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Posts posted by *Buzzsaw*

  1. 11 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    They still have a lot of gutless players who play scared in the playoffs in the playoffs like Gaudreau and Tkachuk.  Until those cowards are replaced with real men, they'll get exposed in a hurry.

    I am not a Calgary fan, but this current team is quite different from the Gaudreau 'Lite' team that nearly won the President's Trophy but got eliminated by the Aves in the first round.


    This team is a lot heavier, with significant muscle and toughness... Gaudreau and Tkachuk don't need to be the tough guys, they have Lucic, Gudbranson and Zadorov to do the nasty work.


    They also have a much steadier and consistent goaltender in Markstrom than they did in 2018-2019 with Mike Smith.


    I would not at all be surprised to see Calgary go deep.

    • Like 1
  2. Canucks were definitely lucky in pulling this one off... a lot of Dallas hitting the post.


    But on the other end... the wide open Canuck goal that the Dallas player missed... that same player had just seen Demko make an impossible save on him and that was a factor in his hands tightening up and hitting the post.


    Demko was definitely the best Canuck... giving Petey his due for scoring two crucial goals.


    Anyone notice Dallas was giving Pettersson a lot more room on the PP?  That was a mistake.  If a team does that, then he gets those one timers and a lot of them will go in.


    I'm only sorry that Pettersson did not shoot on the 2nd two on one instead of trying to get it through to Horvat... would have liked to see a hat-trick.


    Also want to give a shout out to Podz... his forecheck and overall defensive play was excellent... he was breaking up Dallas plays both in the Dallas zone and in the neutral zone... was right on the puck all night.


    Anyone watch the Calgary/Deadmonton game?  Calgary feasted on the Coilers lax D play... just filled the net.  Even though Draisaitl got a hat-trick, it didn't matter.  Coilers goalie was dazed and confused by the end.  :blink:

    • Like 1
  3. Overall excellent game by the team... and obviously Halak deserves a lot of the credit.  Too bad he wasn't playing like this a month ago.


    Very happy with the way Richardson slotted in on the 4th line... obviously he is not a replacement for Motte, being 37 years old, but so far doing a good job.


    Pettersson had one of his best two way games of the season, all over the ice, maybe he didn't score, but he was a big factor.  He and Boeser had something going all game long.  Would still prefer to see Podz on the line instead of Horvat, but lets see how things work going forward.


    Garland also had a great game... didn't score but was very present especially in the forechecking role.  Could have easily had a couple from his steals.


    And Pearson also played well and of course was instrumental in the game winner by Miller.


    Dermott was not that visible, but also didn't make any serious mistakes.  OEL had a good game.


    On the next one.  :canucks:



    • Cheers 1
  4. The fact is, although he has had a great season and deserves every credit, Demko is tired.


    He is not as sharp as he was, and he has not got the breaks he needed because his backup is sh*t.


    And he can't save this team every night.


    Until they get some replacements for the D, and the rest of the team gets a decent system in the D-Zone, they are not going anywhere.

    • Like 1
  5. Getting rid of Hamonic and bringing in Dermott was not about the players, it was about the CAP.


    Hamonic is probably the better D, but he has been a disruptive element so that makes Dermott equal.


    The difference is the CAP... which is a useful gain.


    And who knows, maybe Dermott can flower here in Vancouver in the 5/6.


    Doesn't change that the team needs a 3/4 D along with a #2 to complement Hughes.

  6. Well folks, I think we're just about done.


    Canucks really needed to win the games versus Detroit and Buffalo... these are bottom feeder teams... should have been done like dinner.


    The fact they couldn't... does not bode well for this 'drive' to the playoffs.


    Level of play has fallen off in the last 4 games dramatically.


    The problem is all about play in the D-Zone... the running around continues... it becomes predictable, other team has the puck on a string, Canucks get tired out, other team scores.  The Canucks need to get their defensive system down as #1 priority... just not good enough.


    There is also a problem with the lack of fluidity in the Canucks 5 on 5 offense, they are falling back into really predictable patterns... similar to what they did under Green.


    Team needs to be taught how to use their wingers and movement to put the other team off balance... that is not happening now.

    • Cheers 3
  7. 10 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

    That game was ass.


