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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. to write my paper that they all blur into one. They filmed some of room at the top in the town I live in. it's quite weird seeing what it looked like back then.

    Have you ever seen Billy Liar? I'm not a big fan of it as he goes off on random dreams but it's worth a watch.

  2. Another 'angry young man' is 'Look Back in Anger', I think that's the original from the genre. 'This Sporting Life' is quite angry too, about a w/c guy who's manipulated by the u/c whilst he plays football (which is actually rugby).

    I quite liked one film called Room at the Top. Well I think I liked that one. I watched so many films

  3. Wikipedia is my best friend. I meant in terms of girl stuff, like that 'ask a girl' thread, serious or not was embarassing. Especially when it was like a 12 year old (I have no clue why I always say someone younger than me is 12) giving advice. Aaaaah well.

  4. Sometimes being a girl on the internet sucks too though. Like you can be talking to a guy but because you're being nice and having conversation, half the time you get the "i think i like you more than a friend" message. And it's never with the hot guy either. Or maybe that's me. Gash!

  5. It's good and bad around here. Yeah being a girl helps on a hockey forum but there are a fair few retards. Some of the stuff I read from girls on here makes me cringe. And then ones younger than me yappin on about things they have no clue about. It's embarassing.

  6. Please do write this book, I'd read it. I only accepted the add as they are in the UK and it's always nice to find someone here who likes hockey. Ah well.

    They're not ? oh. :( sad.

  7. *arse.

    Then. The further cheek is he puts his little status thing as something like "aaaawh, welcome to the real world". I never responded to any of it because it's really childish and this is a married man (I think). What an idiot. Don't know his username, something to do with Rypien or something. He'll prob see this if he creeps, so hi!

  8. The guy is just some guy on here who's really abrasive and ignorant. We didn't agree on much and I didn't know him, nor did he ever have a pic of himself so I deleted him. Then I come on here to a message telling me to welcome to the real world or some sh!t, about how not everyone agrees with me. No way!!! I love debate so obviously needs to get his head outa his ...

  9. I wrote one of my dissertations on it. The title was "Working Class Culture in British Cinema". It focused on the work life, relationships and wider society from 1950-1970. Kes was the last film in the date. I love it, I could talk about it forever.

    Doreen is really pretty, I loved her character. I would love to see the stage play of this film, it'd be cool.

  10. I do a bit, but some people are so frustrating, it seems I've found it more this week for some reason, all since I deleted this one guy from here off of facebook. But that's something else ...

    It's so good isn't it? I love angsty working class films too. The air of arrogance of the 'angry man' is awesome. I liked his banter with Doreen too.

  11. Yeah i'm here, not quite ditched CDC in frustration yet.

  12. It's a figure of speech I thought? It's 1.20am so I won't be enjoying anything other than sleep! Enjoy the movie, Arthur Seaton is awesome.

  13. ha haaaa! cheeky. you'll probably never know. There are some people i'm sure who lurk on other peoples convos. Some people check my page frequently yet never speak to me. freaks.

    I agree about Spain, hot! Maybe I should get a cheap flight to Spain for the day.

  14. I know I saw them. Hardly a rack though, fried eggs if you ask me. Wasn't impressed.

    I kinda hope they do too, it'd be awesome but wierd at the same time. I'm still unsure who'll win it, not gonna predict anything just yet.

  15. Aye we do :) (nothing wrong with paramore & liverpool) ha ha.

    Oh awesome, hopefully you'll like it. I might watch it again soon since i'll be able to enjoy it instead of writing about it.

    I'm interested to watch the Brazil game tomorrow, if anything for North Korea, they've been training in a public gym.

  16. Phaneuf to most (incl. me) is Ronaldo to me

  17. Oh hush. Ronaldo is so much worse. I've never seen that Gerrard vid before but I can bet he doesn't do it half as much as that scummy portugese umbrella.

    I'll never forget him against England and the red card / wink. He makes me angry, lets move on ...

  18. +1 on the football / hockey thing

  19. I think you'll get some fair points with Divealdo ... go with him

  20. I'm a dirty awesome bitch. I racked up 23 points today. Woooo.

    Yeah Brazil and Portugal I reckon. I hate Ronaldo and Portugal though, cheating filthy bastards.

    I wish I had a job to pool in. My Mum has such a rubbish team in hers, I can't even remember who it is.

  21. He probs will, everyone else seems to be. I'm back at #1 on the league, oh yeeeeah :D

    Everyone seems to be playing safe and saving some of the best players or resting them partway through for later rounds. Apparently my italian keeper looks set to be missing out. Blah!!

  22. I better be able to put Alonso on today or i'm gonna be pissed! He plays tomorrow. I have racked up some good points today so i'm feeling better about the crapty day yesterday ha ha.

    I hate how the subs takes away points though. It's a stupid rule.

  23. I picked random ones for lack of points. I thought 'cause he's at Everton he might be okay. But no. Yeah I have an Italian. You? I replaced King today for the next round.

  24. haha gotta love the filter ... ???? = c word. crap = sh!t

  25. Such a bad day for me today in the pool, Cahill got sent off the ????, -3 for me on him which came to -1 overall. Then I subbed some people and my points went down. Absolute nightmare. Switched for good now I think though, hopefully rack up some points. Cahill has got me down to 10 men as well. Aussie crap!

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