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