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Posts posted by *Buzzsaw*

  1. I'm not celebrating their deaths or illnesses.


    It is a tragedy that people are dying because of all the misinformation out there.


    There are dozens of posts on these forums with the same type of misinformation... suggesting Covid is 'mild' or that vaccines are unnecessary.


    They should take a warning from the examples of those on the website... who ignored the advice of medical experts in favour of conspiracy theories, pseudo-science and the advice of untrained rumour mongers.


    This is the real tragedy.

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  2. He has lost shooting confidence.


    He is still passing well, sent in Pearson all alone in the game vs Florida... has done that several times in the last few games.


    Still playing decently defensively, and improving his faceoff skills too.


    Basically he needs to practice shooting the puck... the instant it is on his stick, it should be gone...  Needs to spend an hour a day doing nothing but shooting.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Metal Face Doom said:

    Watching Petey is getting unbearable.

    I guess you aren't watching too closely.


    Petey sent Pearson in all alone in this game... not his fault Pearson couldn't bury it.


    He has sent in on clear breakaways multiple linemates over the past few games in exactly the same way he did with Pearson... they all missed.


    Pettersson is doing good things... what he is not doing is shooting with any confidence.


    Go ahead and whine about his shooting, but that is not any reason to b*tch about his complete game.

  4. 50 minutes ago, Canucklehead53 said:

    Roughly between 7,000 and 8,500 people die of influenza a year in Canada. Whereas covid has killed 30,000 in Canada since it started and many people have spoken out about questionable causes of death records for covid. With a population of about 38,000,000 that is 0.08% of the population over 2 years. 


    Covid started in 2019 so in 2 years it killed about twice as many people in Canada as the flu. 


    Omnicron has a crazy high transmission compared to the prior variants but ICU rates are low (relatively speaking) and don't seem to be following the same curve as infection rates. 


    A lot of people are saying it is time to consider what measures are necessary and justified. 


    I am not an expert so am not saying I have the answer but I do think critical thought on everyone's part is a good idea. Be unbiased and listen to everything while looking at the data and numbers yourself. You can't accurately quantify the impacts of the measures to things like mental health, economy, society, etc. 


    Healthy conversation is good but being positional in arguments is not effective communication. 

    Covid has killed the number of people it has.... DESPITE THE LOCKDOWNS AND PRECAUTIONS.


    During the time of the lockdowns the number of people dying from the flu has decreased to nearly zero.


    If we pulled off the lockdowns and precautions and treated Covid like the flu, studies show the number of deaths would be 10 times what they are now.


    And as I mentioned, you can't just count the number of dead from Covid... you need to consider what the effect is on the health care system and the other people who are having their operations and treatment cancelled or postponed.  Plus the number of people who would be suffering from 'Long Covid'.


    Take a look at the death rates in the Provinces like Alberta where the Premier has caved to the anti-lockdown proponents and slightly lessened the restrictions.  BC has had approx. 2400 deaths, Alberta with a lower pop. than BC has had approx. 3300 deaths.




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  5. Pearson is a veteran solid #6 forward who can be slotted into the #1 line if injuries call for it and who can also do duty as a PKer and on the PP.  He can score, he is physical and he is responsible defensively.  He performs on a consistent basis.


    He is paid like a veteran Free Agent... standard in the league.  To suggest that someone his age and with his track record could be paid $1 million a year is delusional.  There are dozens of teams in the league who would pay him his current salary and who would sign him given the opportunity.


    He is only 29 years old and has plenty of mileage left in him.


    No, he is not a Star forward, no he is not going to set the league on fire, but he gets the job done in the positions he is assigned.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, Wanless said:

    I read today that 1.4 people per 100,000 people with double vaccine end up in the ICU at the moment. Incredibly encouraging 


    currently, testing is not an accurate representation of how many people have it as health officials are just telling people who have reason to believe they have it through tracing to just stay home.


    this is likely the end wave of the pandemic and its believed that it could turn endemic by march

    It is correct that very few people who have double vaccines end up in ICU... but there are also the much larger number who have the 'mild' hospitalization cases, who require oxygen/antiviral to avoid their illness becoming more severe... you can't just tell those people to stay home... if you do, then their cases get worse, they get lung infections and pneumonia, etc.  There is also the issue of 'Long Covid'... we all know what happened to Sutter... who was in his thirties, a performance athlete with great lung function/cardio.  Even those who recover from their hospital stay can get these long term symptoms which basically can destroy a person's career and life.


