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Posts posted by *Buzzsaw*

  1. 1 minute ago, Kovalchuk said:

    So all we need is another top 6 forward, a top pairing D and a 3rd line C?  So we'll just pull that right out of our buttholes?


    Schenn is battling for his career every night he's out there, Myers and OEL are on the downsides of their careers. The defence needs serious help


    Our forwards are slow and soft and we still have none of them locked up long term, outside of Garland.


    This team is in trouble and very well may need to be torn down unless a miracle happens 

    You're as bogus as the player you use as your signature.


    There are moves which can be made... if management want to make them.


    For example, signing Tryamkin... that provides the the #5 D position... in fact, maybe it even provides the #2 D.


    They could sign him if they want to... they could make room in the CAP for him.


    There are other decent defensemen which are coming available in the summer... get rid of Poolman and you have room.


    Trade Halak and you have more room.


    Trade Dickenson and you have even more room.


    Look at the free agents available... there are options there for the 3rd line.


    And yes, one player from the top six could be traded for D if necessary... but personally I am against dealing Miller.



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  2. 22 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:

    That;s because this frachise has been built on stoic/passive Swedish Values for the past 25 years.   Unfortunately, our so called leader (captain) was baptized and neutered by the Sedins and thats why you see that lack of grit in our locker room.  I'd bet $5 bucks that JR gets rid of Bo if he's truly intent on changing the culture of the team.   

    Complete freakin' bogus bullsh*t.


    The Sedins were winners... they lost the Cup to the Bruins not because they weren't tough enough but because A) we lost most of our D to injuries and Ryan Kesler was also crippled, and B )  the Bruin's pet league disciplinary committee refused to suspend Johnny Boychuk for the crippling hit on Mason Raymond but suspended Aaron Rome for hitting Tyler Seguin.

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  3. To all those who scream:  "TEAR IT DOWN!!... TEAR ALL DOWN!!!"... can't help but notice you are the same bunch who screamed:  "TRADE PETTERSSON!".


    Fact is, this team has some good pieces and some mediocre and some bad.


    But overall there is a decent set of players to build on.  3 or 4 good additions and the team could be challenging for the Cup.


    The idea that management should burn down the team and start from scratch is not realistic.


    Yes the team needs competent defensive help to complement Hughes/Myers/OEL/Schenn.... that's two defensemen, one in the #2 position to complement Hughes and one in the #5 position to complement Schenn in the #6.   OEL and Myers are the 3/4.  Both those additions need to have size.


    And yes, we do need a viable 3rd line center to go with Podz/Hoglander... also someone with size.


    And maybe we need another top six forward.... but realistically the D first, and then the 3rd line have gotta be the focus.


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  4. Its clear to me a lot of the members of this team are playing tentatively... a major reason for the Canucks' slow starts... because they are all unsure of what their future is with this team... these players lack focus.


    I understand the new management wants to carefully evaluate all the players... but at the same time they should understand what they are doing to the team's morale by letting the trade hammer hang over everyone's head.


    GM has to know there are certain players he won't move... and he should let those players know.  That way they can just go out there and play and not have to be second guessing themselves constantly.


    Management can't have it both ways... expecting the players to work extra hard on the remote chance they can make the playoffs and at the same time making deals behind the scenes.

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  5. First thing I would say is that while this was a cr*p effort I'm not sure we should take this one too much to heart.


    The Ducks and Gibson have always had Vancouver's number in Vancouver... tonight was no different.


    At the same time... yes, the Canucks need to have better starts.  After what BB told them... and after they responded well... their collective memories seemed to have failed them... and they came out in the first looking like tourists gawking at the sights as Anaheim skated circles around them.


    The only lines which played at all well were Pettersson's and Motte's... the other two were garbage.


    I do have to wonder if all this trade talk is having an effect on the players... what Juice said is true... they don't know if management is still all in on making the playoffs or if management is all in on lining up deals... and all their heads are on the block.


    One thing is sure... they need a bigger and better set of 3/4/5 D (Schenn is a #6) and they need to create a new offensive system for the forwards... they are far too clumsy in how they interact... and lack any kind of imagination in how they enter the O-Zone.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Kovalchuk said:

    Yeah he made some funky moves out there, nice play in Overtime, lucky assist on the first goal, ended up with 2 points today.  Needs to generate shots though.  16 sog in his last 12 games

    He didn't have an assist on the first goal.


    He assisted on Garland's goal which was #4 Canuck goal with that nifty footpass out of a pack in the crease... and Miller's OT goal... with a brilliant cross ice pass.

  7. Good news about the game.... Demko had a game which when compared to his record was a 'stinker'... and yet he still played well enough to win.


    Just shows what high standards he has set.


    Damn that Burroughs has a the heart of a lion and great anticipation for laying out the hits... if only he was another 15 lbs heavier.


    But he is fighting to play his way into a permanent position as a 6/7 on the team.

  8. 1 minute ago, Slegr said:

    I don’t know about all of you, but I didn’t think that Miller empty net goal was offside. When he first scored I thought it might be, but in those replays there was no conclusive shot I saw that had Miller over the line entirely before the puck entirely was over the line. It looked like the exact same time.

