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Everything posted by Joker

  1. What kind of courses are you planning to take when you go to college/university? 'Cause I'm sure not all courses are brutal. Lol.

    I'm doing Scientific notation in my Physics class, I don't find it too brutal, but the sig figs crap (that's what my teach calls it, lol) is pretty tough. I hate teachers who are mean. They just ruin your day completely.

  2. Thanks for the view, bud. What's up?

  3. What up, man? Long time no talk, eh?

  4. Woah, your picture scared me. Lol.

  5. Me neither!

    I guess that's good. I hate when it's just time for the weekend, and teachers give you a crap load of homework to do. That's what happened to me. <_< But I'll finish it......soon, I think.

    Ummm....'cause I'm not good a drawing?...

  6. this dude searched our bag, and pulled that Listerine out. He thought it was a bomb, and thought we were terrorists (lol), but my mom showed him our documents. We were indeed Canadian citizens. It was kind of funny, though. Everybody was scared and shocked. But we made it to India just fine. What an experience for me, though.

  7. So, technically, you aren't a 'true' American?...

    This one time, my mom, brother, and I were going to India and we were in the Vancouver airport getting ready to enter the terminal we were supposed to be in. On the way, we had to go through that metal detector thing, and in the scanner thing, they found Listerine (I think it was that) and they asked us to step to the side....

  8. Not always. Not when you're as competitive as me. So, just give up. Mmmkay?

    Ouch. That must kill. But the classes aren't that long, are they? Like, 1 hour and half or something like that? But wouldn't you get some more homework the next day, and then have to do it all in one day!? CRAZY!

    I'm not the best drawer around...

  9. And whoever got it wrong had the other guys' name in the sig or something?...

  10. Woah, what an experience for him, eh? Lol.

    Wait, knives and toothpaste? What could you do with that? Somehow make a bomb out of that?

    Well, it's my rookie year, so I don't think I'll get to be captain just yet. But, maybe in a year or two, I will. Even an 'A' would make me happy. Lol.

    I think that's what we agreed on. And whoever got it wrong had the other...

  11. Tag is the shiznit. Lol. I always use to play it with my cousins. It was so fun! I would still play it....if they ever wanted to play with me.

    When I'm usually bored at my cousins house, we play this game at night. It's called dark tag. Lol. It's awesome. =D You should play it with your buddies.

  12. Oh, I see. Sucks for you guys, I guess. You ever gotten 'searched'?

    Lol. I'm already on the top line. I'm the leader in points. I own that team! =P

    Dude, remember what we were talking about at the starting of the summer? About how we were going to guess the top teams in the east and west? Hockey's almost here, you know. We should start on that...

  13. Lol. You know me too well. =P

    So would Twilight be considered a love story?

  14. 'Cause I never lose! Mwuahaha!

    Ouch, I had that routing at my old school. It was a killer. Just so much learning in one day! BRAIN OVERLOAD!

    I've got Physics, Math, Art, Socials, Chemistry, English, French, and Drafting.

  15. Never! I shall be the victor!

    All in one year!? Or over semesters? Mentorship? Who do you mentor? Lol. Is accounting fun? I don't even think my school has that course...but I wouldn't really want to join, sounds kind of hard.

  16. READ!? Get outta here! Lol. What books?

  17. Only 4 A's!? No wonder they put more pressure on you. =P Lol.

    Woah, I can't even pronounce that second word. Then that's really good then. UBC is a great uni, I think I might go there after I'm done school.

    I've got Chem next semester...is it hard?

  18. Were you failing classes, then?

    IB? What's that?

    School has been alright. Not to bad, I guess. Got Physics and Math in one day, which really kills me. Physics is tough, man. I can barely keep up with it. Math is okay. But then I've got Art and Socials, which is pretty easy.

  19. We're still talking about PS3, right? Or a game to play, as in, tag or something? Lol.

  20. Thanks for the view. =)

  21. So you just stay bored? Fun. Lol.

  22. No, it's actually until you admit defeat.

    So what classes are you taking that's nerdy?

  23. It's fine. I hate getting sick, too. I see. So what do you do when you get bored?

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