    Yes, it is true that we may see the end of the pandemic and an evolution to an 'endemic' situation with these new more infectious but 'weaker' variants... but that does not mean we can blow off precautions or basic care.


    Talk to those who have other serious illnesses and who are having to postpone their surgeries or treatments once again because of all the BOZOS who didn't get their vaccines and who are clogging up the ICU's and ward beds.  50% of those in ICU are unvaccinated.  Personally I am getting to the point where I think we should give serious consideration to telling the unvaccinated when they refuse to get a shot they are also refusing the option to hospital care, or getting a lower tier of care if they get sick with Covid.

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  7. On 1/7/2022 at 10:08 AM, rekker said:

    Another game postponed. Ugg. Somewhere between the Covid crap show in Florida and the overreaction here in BC lies the answer with how to move forward with the new variant. We are being ridiculous here in Canada over something that resembles the flu.



    Covid does not resemble the flu.


    There are thousands of people dying every day in N America due to it... lethality is far more than the flu.


    Even those who are double vacinated are getting infected, and a lot of them end up in hospital.  Those who are not vaccinated end up in hospital at 10 times the rate.


    Its a question of numbers and the fact the health care system gets overwhelmed.


    If you let it run rampant, then the health care system gets swamped and those so-called 'mild' Covid cases which can normally be solved with hospital stays/oxygen/antiviral drugs suddenly are no longer mild because there is no room/no oxygen/no drugs in the hospitals and people start dying in hallways from the 'mild' cases.  That is what happened in India when their health care system got overwhelmed.  By realistic estimates India lost nearly 4 million people to Covid during their last surge.


    And this doesn't even count the number of ordinary patients who need surgery for car accidents/strokes/heart attacks/etc. who would be compromised if the wards are swamped with Covid cases.


    Do some basic research and stop peddling cr*p.

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  8. Pettersson is not a slow skater... he peaks at a very high speed... faster than most.


    The issue is he does not accelerate that fast... his long lanky frame is not built for that.


    He needs to wind up to get to max speed... and the best way for him to use his speed and puckhandling is for someone else to pass him the puck just before he hits the blue line and after he is at top speed.  Alternative would be for him to follow a shiftier guy like Garland after that player has entered the zone and take a drop pass while moving at high speed.


    I am still not seeing that type play from his linemates... the interaction since Boudreau has arrived is better, but still missing the optimal passing he needs to thrive.


    But the main problem with him right now is he has lost his shooting confidence... his shooting percentage is way below what he has achieved in the past.  He is currently shooting 8.0%... which is low for just about any NHL player.  Most players average around 10-12%... and the goalscorers are typically around 15%.


    Here are Petey's averages since he came into the league:


    2020-2021:  15.9%


    2019-2020:  16.7%


    2018-2019:  19.44%


    Now there is no question his first year he was shooting the lights out... which is not untypical for a rookie who the rest of the league hasn't seen and who the book on is missing.  Usually after the first year the league adjusts...  defensemen know what to expect.  So not surprisingly his second and third years showed a drop... but his average still was in the typical range for a scorer.


    This year the bottom has fallen out... which has to be a mental/confidence issue.


    The only thing to do with a scorer who has confidence issues is to play them and give them opportunities.  90% of the time they will eventually score a run of goals and come out of their slump.


    Making a big deal out of it is not going to help.

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  9. Lets not forget Peter Forsberg, who took the phrase 'Soft Swede' and dropped it in the toilet.


    He played so hard he broke his body.  Way more impact physically than a 6'0" 205 lb would make you expect.


    And had amazing passing and scoring skills, plus wheels.  He and Sakic were the dynamic duo vs the Detroit triple threat of Yzerman, Federov and Lidstrom.


    He was 2nd tier too in my opinion... not quite up there with Howe, Orr, Gretz and Mario.


    Yzerman was 1st tier when it comes to leadership... his performance during the 2002 playoffs when he basically played with one knee completely trashed was exceptional.  He created the atmosphere that allowed the other Wing players to be inspired to play their best.


    Eric Lindros had all the physical assets to be a superstar, but lacked character.  He was also a victim of his own reputation, he got his concussions because everyone was eager to give Lindros some payback for his own hitting.


    Who knows where Connor McDavid will end up... he clearly has the physical assets to be up in the top tier of forwards with Gretz and Lemieux, but he seems to lack maturity... plus Edmonton cannot seem to find a goalie.  But he can turn that around... he has shown signs of building a less selfish style of play.




