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Everything posted by Joker

  1. I don't doubt it at all. =D

    Haha. Oh yeah, you wanted to take summer school...*cough*nerd*cough* =P


  2. Haha. What a brutal loss, though. Oh well, it's only preseason. The regular season we'll kick some major butt. =D

  3. Haha. Do they even make those? Lol. Or better yet, make it by yourself. =P Actually, I think some of Beethoven's symphony's are about 45 mins - 60 mins long. Use one of those....if you're actually gonna play it. Lol.

  4. WHAT'S.








  5. Exactly. They change/take out a lot of things from the book. Which I don't mind too much, but it would be better if they followed the story bang on. Dude! I'm so pumped for the last movie!!!! SO PUMPED!!!

  6. What!? That didn't scare you!? I'll have to use another tactic. =P

  7. ...'Cause I don't.

    I'm not really freaking out either. It's just preseason. Everyone on the team is getting warmed up for the real action. I hope Morrison makes the team, though, eh?

  8. Lucky you. Lol.

    I'm thinking of a cross between a good cop and a donut guy. =P The tazer is very over-used nowadays. Sometime they don't even need the tazer, and yet they use it. Very unjustice.

    Moi aussi. =P

    Oh, lol. That sign should come above my head, "The more you know!" Lol.

    Oh nice. So you're basically set then? Do you know what cops gotta take?...

  9. I don't know. I think I'd live. ;)

    OUT OF 100!?!? WHA!?!? THAT'S CRAZY! Wow, that's brutal. Really brutal.

    I guess if we keep talking about it throughout this week (via comments), I'll remember it. =D

  10. Same here. They're just too outrageous for me. There's just so much going on in one shirt it doesn't look good.

    Nice, I wear some of those too.

    Lol. I guess you'll never know what I meant then...

  11. I don't have FB, so I wouldn't know. MSN is still awesome, bro.

    You do that with yourself? Or with some buddies?

    Oh, lol. You're too risky for me. What if you fall and a car runs right over your head? Then I'd bet you'd regret going on a bike lane. Just sayin'.

  12. Thanks for the view. What's up?

  13. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    Did I get you?

  14. Yeah man, what a loss. I didn't watch the whole game, only bits and pieces, but everytime I changed the channel to the game Edmonton scored. Lol. Not a good game indeed.

  15. Well, I hope you get life insurance. Lol. If I die on the job. That makes me worried, and I hope no one is hoping that. Lol.

    Ah damn, that sucks. I guess you'll just have to try extra hard. =P

    IKR? Erm...I don't know that one. Lol. What do you gotta take if you want to go into commerce?

  16. ...and just press post so everyone knows you agree with it. Did that make sense?

    Well, to me, he is very unintelligent.

    F***! 3 comment reply. Not this crap again...

  17. Not everything...

    Nah man, those aren't not douche bag clothing. They aren't all out and distracting like Ed Hardy crap. They actually look good. If you think that's d-bag clothing (which they aren't), what do you wear?

    Yeah, I guess. I hate when people do that though. They agree with someones post, reply to it, but don't write anything about it and just press post...

  18. Ohh, I see what you did there. =P

    I see. Lol. I should delete you then, eh? Haha. I probably don't talk to half of the people on my list, I'm just too lazy to go through it all and delete them.

    Interesting. Usually people who have vans have a big family...you got a big family? Outdoorsy stuff? Aren't you just riding it on a sidewalk? =P

  19. Possibly...

    Yeah, I guess. But it's not fun going to every class knowing you're going to have another quiz.


  20. Oh nothing much. Just waiting for the game to come on. Hope Canucks win, eh?

  21. ...is finished, is out. And you go until there is a winner.

    More clearer?

  22. Oh, lmao. What a fail of a reply. Let me try clearing that up.

    There's this other game I play with my cousins. You get something you can put your Ipod in, and put your songs on shuffle. Then you get some kind of ball and throw it around. One person is it to start. And you just try throwing the ball to someone, if it hits them, then they're it. Whoever has the ball last when the song....

  23. I'm just saying. If you're that confident that you're better looking, just bet your life. Lol.

    That's not bad then. I have a Physics quiz every class. <_< It's not very fun...

    Then if you forget, and I forget, how will I draw it for you?

  24. LOL.











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