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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. Was kinda odd, but cool. Got locked out till 7.30am though at my friends house. Ugh. I feel sooooo tired today.

    How was your weekend?

  2. Helloooo

    Gonna have to look at this call, see what I can rant about. Will watch the highlights later.

    Saskatchewan has like 1 tick in each category, so it rates the lowest. Not looked at it proper yet.

    There were only 2 windows, here's the other one: http://tinyurl.com/6bejmgk

    I didn't really hang with hipsters, don't even know what they are really. Well maybe I do.

  3. foe = for. damn, typing sucks

  4. Well I gotta go hang with some hipsters now foe a birthday, I'll show you the windows tomorrow. If you can handle waiting that long ha ha!

  5. They've also played in SF as well. I am lame and took a picture of all the windows with bands names on it that have played there:


    That's just one of them.

  6. I couldn't even stay awake :(

    I was up early to get tickets and I managed it. Could just put Canada off till like January and still go Sweden :/ Decisions, decisions.

    I sang along to this Hives song in Sticky Fingers. "hate to say I told you soooooooo" ♥

    My Lonely Guide to Canada came today with a free city map for Vancouver. Somehow knew my whereabouts. Creepy.

  7. I'm bailing out of the game already (got 1040 on) because I am tired.

    I just wanted to say: I hope you lose.


  8. Dear Karl Pilkington, please marry me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moz


      Fight you for him?

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      He's such a legend. I've literally downloaded every Ricky Gervais Show podcast..." Oooh, chimpanzee that! Monkey News!"

    4. moz


      hahaa, did you see him on Comic Relief tonight, too funny. "Why sit in a bath of beans for money? Just send the beans to Africa!"

  9. I did yeah. Go on the venue website, they might have some. I'm going to York.

  10. Did you get Morrissey tickets?

  11. A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures. Sounds like my kinda movie.

    1. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      Come to think of it. Samuelsson does kind of look like a Turtle.

    2. moz


      hahah, he does a bit.

  12. moz

    Yeah, FB chat suuuucks.

  13. moz

    I only talk to like 10 people on mine, the rest are mostly people from Uni.

  14. moz

    how many "friends" do you have? 3209830938039? :P

  15. moz

    Though through this FB natter I am now going to have a clean out. I'm that bored.

  16. moz

    I'll add you if you really want.

    I don't do anything so there's nothing to hide from my family

  17. moz

    That's true.

    I rarely add people to FB that I don't know anyway. Plus if I did add someone I hide everything so there's no actual point. I have a love/hate of fb. I keep it because of my family but I aint a big fan.

  18. moz

    I think my friend and I made it up. We seem to be the only ones to use it. I like it too. Well Twitter is a bit anonymous if you're not like me and have yer face as your pic and your name in your name haha. Mine's just like HELLO WORLD!!!

  19. moz

    nah, not as much as Twitter anyway ha. St Paddys is just for pissrats

  20. moz

    It's not that I'm not a fan (my fb is a pic of me from 5/6 years ago in one of those stupid green hats w/ a beard) it's just I don't see the big deal.

  21. moz

    I'm so glad you didn't say "St. Patrick". To everyone!!

  22. moz

    I have no idea

  23. moz

    Hah, rebel! Who're you toasting to?

  24. moz

    well it's 8.20pm in Ireland so I don't see why not.

  25. moz

    Nah, pointless and expensive. Though I could do with a drink right now

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