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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. I didn't actually have pancakes either, ended up working late, getting home at 10pm and then I couldn't be bothered to make a batter mix etc. Lame.

  2. Ah, okay. I must have Scottish ancestry somewhere because of my Surname but I'm a nice little English / Welsh / Irish hybrid.

    I don't understand the song, sounds funny though. Swedish is so cool, I love it. I spent all weekend smiling to myself at words because of how they sounded. I want to go back so badly. I am gonna find an English translation of the song now.

  3. hahahaha my god, cracking me up.

  4. Surprised the Scottish on here haven't revolted about it.

  5. Haha, it was brilliant.

  6. I just laughed out loud at that scotsarecheap thing. My god. TOO FUNNY!!

  7. pancake day!!

    1. Jarvis


      oatmeal day!

  8. Dirk Kuyt ♥

  9. moz

    Just have to watch Dressage instead.

  10. moz

    oh yeah. plus I actually like horses, scrap all plans.

  11. moz

    haha, should get this game to market!

  12. moz

    horse hockey could be fun, get it some skates. Could be really dangerous if the horse was to fall though. Bit like horse polo but on the ice.

  13. moz

    Nah, they didn't play at home last weekend. Plus the arena had the Horse Show on instead.

  14. moz

    I was looking through my 'status updates' and I saw your Frölunda comment. I forgot to mention, I picked up a jersey there for their game against the Sens a couple of years ago. It has both teams names / logos on it, red & white. It's pretty sweet.

  15. I can't believe that John Edward guy charges £70 a ticket. SEVENTY POUNDS!

    1. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      haha. have you seen his south park episode? classic.

    2. moz


      Yeah haha.

      I was gonna buy tickets for my Mum but man, that is way outa my price range.

  16. "Win a trip to London to meet Maroon 5" << why would I want to?

    1. moz


      Is there such a competition? I got the Maroon 5 one in my email.

  17. St David's day today :) get out yer leeks!

  18. so dumb, so dumb

    1. Dazzle
    2. Unstoppable


      He's climbing your windows he snatchin yo people up, so you better hide yo kids hide yo wife :D

    3. moz


      hahaha Unstoppable got it right, though it had double meaning :)

  19. He wrote that he was drunk like 50 times. I'll watch it when I get home then.

  20. What was that link before? I have deleted the status now, but I wanna see that video once I'm back from my trip

  21. hey sure, email it me and i'll open it up in the hostel and just leave it on the computer or something hahaha

    Cheers, I will try to have fun, not that it'll be hard haha

  22. I have no problem with the Frenchies, got a couple of French friends. Though if you wanna talk generalizations I'm not too keen on the Scottish or Irish hahahaha. Nah, they're fine really!

    Takes 2 hours to Gothenburg from Manchester, can't wait. Should be packing right now!

  23. I love snow, so yeah sure. And yeah lets do a trade okay? I'm only going for the weekend so I can put up with the cold!

    Dirty how? I've heard it's really nice, plus I love French. Seems ideal to me. From what I know of it.

  24. Ah cool. Yeah everyone I know goes out east. I'd like to visit Montreal when I'm over, that's for sure. I met someone from Toronto the other day actually. Everyone seems to come from there. I'm not coming out till the end of the year though. Maybe I'll "accidentally" get on an Air Canada on Friday instead of going to Sweden. Hmmmm.

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