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Everything posted by Otis

  1. so John Moore gets suspended the same amount of games as Prust who is a repeat offender while Moore isn't, the hit was later, caused Stepan to have jaw surgery and there was no penalty on the play... alright there NHL, solid logic my friends.
  2. True... where the fk is otis and aladeen? what a joke.
  3. Florida domination must continue!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Mr.Crawford, Saad, Hossa, Toews, Kane, Handzus, please ruin the finals for the rest of the CDCGML GM's other than myself, would be quite gratifying. Let's go captain serious!!!
  4. If he gets more than a game or two.. Lol. Prust's hit was later. Lets go Blackhawks! 22-3 in game 5s and 6s under Quenneville.. I'll take those numbers right now
  5. do you have a problem with this? btw the text in ur sig is highly correct.
  6. why? burr cum back imo you're the turd imo... jk love you all (mostly just toews but ya)
  7. Getting a bit ahead of myself i know
  8. Moore you're supposed to save the pims and plusses for the finals bro!
  9. expect better from you is all PO.. you're supposed to be the king of puns around here I feel ya. He was sending me strange PM's.. I hired him to try to help him learn a few things but ya.. lol.
  10. Good news.... Thank you BM. Can't wait to have ppcli back around soon.
  11. I know but it's not good for my stress levels!!
  12. Those are some pretty impressive #s in a mens league for a young kid, damn.
  13. Carter is playing out of his mind as well though.. going to need John Moore to chip in an assist or two with some plusses and a few pims Would be heartbroken if I make it to the finals and lose.. don't think I could take the stress that the final series will probably have for me... Proud of my team regardless though.. we've come a long way the past few seasons, being this close.. it's just crazy! Stickin' to the process and hope for the best.
  14. Chicago's record under Joel Quenneville... pretty crazy stats. Game 1 = 10-6 Game 2 = 10-6 Game 3 = 5-11 Game 4 = 10-6 Game 5 = 12-2 Game 6 = 10-1 Game 7 = 1-1
  15. 1. One one two 2. Kesler87 3. Intoewsables 4. g_bassi 5. Tanikins 6. Peaches 7. Bo Hunter Booth 8. VICanucksfan5551 9) JE14 10. Otis.
  16. ^wow... if you get a chance to speak to him let him know we are thinking of and praying for him.
  17. Yes I remember.. and he was an OT goal away from making that statement truth
  18. lawl what kind of standards do you think I have.
  19. thanks captain obvious. edit: forgot the ,
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