    Sorry bud... but I think you are reaching on this one... but nice try.  ;)

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kovalchuk said:

    The Leafs also move the puck well because they are fast and highly skilled, it's not their offensive system that makes Matthews an offensive shooting machine and gives Marner the ability to handle the puck on a string.  

    Hockey is not a game of individuals.. it is a team game... and how the players interact determines their success.  Sure, a superstar can take the puck end to end every once in a while, but unless he is on the same page as the rest of the team and the rest of the team is working with him, that team doesn't win games.


    Marner and Mathews are a partnership... but its not just them... you see the same style of play with Nylander and Tavares and the the Leafs defense.  They all play the same fluid interchanging positionally style... they are continually rotating positions and passing off.


    That is why they are so successful offensively, not because Marner or Mathews picks up the puck and pulls off an individual effort.


    Look at the number of shots that Mathews/Tavares/Marner/etc. had in the game tonight... if Boeser had that many opportunities then he'd be scoring a lot more.


    The Leafs generated 50 shots because they are able to create open spaces for shots with their fluid movement.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Dannydog said:

    Definitely not all. He was finally staying healthier longer playing with much better d partners who could take a pass and exit the zone not throw it back behind the net constantly. And the protection equipment upgrades on skates and pads gave him the opportunity to remain the shot suppression king and stay healthy. I saw it turning in his last 2 years as a nuck and knew it was going to last.what burned me the most was fan’s opinions that he was asking more than he was worth after taking a team discount on his previous contract. Water under the bridge. 

    And what is worse, is that Tanev is teaching the rest of the Flames D his defensive tricks... watch the rest of them... they are copying his style in the D-Zone.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

    The big boy teams this season looks like they are toying with us whenever they decide to step up their game =/ shows you how big of a gap right now between us and the elites.. I dont think it would make a difference defensively even if hughes was playing tonight. We were simply out matched and demko stole the 2 points for us.

    I disagree.


    I think this team can play a lot better defensively.... they need to focus on contesting the neutral zone better and being more aggressive in their 5 on 5 man on man coverage in the D-Zone.


    Tonight was just CR*P defensively.

  12. And by the way, I have never seen so much running around in the D-Zone as I saw tonight... just pathetic.  The Leafs were playing with them.


    If anyone wants to know how to run an offensive system, watch the Leafs and their D-zone exits and A-zone entries.


    Watch the game again and you can see all the fluid motion the Leafs show... all the criss-crossing, the positioning to take drop passes... the choreographed move to open ice by the non-puck carriers... followed by on the money passes.  The fact is, the Leafs have a beautiful offensive system and the players use it to the max.


    What the Leafs don't do well is defend in their own zone... but to force them to defend you have to either maintain puck possession or pressure when you don't have it.


    This Canucks team has a long way to go.

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  13. First of course, Demko was the only reason the Canucks won this game... rest of the team, (excluding Motte) didn't deserve it.


    Man I hate this freakin' collapse to the net that the Canucks do.... this is the same bad habit they developed during Green's tenure.


    They have to be more aggressive in contesting the blueline and their man on man coverage... especially 5 on 5.


    Right now the only guy who is aggressive defensively 5 on 5 is Motte.  In fact as far as I'm concerned, Motte should have gotten 2nd star in this game.  He saved a couple goals with his backchecks and his shot/assist on the Lammiko goal was the key.


    BB, you gotta get these guys being more aggressive and stop with this collapse to the net and surrendering the blue line.


    By the way, not sure I like having Miller on the wing with Horvat at center.... reason why>>> Because that means our faceoff win percentage goes in the toilet because our two best faceoff winners are on the same line.  Anyone notice the Leafs won 55% of the faceoffs, and a higher percentage when it was important???


    Yeah, yeah, it is great to beat the Leafs... but this was not a win which I take pride in... it was only the fact we have a goaltender who is one of the best that allowed it to happen.  And it is impossible even for Demko to keep up that kind of performance... a goalie can't make 50 saves night after night.


    This game was a win... but the Canucks can't keep playing like this.

    • Vintage 2
  14. Making the playoffs was always a longshot with the horrible start under Green.


    The team has generally improved and played well under Boudreau... but they are basically a .500 team if you exclude the streak.


    Playing Demko every game is questionable... if he gets a serious injury then there goes the future.


    In my opinion they should continue to rotate the goaltenders... while trying to trade Halak and giving Spencer Martin a shot.


    The focus should be on looking for defensive prospects and developing the team's own pool of players.

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  15. 8 hours ago, lmm said:

    so there are 8 players left from that playoff bubble run

    and there is talk some of them will be traded


    There is talk that making the playoffs helps a team grow

    and yet the 8 players left from that "Experience" are the players still not ready to play the last 2 games (EXCEPT FOR Demko, he was ready)


    that playoff experience cost us a 1st + a 3rd for  Miller

    a 2nd for Toffoli

    and potential returns on






    was it worth it?

    Exactly.  It wasn't worth it.


    There is a point when you have to be realistic and accept your assets need to be managed for the future... not blown on a one time cinderella run.

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