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Everything posted by Wild#9

  1. Doesn't Peyton Manning play for the Colts? I was watching a game once and I said "whoever scores the next touchdown is my fav player" and Manning got one. Haha great method, right? Well it worked with Koivu ;)

  2. No way! I need that money for Wild tickets, not new, expensive TVs haha

    Wait wait wait a minute here. I am NOT a Vikings fan. I'm a bandwagoner of there's for sure, but now they suck so I hate them :P

    Colts. No just kidding I have no idea, but I want the Colts to win.

  3. Yeah, I've been avoiding SI for a bit now but I say if we beat Detroit tomorrow, I'll take a peek at the West again. You're sure we'll pass em? Is that a promise? :P

    Oh exams. Fun.

  4. I've been too scared to look at the standings for a while, but I guess you're right. We're 2 games away. And you guys are tied with the Avs, huh?

    Pretty good, and yourself?

  5. Haha sureee, and I'd have to buy a new TV. Still not worth it.

    Ugh, no there's not, Favre's probably not returning and we suck without him. But I'm already over it and I've gone back to hating the Vikings. See? It's like nothing ever happened.

  6. the wrong time to suck

  7. Well I saw the guy on TV, so I could have punched the TV but that wouldn't really help anything lol

    Yeah I think I agree

    Haha you've always got tomorrow, right?

    Yeah, and it was actually more depressing than I thought it would be. I think my Vikings-obsessed friends had me actually caring. Favre, it was only a matter of time until he screwed us. But he really chose the wr...

  8. I actually have seen a guy texting before, and he was in the seat RIGHT next to the runway. He could have been giving them high fives! I wanted to punch him and take his seat.

    I dunno, I think if you're down by 1, the 3rd is the fastest cause the clock is against you but other than that, the 1st does fly by.

    Haha everyone always says they'll study on the weekends, but who does??

  9. Nah, he'd probably be texting lol

    Exactly! So why do we let them have 4 if we can't score enough to beat them? Who knows.

    I think the 2nd is the one where most teams suck.

    Yeah, but I think weekends are a ripoff(sp?). I mean, you wait all week for only 2 days off! And they go so quick

  10. Haha no, I was just pretending to be one of my exs lol

  11. No, I don't HAVE to be right all the time, it just works out like that :P

  12. A bit? That would be freakin awsome! And if we were playing Pheonix or someone, no one would even notice lol

    Haha if only it actually worked out that way. Our issue is we let them have 4 goals, then show up only for the 3rd and try to come back. But really we can't do that so we usually end up losing.

    Hey, I warned you I was a bandwagoner! It's kinda fun ac...

  13. Haha I love how this is pinned now. This thread is more legendary than Wilboy or whatever his name was.
  14. Ha that would be so cool, I could walk around saying "my team kicked ____ out of the league"

    Yeah, it was cool but now we have this horrible habit of trying that every game and it isn't working out so well

    I don't really consider him "my QB", he's just a Viking so I can trash talk him now and then buy his jersey when they win the Super Bowl lol

  15. Yeah, well you're...down! Take that! lol

    Yeah, whatever you say I'll still be right. So, really you're stuck being either wrong or insulting your team. Personally, I like the second one better :P

  16. Haha they'd probably cry.

    I would. I couldn't believe my eyes with the Hawks game, and that was only 4 goals!

    Hey, I think Owennolan is old and he's, what, 37? Favre is gonna die of old age soon.

    Sure, you can try but really it's already stuck in your brain and someday it's gonna slip out in front of your Nuck friends :P

  17. Psh. Doesn't matter, I'm right.

    Oh no but those people had already been infected by your Nuckfanitis. By the time we came into the league, it was too late to save them :P

  18. *sighs* Well one of these days you're going to remember and then you'll sound like a Wild fan in front of all your Nuck friends. Then it will all be worth it :P

  19. Nah, I say we play our "see how amazing we can make this comeback" game and win the Cup after being down 13-0 in Game 7. I would probably have a heart attack lol

    Well that's what people were saying before he signed here. Then he signs and everyone forgets about that and bows down. Yeah, he's around 40...I think...

  20. Ya know, that's a pretty good idea, but have you not learned the Wild slang yet? X isn't a sign, its the Xcel Energy Center, remember? lol why do I even try to teach Nuck fans this stuff? and btw those hats are EXPENSIVE, like $20 burning

  21. No way you could ban me, or else you would no one to bow down to when the Wild win the Cup :P

    Meh, he's only with us so he can get revenge on his Packers. If he wasn't mad at them, there's no way he's be here right now. Plus he's old. He should probably retire soon or he'll break his back.

  22. Haha see? They might suck most of the time but when they aren't, it's double the awesomeness.

    Nuh uh, since we're an expanison team, most hockey fans had already chosen their favorite team, meaning less for us.

  23. Psh you're just jealous the Wild probably have more "look what we did" stories in the past 9 years than most teams have in 70 :P

    Ok. Can I use the expansion team excuse for this one? :P

  24. Lol sureeee you would. I would hate to be a mod on CDC though, I don't wanna deal with all the idiots in a mature way lol

    Omg really? We're pretty awesome.

    Meh, he is but he's kinda like Gabby. I'm expecting him to ditch us any second. If you win the Cup, I'll buy one and then burn it next to my "GO CANUCKS" sign outside the X, just to confuse drivers :P

  25. Yeah, but then you'd have to be all mod-y and leaderish and I don't think that would work for me lol

    Yeah, I stalk Stealth. Shhh don't tell anyone :P

    Probably. But I'm still going to hope that the Vikes can somehow pull a win out of Favre's @$$. I want one of those cool Super Bowl hats! :P

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