  10. I personally do not think Ovechkin breaks Gretzky's goal record.


    Howe/Orr/Gretz/Lemieux/Sid were special... they were head and shoulders above everyone.


    Mario could have been the best ever if he wasn't so incredibly unlucky with injuries and diseases... imagine Ovechkin getting Cancer at the peak of his career?  Mario had the best physical attributes of any of the Superstars...  6'4" 235, with wheels, hands and incredible IQ.  And how about Sid with his concussions downsizing his career stats?


    Ovechkin is lucky to have been incredibly durable and also on high scoring teams.  His record for winning is nowhere near the other Superstars.  I'd rank him below Bossy... who by the way also had a really short career which cut short his stats... he has the 2nd best goals per game of anyone.


    Howe won the Art Ross 6 times, six Harts, top ten in NHL scoring 21 years in a row. He led the NHL in goal scoring four times. He led the NHL in Playoff points six times.  Won the Cup four times... plus a bunch of WHL championships.




  11. All those whining about Pettersson should look again.


    He is contributing... it was his pass to Miller that set up the pass to Horvat for the game tying goal.


    He also has sent in players alone on net several times in the past two games... the fact they didn't convert is no reflection on his passing.


    He is not shooting as well as he used to.... we all know that... his percentage is way below his average, but if he can get back up to normal, he will put up the goals as well.


    But as Boudreau said, you don't get your best players going again by stapling them to the bench... you get them going by playing them.

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  12. Canucks did not deserve to win this one.


    As John said, they looked like a team coming off a layoff and playing back to back.  They were unfocused most of the first and second periods, only got things going in the third.


    Without Halak, they'd have been in the L column.


    Good news is they got a point and nearly pulled it off in OT.


    The other good news is Bo Horvat is continuing his excellent play... he is playing like the Captain again, stepping up when he is needed... too bad he missed on the OT breakaway, but he was the best of the Canucks tonight.


    Bad news is if all the upcoming home games are cancelled, the team will have a real problem... they need regular game play to be in shape... you can't get your game legs by practicing.  If they are shut down for the entire next homestand, they will be a step behind for the first couple games when they come back.


    They still have their destiny in their own hands, but will need to really practice hard to keep ready.

  13. 2 minutes ago, morgo said:

    I'm surprised.  Isn't wishing death on people who didn't submit to the jab the M.O. of you kool-aid drinkers?

    Say BOZO some more.  It really makes you sound intelligent and eloquent :rolleyes:.

    Oh, poor Bozo, now he's upset.... did I make you cry BOZO???


    Obviously you can't read... along with your faulty reasoning... if you look again at my post... I say:  "...I hope you don't suffer the same fate..."


    But fact isn't your strong point.... we all understand that.

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  14. 2 hours ago, morgo said:

    Can't address a single point a person on the other side of a debate made?  Just attack them personally and call them a selfish, privileged, entitled, facebook doctor  :rolleyes:.

    If the vaccine has a 20% success rate on the 100% double-vaccinated Flames roster, what difference do you think the "Facebook Doctors" getting it is going to make?

    Not my bodily-autonomy for a virus with a 99% survival rate...  My solution is simple; accept that Covid is here to stay, live with it and move on with our lives.  Alcohol kills far more people every year, should we ban that?  I think Alf would have a stroke :lol:.


    This BOZO's skewed interpretation of the statistics is completely bogus.


    He is typical of the semi=literate 'experts' who pontificate on the various creepy corners of the internet.


    For those who want to look at the real statistics as provided by the BC Health Care system, please see here for the most recent details up to December 4th.




    The page for all the reports is here:




    The first error that this complete BOZO made was in suggesting the Mortality rate could be arrived at by dividing the entire population of BC by the number of Covid deaths.


    So he is trying to suggest that those of us who were not infected by Covid due to our taking precautions like masking and vaccines are considered... which is nonsense... only those who were actually infected should be counted as the base.


    At this point we cannot be sure exactly how many people have been infected... we do have the number whose tests came back postiive... 221,024... if we compare that to the fatalities, which are 2370.... that means 1.07% of those persons who were confirmed through tests to have Covid died.   Around 1 in 100 people infected died.


    Of course, there are those who were infected but who were not tested... according to studies in Britain, likely double the number of persons compared to those who were confirmed by tests were actually infected.  So we can probably assume approx. 440,000 BCer's have been infected.


    So that would mean the actual mortality rate would be around 0.5035 %.... or 1 in approx. 200 infected people died.


