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Posts posted by *Buzzsaw*

  1. 1 hour ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

    I'm shocked that nothing has been done to address the defense, yet management went and signed Mikheyev to an expensive contract. Kicking the can down the road in regards to to blueline when our best trade asset can potentially walk after this year is terrible asset management. 

    Mikheyev is a good player... but he has only one year of proven scoring, but he is being paid like he's a consistent performer.


    I guess everyone is in love with his speed, but is speed without consistent scoring worth the money he's being paid?


    If he was younger, you could say he is developing and last year is the start of his maturity... and consistency, but he is actually 27 years old, therefore you have to ask if we've seen his peak or close to peak performance last year.  He's gone from 3.29 mil per year with Leafs to 4.75 per year with Canucks and with that money tied up on a guaranteed 4 year contract.


    I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but wonder if the money should have been saved for a D-man.

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  2. I do not like the way the draft and free agency has worked out so far under new management.


    Where are the D we need???


    No effort seems to have been put in to try to move up and secure someone like Korchinski... as the Hawks did.


    Instead we picked another potential top six forward... and this team already has a lot of top six candidates.


    Obviously there could be a trade... not that I like the idea of trading Miller... but it looks like someone will need to go... Pearson, Garland are most likely candidates.


    Just not seeing a real plan in place at this point... I guess we need to wait and see what happens.


    Nikita Zadorov may be available...  think he would be a good option for the 5/6.

  3. I see the usual suspects demanding a Miller trade are out again.


    There is time to either:


    -  Sign him for a good price and keep him as part of the core


    -  Sign him for a good price and trade him for a D after the draft


    -  Don't sign him and trade him for a D after the draft


    -  Trade him at the deadline


    And that doesn't include the fact we'll get a good player with the team to help make the playoffs even if he is traded.



  4. Well, the Canucks had the choice of 3 Swedes at #15, they took the highest ranked one.


    Let's hope that Oslend and Ohgren don't turn out to be the better players.


    Ohgren is the one I worry about... he has leadership, size and put up quite a few more points.  But he is older.  Lekkerimaki is really young and has lots of room to develop.  But he needs to work on his complete game... defensively he is not good.  He does have speed and a shot which most are ranking as NHL sniper level.


    As I suspected, Canadian D-Man Kevin Korchinski went higher than he was ranked... I was hoping he'd slip through but too many teams were watching his upward trajectory.  I would like to see more Canucks on the Canucks.


    I am not happy that Shane Wright went to Seattle... I have a feeling he will take his 4th place demotion as a personal insult and have something to prove.  He is a very good hockey player.

  5. Another example of Putin's stupidity.


    The Russians desperately need US dollars... and Russian players in the NHL typically send most of their cash home.


    But no, Putin and his idiots want to take an elite athlete, conscript him and put him in the meatgrinder in the Donestk region and have him end up as another dead Russian... good for nothing.


    Can't wait for the inevitable revolution they have in Russia when the public there finally wakes up... really hoping Putin ends up behind bars.

    • Cheers 1
  6. Here's a player the Canucks might want to look at in the 2nd round.


    Big Canadian kid... 6 foot 7 inch... currently 199 lbs, but projected to end up at 220-230.


    Good acceleration and speed for such a big kid and a mean streak... needs work on his turns and gap control.


    But you can't teach size and reach.



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  7. On 6/28/2022 at 12:09 PM, -DLC- said:

    I was JUST starting to see my hatred of them from 2004 fade when....Kadri joined the team. Nope.



    Maybe Kadri is a jerk... but he is a hell of a player and a real sparkplug.


    Without him, I don't think the Aves make it to the finals... especially first couple rounds.


    Leafs really blew it when they traded him and kept Flamingo Boy.


    Scoring is only one part of what makes a Stanley Cup team... you need grit, and the ability to up your game.  Kadri does that.


    Kadri and Makar are the single biggest reasons the Aves were able to win this year.

  8. I would not be surprised to see the Lightning back in the Finals next year.


    They are still young enough to be competitive.


    I think if Brayden Point was healthy this year, the Lightning would have won again.


    They still have an allstar defensive corps, a first line which is comparable to any in the league and probably the best goalie in league... next to Demko.  ;)

    • Cheers 1
  9. Also about Korchinski:


    His birthday is June 21st...  which means he is on the younger side in qualifying for the draft crop... the cutoff is September 15.


    Look at Jiricek's birthday... November 28th... he is nearly 7 months older than Korchinski... 7 months in a Junior player's development is an huge time period.


    Same with Pavel Mintyukov, his birthday is November 25th... he is also on the older side for this draft.


    And like I said... Korchinski is a Canadian boy... we need more of them... they show up in the playoffs.





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  10. And Korchinski delivers in the goals and apples.


    67 points this year from 4 goals and 61 assists.  In playoffs, 19 points from 6 goals and 13 assists.


    He does have his defensive issues, but as has been mentioned, you can teach defense, you can't teach elite offensive skills.  (see Quinn Hughes, this year vs last year)



  11. 36 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

    Makar is something special.  What a player. He will take the Conn Smythe this year. He's only 23 yrs old. What a stud.


    9 mill a year 5 more seasons. Great cap hit for a superstar Dman. Once in a generation talent. 

    He is the #1 reason the Aves were top of the league and are cruising through the playoffs.


    Colorado has had mostly the same offensive talent for the past 3 years... (exception Nikushkin) it is the emergence of their young D... Makar and Byram, which has propelled them to the top.

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