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Posts posted by *Buzzsaw*

  1. Pettersson is headed for his best ever season... no surprise there.


    He is 24 and just rounding into form.


    At this rate, and based on likely trailing off a bit as the season goes on, he should hit between 80-90 points.


    I think it is very likely he will reach 100 points at some point in his career.


    Management needs to sign Andrei Kuzmenko  RIGHT AWAY ... there are a lot of other GM's who will be bidding for him in the off season.


    As far as I know he will be an UFA next year.


    Have to wonder if he was taken off Pettersson's line to avoid him scoring too much and requiring a huge contract... and Boeser maybe added to Petey's line to increase his sale value? 

  2. What is killing this team is the lack of defensive skill and lack of overall defensive structure.


    Canucks have plenty of offensive talent, they have more than enough scoring ability.


    What they don't have is D... both in players and in team coaching.


    Team just does not have a full set of defensemen.  It is missing at least two top 4 positions.


    And that problem is made worse by the fact the overall defensive structure of the team is non-existent... which includes the forwards.


    This didn't start with Bruce Boudreau, it was hatched and developed under Green.... and it remains a part of the way the Canucks' play.


    It is characterised by a number of failures:


    -  Premature collapse to the net... even 5 on 5 the team looks like it is playing shorthanded... there is no challenging of the opposition point positions... and no coverage and pressure on the opposing forwards. 


    -  Forwards failure to cover their assignments... every forward on the ice has someone who is their defensive responsibility, and while on every team there always will be some breakdowns and loss of coverage, with this team it happens more often than it doesn't.  Forwards have to stick with their check... especially in the D zone... there has to be consistent pressure and coverage.


    -  No system to breakup the cycle.  Every team in the league uses the cycle... which is one player has the puck along the boards, draws the attention of the opposition, then passes it off to a linemate... either with criss-crossing, direct passes around the boards, etc.  Players are always moving.  You break the cycle by getting on the puck carrier and limiting his passing options.  This can be done with a physical takeout of the puck carrier... (big D with reach do this extremely well) or by making sure there is no open man... (see Forwards covering their assignments)  Canucks are continually getting caught in their zone while the other team cycles endlessly.  Result:  The Canucks on the ice get tired out and the other team finds an opening to score.  The cycle has to be broken early... the longer it goes on, the worse the situation gets.  Right now there does not appear to be any system to break the cycle.... the Canucks just run around like chickens with their heads cut off... a lot of times two guys on the opposing puck carrier... which leaves another opponent open for the pass.


    I could go on.


    These failures are a function of the coaching... in particular they are the assistant coaching Staff's responsibilities.


    Last year we had a number of different Assistants... this year the current staff does not seem to be getting the job done.


    Management has to look at these issues... unless they have decided on a tank.

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  3. Elon Musk is a high functioning Autistic... which means he probably is very good at conceptualizing ideas, dealing with complex details, but also probably has issues in the area of interpersonal communication and social skills.


    With his level of personal wealth, there is no longer anyone who dares to contradict his expressions, hence his recent set of gaffes.


    I wonder how well Twitter will do under his management... it is an entity which requires a high level of insight into social niceties from its managers in order to be successful.


    Musk also seems to have developed a very high opinion of his own abilities... with very little willingness to acknowledge the contributions others have made to his success.


    For example, he says he is against government subsidies, but in fact the central reason for Tesla's success were the Billions of dollars in green Federal and State subsidies and zero emission credits which the company received.  (credits diverted from main stream auto manufacturers and into his pocket)

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  4. Team was asleep at the switch when the first puck dropped.


    And never really woke up till the 2nd... Hoglander's goal was a lucky anomaly the rest of the 1st was garbage.


    Ovechkin basically set the tone and you could see the resignation set in from his 2nd goal.  Canucks never were really in it from that point.


    Giveaways were disgraceful.


    Team has to learn to come out hard and competitive from the 1st whistle.


    They also need to learn to fight from behind and not mail it in after the other team gets a lead.




  5. There were two options to get Podz going... put him on Pettersson's line or send him to Abby.


    Kuzmenko and Mikheyev are playing well with Petey, that line is the primary offensive driver for the team, so obviously BB doesn't want to break that chemistry up.


    Playing on the fourth line is not really the solution for Podz, he is a potential top sixer who needs first line minutes and offensive situations.


    So sending him to Abby makes sense.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

    Understandable, but disappointing. We should expect more from a 10th overall pick. Then again, he hasn’t assaulted anybody and treats women with respect to the best of our knowledge so that makes him better than certain previous Nucks lotto picks. 

    Obviously Jake Virtanen's play is nothing to recommend him, he was a clear underachiever. 


    But re. the assault charges... he was acquitted.  No need to tar him with that brush.

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  7. I have been a big fan of John Herdman, but I have to say I think he has made serious errors in his coaching in the World Cup.


    There is a world of difference between teams in N America/Central America/Carribean and those who are in the WC.... especially Euro teams.  They will kill you instantly given an opportunity.


    I think Herdman's structure for the team has been way too offensive, and it has left the team vulnerable to counterattacks.  You just can't give teams like Belgium and Croatia the chances which Canada has gifted them due to the structure and positioning of Canada's team on the field in the last two games.  Canada was constantly out-manned by Croatia on the break.