    Fortunately for the people of BC, not all of our more than 5 million population has been infected.  Because based on the above mortality rate... of 1 in 200... if we followed BOZO's advice and ignored Covid, and everyone in BC got infected, then we'd see 25,909 deaths.


    Now maybe BOZO thinks that number of deaths is unimportant, but I would think that the rest of us don't.


    Plus what BOZO is completely ignoring is the fact its not just a question of deaths.  There is also the question of all those people who were hospitalized.  Does BOZO think they all walked out of the hospital completely cured and everything was sunshine and roses???  Of course not, there are many many longterm effects from Covid which take months to recover from or in some cases, are permanent.


    Plus what about all the suffering of those who spent time in hospital???  Typically a Covid hospitalization lasts 3 weeks... and for those in ICU, it can be months... many report spending 3-4 months.


    Right now we have had 12,441 people hospitalized from Covid.  If we took BOZO's advice, and we let Covid infect everyone, then based on the statistics we would have 289,681 BCer's who needed to be admitted to hospital with Covid.  Considering the fact we simply do not have the number of beds, doctors or nurses to care for that number of people and you know the mortality rate would skyrocket.... no oxygen or ventilators... suddenly there a LOT more deaths.


    All of these facts are ignored by morons like Morg... they prefer to scream about their 'freedoms'... when in fact his precious so called freedoms would be a death sentence for huge numbers of BCer's.


    It is typical of guys like Morg to spew his nonsense till something happens to change his mind.... like the Republican Washington State Senator who was a vehement opponent of vaccines or masks... well guess what folks... that same Senator is now dead.... he died of Covid after going to El Salvador... a country where the government ignores normal health practices and lets Covid run wild.  Here's a story about this moron Senator:




    Hey Morg.... I hope you don't suffer the same fate as that stupid Senator.... but since you are so tough... maybe you should go to El Salvador to prove us wrong???




  15. This break may actually be a blessing in disguise for the Canucks.


    Boudreau will now get the time to properly introduce his new systems to the team and they will get the time to practice them.


    Hopefully the season will re-start in late December and early January and the team will be ready and refreshed with all their systems and responsibilities understood... and they can start a new streak of wins.

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  16. On 12/17/2021 at 11:25 AM, DeNiro said:

    Baertschi is a great comparison.


    Do you think Flames fans are still whining about losing him? 

    I don’t know why Canucks fans still care that he’s gone. We have better players than him in our top 9. That’s all that matters.

    No, Baertschi is not a good comparison.


    Baertschi was a legitimate top six player... who had his career destroyed by a series of concussions.


    He was not a fringe player, he was more than capable of producing, had the skating and puck handling skills, even had enough size.  The season he had with Horvat and Boeser was an excellent one, and there was no reason not to expect to see that level of play continue if Baertschi wasn't the target of a cheap shot aimed at the head.

    It doesn't matter who you are or what size, if you get multiple hits to the head it will negatively affect you... and some, like Baertschi, never recover.

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  17. 16 minutes ago, aznmonk said:

    Green can't coach pee wee hockey!  Johnathan Dahlen is a recent specimen! Putting up points.  Green says he is to tiny to play in the NHL! 

    I agree Dahlen was let go too easily...  but there is a question there.


    Dahlen is really a top 6 player... and the Canucks don't even have room in the top 9.  He is not good defensively so wouldn't work on the 4th line.


    But he should have been developed better by Green... and traded for a defensive prospect. 


    Benning and Green did not make use of a number of players who should have been turned into picks or defensemen.




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  18. First, Miller's contract has him with the team till the end of the 2022/2023 season.


    So there is no reason to trade him now.


    Second, one of the strengths of the current roster is they have three very good point producing centers in Horvat, Miller and Pettersson.  Most teams are luck to have two good centers.  Giving up Miller is giving up an advantage.


    Better to wait till January 2023 and assess then.


    Personally if it is a question of Boeser or Miller, I would go with Miller.  Miller can do a lot of things for the team... Boeser is limited.  A center is more valuable most of the time.  Plus a lot of other teams would be willing to pay a lot of a goalscorer like Boeser if he continues to produce as he is doing now... as he is capable of.  The ideal would be to trade Boeser for a big top 4 D plus another good sized 5/6 D.


    If Podkolzin and Hoglander continue to develop, then you have them along with Miller, Pettersson, Garland and Horvat as point producers... they can take up the slack of Boeser leaving.


    But anyway, what we need is time to see what develops.... a lot could happen between now and the end of Miller's contract.

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