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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. Yeah, they're awesome :D

  2. I don't know what my post went in front of the older one, weird.

  3. I like Little Boots, she's okay and is from the UK.

    Ladyhawke is okay too, but she's from New Zealand.

    Ummm, I don't mind Alexandra Burke who won the X Factor, she's more rnb though.

    Not a fan of Leona Lewis.

    I dunno really, i'm more a band person.

  4. / a guy person.

  5. I like walking round Englishman River Falls, and jumping into the river from that massive rock. Damn, i'm all full of nostalgia now

  6. Nope, American. Cali I think.

    Psh! Bad taste ... You do when you keep singing Miley & Taylor. Taylor is okay, she has some good songs. But not the other one :P

  7. Yeah, I've been to them all I think. It's all I do for the month, visit everywhere and go to the beach / a lake / a river like everyday, it's awesome. I thought I got them mixed up but I thought I'd run with it, it's been forever since I've been so i'm a bit etchy on placenames now.

  8. whey!!!

    Um, Lady GaGa for sure. Gwen Stefani is another one, grew up idolising her, when I saw No Doubt play live, that was amazing. I love Katy Perry too :]

  9. I do.

    She has a penis right? It'll do me...

    (JUST KIDDING!!!!)

    I don't love her THAT much, but I do love her.

  10. Yeah I bet, Qualicum Beach in the hot sun, go cool down in the sea / that little water park thing. Does me just fine that does, whenever I'm over for a visit.

  11. General Canucks tbh.

    Sweden if I had to choose.

  12. aye it is.

    raaaaaaaah rah, ah, ah, ah ... bad romance.... or something.

  13. Yeah, I remember my aunt saying once they'd come back from a holiday to visit us in England they had awesome weather back in Canada.

  14. I take it that you're going to the Leeds SD? Looks mint so far, last year was a bit of a letdown.

  15. Agreed.

    It's awesome.

    I remember sleeping in the basement one year during the El Nino in Canada, everyone else was really hot and couldn't sleep, but I was cold and all snuggled up, that was goooood!!

  16. Yeah, same.

    My room here at Uni is too hot, so it's always open for that. It's rare I have to keep my window shut as it's too cold. And even when I do it doesn't last long!

  17. Yeah same, I keep my window open so I can be all toasty in my duvet!

  18. Yeah, it's been a bit nippy to say the least. But it's fine, a warm coat, scarf, hat & gloves and you're toasty and fine. I like wrapping up all warm like that.

  19. Well when I was home for Christmas (near Manchester) it was constantly below 0, one night it got to -16. That hasn't ever happened as far back as I remember. It was -5 for ages too. It was odd. But I loved it. I love snow and cold weather doesn't bother me.

  20. Oh, it's been bad for here.

    At one point in late December there was a ariel shot of the UK and it was all white.

  21. Pretty much.

    We've had a fair bit of snow this winter though, i've been loving it. The south gets more sun and hotter weather, but i still think it'll rain lots

  22. I am not old, i'm 23 in May :[

    Yeah I bet, if I was Canadian I'd have been pissed too.

    Yeah Tuesday against Germany, hopefully they'll win and Lu will be in the net.

  23. She's younger than me :]

    I watched, cheered for both teams 'cause of Kesler, then he scored and I cheered really loud at almost 3am haha, my neighbours clearly love me!

  24. 'Cause it's way over budget? & for a start it's in London. Most up itself city ever. I bet most events will be rained off.

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