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Status Updates posted by Canuckette_84

  1. Thought I've seen some questionable ref'ing before this but wow...

  2. Yeah, what Brahma Bull said!

  3. Yeaah I wasn't able to get on myself. Hopefully time! :)

  4. I've been around a little!

    360's > PS3! :P

  5. :) He's doing great thanks! I think I might be able to catch tonight's poker, though I've pretty much completely forgotten all you had taught me and will probably be the first one out lol!
  6. Well, its nice to see you've come out for the time being. I hope it stays this way :)

  7. Hey! Where've you been hiding stranger?

  8. Happy Birthday Ballard! <3

    1. CanucksLegacy


      Happy 29th b-day Ballard!!

  9. Thanks, I hope so too >.<

  10. Not really... just feel like I pick up more than my share of the work around here. Plus I'm sick of the long commute out here :(

  11. Yeah it's not that bad, I just don't have money for games and extra things like that anymore :( I am still in the same department yes! Am ready for a change again though lol.

  12. Just season opener. Probably won't get to as many this year, things are tough financially for me. :(

  13. I've been okay thanks. Yeah, it's just not how it used to be, sadly :( Have you been catching any of the games?

  14. Where ya been hiding stranger?

  15. Having my wisdom teeth pulled to end an already fabulous morning!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarvis


      That's what they did to me as well. Enjoy!

    3. Canuckette_84


      i got all 4 out. and all they gave me was some toradol. FRACK you dentists.

    4. GodzillaDeuce
  16. Happy Birthday! (Just in case you didn't see my post!)

  17. I don't know how to hula regularly, let alone horizontally....

  18. I don't watch that show...

  19. Well, that would depend on one's definiton of 'hooking up' I suppose.

  20. Glad to hear you're well. That stinks. I myself haven't been able to catch much of the preseason action though it's nice that this weekend got a few games that I'm able to tune in on. It does kind of suck that you'll have to cut down on shifts, but hey there will be plenty of time for you to work in life lol! How's the weather out your way?

  21. Hey :) I'm doing okay thanks, how are you?

    Sorry to hear the air traffic thing didn't go according to plan, but English sounds fantastic! It was definitely One of my favourite subjects in college. But anyhow, have you been able to catch any of the preseason games??

  22. No, I tend to ignore any sh*t that comes out of that mouth. That's not even the tiniest fraction of it.... Multiply that by about a million and you're closer.

  23. Ask him, I'm sure he's just itching to tell everyone.

  24. Feels like the weather. Blah.

    1. Canuckletux


      Well, I then hope that the weather in Vancouver is great right now. Is it? :S

    2. DefensivePlay


      its pissing rain.

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