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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. Not sure what my favourite food is. I'm not too bothered about food, so I just eat the same stuff all the time, not even because it's my favourite. I'm odd like that. I like rice though.

    Sweden is awesome though, I champion that country to everyone now. Not as much as Canada though. Might go to Sweden after Canada. Maybe New Zealand. I dunno. Not England anyway.

  2. Who gave me stink eye in Sweden? I've forgot :/

    I'm not bitter, no. Though I've since learned that this guy (we all lived in the same block) apparently told people I fancied him. YEAH RIGHT! Guy is annoying and he supports the Penguins!

    But yeah, they live on opposite sides of the sea. I know a few couples like that actually. World is so small these days.

  3. Not really. I like some fish, but it's not something I eat all the time.

    I've never used LP but I just hope it's ok. I got a Canada one for the whole country and not just individual Provences. I figured if I found something I'd like to see / do, the internet will be my friend.

    I don't really remember the shop keepers reaction. They probably smiled. It was Christmas afterall.

  4. I just got a message from my friend in San Diego. She's coming to England next week. Blaaah, there goes saving. Though I'll be surprised if I see much of her. She came to study here for a year and then she started going out with this guy and they're still together now despite living on different continents.

    Will be nice to see her though, if I get the chance.

  5. *started singing along.

    Do you ever do that? Have the desire to just burst into song when you're walking down the street? No? Just me then. Weirdo.

  6. I've never tried or had any desire to try Sushi. Just doesn't look right. Probs wouldn't like it anyway.

    Which country would you like to visit the most?

    I ordered the Lonely Planet guide to Canada the other day, 900+ pages. Hope it doesn't suck.

    I dance around anywhere me. This one time in London, Hello by Lionel Ritchie was on in a shop and the 4 of us start...

  7. hah. Canucks were a question on a quiz show in the UK today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jarvis


      Did they get it right!?

    3. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      haha. I bet toronto fans would try to pass off as the Canucks.

    4. moz


      Probably do.

      I'm not sure ST, I didn't see it. I got a comment on FB off my friend like "Canucks were on the Chaser, reminded me of you"

  8. Balearic Islands, stop off for an hour in Iceland and Canada. Many more places need to be ticked off.

    I don't go clubbing much anymore, not really my thing. Deffo don't sit down though, I like dancing! Ha. Embarrassing.

  9. I haven't made bread from scratch in years (part baking them at work really doesn't count). I love the smell of fresh bread!

    I won't come and kill you for not listening to The Smiths, though you really should and yes, there's no wrong time for Morrissey!!

    I don't really travel. Well, I'd like to, just monies really.

    I've only been to places in the UK, Sweden, France, Spain

  10. I really don't know and I really don't caaaaaare

  11. moz

    Just seen your Rage post on Ben Nevis's page. They played for free in London. Get them to #1 in the charts and they play a free show.

  12. Yeah I listen to The Smiths / Morrissey a fair bit. I don't see how people can say they're depressing or whatever.

    I am not allowed to contact the embassy until 6 weeks has passed. It's been 4 weeks now or something. So it should be anytime I guess.

    I never threw stuff at Limp Bizkit either! Psh. I am far from being a thug. I'm actually quite boring ha. No wonder I ♥ Moz

  13. We've always flown with them and I don't really have any complaints. Either way, I'll either fly with them from Manchester or with Air Canada from London. Pref. wanna go from Manchester. Ages away yet though.

    Think my aunt & uncle came to England via Amsterdam a couple of years ago. So who knows.

  14. I eat a lot of things plain / dry. I think people used to eat bread & butter w/ sugar in the war.

    I've only been to Stourbridge a handful of times, so I'm not too sure on where anything. Went down the highstreet on the back of this fire engine thing you can hire out (it was my friends 21st) that was fun.

    CA use Air Transat and/or Thomas Cook planes. So it's alright.

  15. I listened to a lot of Smiths / Morrissey in Gothenburg. It was nice. Then Sticky Fingers (lol that name still amuses me, i'm so immature) made the weekend with playing The Smiths.

    Why Lilla? Did you just make it up. Never heard that before

  16. If at all at this rate. Still not got my permit from the embassy. They're taking foreverrrrr.

    I can only make UK pancakes, y'know the total flat ones, like creps. Yum. Well I could probs make American ones but I'd need a recipe.

    Trouts sound so lovely. Not gonna try that one though. Grim.

  17. use = us ... should really check what I type.

    I went to Creamfields last year. That massive dance festival. I got a free ticket so I just went for one evening. It was quite good for all my anti-crowd feeling.

    Canadian Affair just offer cheap flights. Like the cheapest I was was £190 one way to Vancouver. So I'm just gonna chance them when the time comes.

  18. butty is another word for sandwich. Used mostly by use poor people in the North. So a crisp butty is a crisp sandwich.

    I'm not too fussed about festivals. I'm not too keen on big crowds. Hate people invading my personal space and 'cause I'm fairly short (well i'm not a midget) I get shoved around and I can't be bothered with it.

  19. Noooo, I went to Uni in Staffordshire but I spent a lot of time in the West Midlands before and during Uni.

    Had friends dotted around everywhere, like Walsall, Halesowen, Selly Oak, Stourbridge, Sutton Coldfield, Solihull etc. Everywhere really.

    I remember convincing some Brummie that William Regal from WWE was my cousin. Hah. Man, good times were had in Birmingham.

  20. moz

    I am indeed a turtle. You're right. I like the skateboard and I let cats hitch a ride on my back.

  21. moz

    I am a dude, just pretend to be a chick to get attention!!!

    (actually not true, but it could be, maybe, i don't know)

  22. *I want to go back to work.

    words I never thought I'd say. Ugh!

    What you doin' today then?

  23. to Gothenburg at the end of the summer. My friend and I are gonna try for Morrissey tickets on Friday and if we fail then we're gonna go to Gothenburg instead.

    It's kinda lame though, I'm hoping more we don't get them. The guy is like my hero and I am choosing Gothenburg instead. What the hell is up with me :/

  24. Isn't loving ketchup a stereotype on Britain? I had no idea it was till last year. But I do love it. In Sweden I think the guy in Burger King took the p*ss. I asked for ketchup and he gave me like 20 sachets.

    I've known a couple of people from Finland, it's probably a nice place to visit.

    Hopefully I'll be back to more hours soon, I can only hope anyway.

    I think I'm going back

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