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Everything posted by Otis

  1. Brunners Mike Vanderhoek _arby_18 lethunder
  2. I might be crazy but i still think VIC is either the KP or SK. I don't like how he's playing, at all.
  3. Told ya man if you get in you have a fighting chance! Congrats and hope your guys keep it up!
  4. When I thought I had you figured out
  5. Boom. Another 70 point night. Romo would probably be leading anyone else in the east after tonight but the panthers are on a mission!
  6. No one ever listens to me when I say to lynch VIC.. WOAT. If it comes back to bite us don't blame me.
  7. They just showed that game 7 OT goal by Burr.. What memories. Can't remember many times I was happier than after that goal. Get us back in the playoffs pls linden.
  8. Yep if they win out your right back in it.
  9. Tarasenko is too sick. Sharp and Hossa playing as bad as I've ever seen them play, sloppy sloppy sloppy. 51 for moi give or take a few for pluses on what happens in the chi-STL game
  10. Was waiting for you to figure out who had him --- Roussel and Daley combine for 15 pims.. Ffs... And as I'm typing Toews and Kane both pick up PPAs... Woo!
  11. Caboose misconducting his way to the second round
  12. 3 Panthers in the top-30, solid.
  13. Craig Adams!!! What a beaut.
  14. Yeh much respect to the Canes. Buuuuuuuhhhhh du hast.
  15. 17 points to Carolina's 0... lead's growing!
  16. Sorry for being MIA, had work till 10 then had a game recorded so didn't check anything on my phone/comp Good lynch in Peaches but VIC is mafia as well keds, otis guarantee. Vote VIC again.
  17. Fixed. when is otis ever wrong with his predictions?
  18. Ah ok. Didn't see him on the pickup... what a dumb way to get 20 points though lol.
  19. DSP just got a misconduct but he's not on Minny's playoff roster, wow. Would've given him 20 pts from Maroon and DSP.
  20. Would be more accurate if those flying players hit Schneid and Lu in the back of the head IMO since both of their teams' are a joke as well.
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