    And to top it off I sat beside two absolutely HAMMERED guys, one of whom kept talking to at me and explaining that he was wearing red because he just came from golfing and then apologizing because he stunk. I told him he smelled like Calgary.  By the end he was intolerable (started smack talking about how great the Flames were...he started off not knowing which side he was on. I asked him to name one Flame who'd scored and he couldn't). Idiot.

    I hate Drunks at games... they make me want to punch them out.  Which can't be done for obvious reasons.


    This is one reason why I rarely go to games anymore... one episode with a drunk idiot behind me sending spittle flying over myself and my girlfriend and its enough to put me off.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Same old same old... team wasn't ready to play.


    Boudreau talked about it after the game in AFTER HOURS... he's at a loss to explain it.


    Terrible game from Pettersson, Horvat and Garland...  not a good line.  Pettersson needs to have a recording on a loop beside his bed... the recording says:  "Shoot the puck... shoot the puck.... shoot the puck... shoot the puck... shoot the puck.... shoot the puck."


    I would prefer to see Hoglander play than Petan... Hoglander is not great defensively and is prone to giveaways, but at least he's reasonably dynamic offensively.


    Miller also had a poor game... in fact, even the Motte line didn't play particularly well even though they got a goal.


    From my perspective the best balanced line combos are:









    As far as defense goes, I'd like to see Noah Juulson get another chance.  Hunt has more experience, but he is not going to develop any further.  Juulson still has potential to develop and the upside if his play starts to improve would be a 6' 2''  201 lb #6 D instead of a 5' 9" 177 lb #6.

  9. On 3/13/2022 at 12:35 AM, Ferlands_Head said:

    Exactly, If you look at the goals from his rookie season his release is lightning fast, he's got more foot speed and is creating chances on his own. 




    2:10 Automatic goal from this spot - This season right into the crest.


    Check out that release at 4:25 - This season Boeser doesn't score that. 


     6:20 and check out his hand eye and release 


    7:46 He beats Strahlman wide and snipes it, doesn't have that kind of speed anymore


    8:53 check out that extra move he does to open him up for that insane shot


    We haven't seen this BB since his rookie season. Maybe it's the 20lbs he put on, maybe he's damaged good we don't know. All I know is he's not the same player. 

    There's nothing there in speed which he doesn't have now.... he is not slower.


    What he is doing now is telegraphing his shot... just like he did back then, and because everyone in the league is familiar with his style and knows how well he can shoot, they are on him right away.


    He needs to get off his shot faster... no more of his characteristic shrug of the shoulder to get behind the puck and get more on it... he needs to just release it... immediately.  Time and space is at a premium in this league...  anyone who hesitates gets blocked or stick checked.

    • Cheers 1
  10. Canucks should try to trade the following players for whatever they can get... just get them off the books:


    -  Halak


    -  Dickenson


    -  Chiasson  (probably never happen)


    And, IF they get an offer of a #1 pick, a genuine 3/4 D and a 3rd line forward....


    Then they should trade Boeser.


    Nobody else should be moved.

  11. Canucks missed having Pettersson... he opens up the defense on the PP because he is such a threat.


    They cheat towards him so they can block his one timer and that gives either Miller or Bo room.


    Plus he has been great recently on the PK and his line is playing well even strength.


    When he is playing well even strength, the D-pairings against the other lines are weaker because they have to match him.  And that opens it up for Miller and company.


    Plus he usually draws a penalty every game... or makes the Refs think they need to call one later because they didn't call the one when he got hooked or impeded.

  12. Original Poster has not looked carefully at the stats for each player.


    Pearson is a better defensive player with a little more speed, but he is not the scorer that Boeser is.  Both are decently physical.


    The key to their difference is the goal and point totals for each.


    Pearson tops out at 24 goals and has only had two 20+ goal seasons over a career of 11 years.  He won't hit 20 this year.  His GPG is 0.23.


    Boeser tops out at 29 goals, has already had three 20+ goal seasons over a career of 6 years and will probably go 20+ this season.  (the year total includes his 5 game initial season)  His GPG is 0.375.


    When you count total goals and assists, Boeser is even further ahead in PPG.