    Sure, Canada outchanced Belgium, but it didn't matter because the Belgians cashed in on their one gold-plated chance.... which happened on the counter... again Canada was out-manned.


    Herdman should have stacked the midfield and back... and kept his powder dry and waited for the opportunity which would come.  Instead he put too much on the offensive game and Canada paid for that.


    Herdman also made a hugely stupid mistake when he bad-mouthed Croatia and forecast a rout for Canada.  All that did was provide huge motivation for the Croats.  How Herdman could think dis-respecting the runner-up in 2018 was a good idea is beyond me.


    Not suggesting Herdman be replaced... but he needs to sit down and acknowledge his errors and do some serious re-thinking of strategy.


    Hopefully the team adjusts for Morocco, and we get the consolation victory.

  8. I know Demko was not spectacular in this game, but he did have a decent save percentage and this was a very important game for him.


    With the amount of run support the forwards are providing, this is the time for him to get back his confidence.


    I think ideally he and Martin split the goaltending duties 50/50... Demko needs a break between games so he can work on the issues he has been having.


    Rest of the team is playing really well offensively... but the D and overall team defense is still not very good, even over this win streak.  (Vegas game being the exception)


    Basically the team is winning by outscoring their opponents... ala Edmonton Oilers circa 1982.


    Management still need to focus on finding a bonafide top 4 D-Man, preferable a big tough one who can play with Hughes...  that would allow Schenn to move down in the pairings and balance the overall D.

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  9. Over the past 12 years we've see a team which was one of the best in the league when it came to defensemen, gradually lose that quality.


    One after the other... the GM's of this team have prioritized offense, even focused their efforts on 3rd or 4th liners... and paid barely any attention to the glaring deficiencies on the blue line.


    Yes, there is Quinn Hughes as the exception which proves the rule... he is a fine young player, and has improved defensively hugely over the last two years, but his focus has always been offense...  and he can't do it all on his own.


    To see Luke Schenn leading the team in +/- is really pathetic.  Not that Schenn isn't a real gamer, and someone who deserves a pat on the back... but he shouldn't be tops on the Canucks.


    Over the summer the new GM and his staff had a chance to rectify the problem... but what did they do?  Spent $5 million to acquire Ilya Mikheyev and seemed to put all their energy in signing additional offensive talent in the form of Andrei Kuzmenko or 3rd liners like Curtis Lazar.


    Meanwhile free agent D like 6' 3" 232 lb Ben Chiarot and defensively reliable, 6' 2"  206 lb multiple Stanley Cup winner Oli Maata get ignored and signed by Detroit.  Chiarot for the same price as Mikheyev, Maata for half that at 2.5 mil... $500,000 less than Lazar.


    Last season Boston made a deal for unrestricted free agent Hampus Lindholm which saw the hugely talented Swede, 6th overall pick in 2012 at 6' 4'' 216 lb, now 28 and the peak of his abilities, move from Anaheim and sign for 6.5 mil a year.  Yes, the trade price was high, but if you want quality, you pay for it.  Where are the Canucks when it comes to deals like this?

    Now part way into the season the Canucks are scrambling to pick up the left-overs... sure Ethan Bear is a decent D, but should he be playing on a top pairing?  More like a 6/7.


    This team has some excellent offensive players... we really don't need to add additional... what the team needs are quality defensemen.


    When are the GMs of this team going to apply their efforts to acquire a decent defense?







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  10. 1 minute ago, VanCan2023 said:

    I appreciate what your saying, but another mid 30's dman taking 5 million cap space is something we absolutely don't need, as we already have three 30 years plus here, some making more. 


    If we were a cup contender looking for that final piece for sure he is a short term stud. But a young and "up and coming team" needs to stray away from those signings.  

    Maybe so... but there were other options out there who could have been traded for.


    The number of good D who have come and gone in the past with no return on this team is on Benning, but now is now and Rutherford should have done something to find the pieces the team needs.

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  11. You guys are talking about D not being available.


    Ben Chiarot was available as a free agent and signed with the Wings for 19 million for 4 years.


    That is the same price which the Canucks paid for Mikheyev.


    What was needed more?  Another forward or a big tough 6'3" 234 lb Canadian D who can score???


    Yes, Chiarot is 31, but he has been relatively durable and should be good to 35.


    This is just one example of the options which were available last summer.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, VanCan2023 said:

    So where are we going to find these defenseman you speak of? Pretty sure Av and Ruth would gladly accept quality dmen, but its not like you can just go out and get them. NHL teams that have those, are quite content and would take more than there worth to acquire them. 

    Its the same as acquiring a good forward... you have to pay.


    Rutherford and Alvin were willing to pay for Mikheyev, but they weren't willing to pay for a D.


    There are lots of options and alternatives out there... but management needs to be willing to work on the problem.

  13. All those who are screaming for massive trades and a Tank are as usual, not thinking.


    The worst finishing team in the league only has an approx. 25% chance of picking #1.


    What is needed are D-men... that is the problem... has been the problem for the last 5 years.


    The fact that Rutherford, Alvin and team didn't not focus on this in the off-season does not look good on them.



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