    Boeser's goal totals this year have been affected by the position he plays in the PP.  He was previously a shooter, now he is mostly beside the net as a setup man for Horvat in the slot and Miller in the half boards.  If he was playing the right slot position with Pettersson as his setup man, as he did early in Bourdreau's tenure, he would be scoring a lot more... he had two goals there, and looked ready to continue, then was moved to the left beside the net and his role was changed.


    If Boeser was the designated trigger man on a PP, he could easily score 30+ goals... and goal scoring is at a premium in the league.


    Overall, Boeser is more valuable.


    The real question that has to be asked, is do the Canucks have too many triggermen/goalscorers, and not enough playmakers/setup guys?


    Miller is both a playmaker and shooter, Pettersson can be both, but is most valuable as a shooter.  Bo is a shooter.  Pearson is a meh shooter, Garland is ok as both, but prefers to shoot and his points ceiling is low, Hoglander wants to be both but the report card is still out.  Podz is both but hasn't developed enough... will be a decent playmaker/shooter given time.


    Boeser has adapted his game to be a cycle setup/playmaker guy for Miller instead of a shooter, they do have decent chemistry, but Boeser would prefer to be a shooter.


    Boeser has to be in the Top Six or he is not useful... Pearson can be anywhere in the lineup.


    The question again, is whether Boeser should be replaced with a real playmaker... or a impact D-Man.


    Boeser is a nice guy, very popular in the room and probably ready to sign for less here.  But probably, given an opportunity to play for Minnesota or Detroit, he'd go.

    • Vintage 1
  13. On 3/7/2022 at 4:55 PM, DanielCloutier said:

    Man some of the takes on here aged horribly. Shots have been proven not to prevent the spread. The moral posturing is hilarious. You should be ashamed of yourselves for gaslighting and wishing death upon those who made a personal medical decision not to get the shot. Disgusting humans tbh..

    Another bozo peddling false information.


    Vaccines have very clearly been shown to prevent recipients from 1st catching the virus and 2nd suffering serious illness.


    Its morons like the above who were 90% of the people in the intensive care wards... you wanna feel sorry for them, but they are endangering the rest of us by keeping this virus in being.

    • Haha 1
    • Vintage 1
  14. Where are the posters who were screaming for Horvat to be traded???


    Good effort by the team to come back in the third.


    First two goals by the Caps were flukes, so it was a moral victory.


    Another great game by Demko.  Washington goalie was excellent too.


    Even though it was a loss was a great game to watch.


    This Washington team is still excellent, they could win the Cup if they were a little more motivated.


    So for the Canucks to stand toe to toe with them was a credit to how well they are playing.


    Continuing to like the overall development of Podkolzin's game... he is playing well in both ends of the rink.

    • Vintage 2
  15. 43 minutes ago, khay said:

    Great win.


    Miller was amazing as usual.


    Petey was really creative with the puck. He looked fantastic on the PK and he gives us a scoring threat on the PK. 


    The only downside was Bo with some sloppy plays. He looked frustrated at himself and seems to have lost confidence. Podz is a good winger for him and although Chiasson did well tonight, it would be good to get a faster skater and better defensive player on his line, maybe via a trade. 


    Bo only played 16 minutes with 10 minutes at 5-on-5 while Miller and Petey both played about 20 minutes and 13+ minutes at 5-on-5. Lammikko played 11 minutes at 5-on-5.


    This goes to show how much trust Bruce has in Lammikko and his line's ability to shut things down


    I'd say Bo and his line's role needs to be defined a bit better. They are not really a shutdown line but not an offensive line either nor do they hit and bring energy. It almost feels like Bo's line gets a sheltered treatment from the coach because of a rookie and an aging vet.


    Bo really needs someone else to play with besides Chiasson... he very seldom contributes unless he is set up to score.


    Podz is a good partner for Bo... but Bo probably misses Pearson... but of course, Pearson is playing well on the #1 line with Miller and Boeser... what are you going to do?


    Bo would also play better with Garland on his line, but again, when you move Garland, Pettersson's line is much less effective.


    Basically the team needs one more decent hard working forward who can shoot and score to complement Bo.  Dickenson isn't a great scorer, but he was a lot better than Chiasson before he got injured.


    It should be a priority for next season to find a top 9 forward who can play with Bo and Podz.

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