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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. It's on in the background. Do watch the films though, they're good!

  2. I'm gonna get going soon too, 3am, watching Big Brother. I am the definition of sad right now!

  3. Yeah, I don't blame you. I'd be exactly the same.

    I've met people off the internet before (even someone in Canada when I was last there), but being on an online community with people from school or whatever would be weird.

  4. the forum seems to cut messages before the actual cut off point on here. it's silly.

  5. Yeah he's hot actually. I dunno, jeez, I don't even have a type or even go out with anyone ever.

    Ah okay, fair enough. I'd probably be less open if I was actually anywhere near Vancouver. I hope you figure it out and good luck with it :)

  6. Has to have hair on the head, no balding allowed. Burrows does look a bit silly really with his bum fluff.

    Yeah they probably do.

    I dunno what to do with my life now that everything I've ever known is over. I'd love to travel the world but sadly i'm not a millionaire. Damn.

    What do you do anyways?

  7. p.s. Nice Gerrard into the pool picture.

  8. My standards are slack in general, as long as a chap has good facial hair, nice hair and isn't a blob then i'm happy. Well actually that's a lie, but it starts there.

    Pretty much irrelevant, like apparently Sociology shows you're good at some things like society and understanding or something but I pretty much doubt it is.

    I shoulda done Nursing!

  9. *Finding a job to do it is hard.

    Then I'd need to figure out where to go, what to do, where to live etc. As much as I like visiting Nanaimo, i'm not sure I'd wanna live on the Island. Then Vancouver looks expensive. I've not really decided on anything yet other than get a job now that I've finished Uni.

  10. Noooo being hot is secondary to the skills. Though this world cup i'm finding it hard to watch the football and not just drool over some of the guys ha ha.

    Hyypia also went and I loved him, he messed up with his constant rotation that let our lead slip and United win the league. He just lost it.

    Hopefully will be coming to Canada next year for a year. Finding a job to do ...

  11. I like that one, it was one of the better ones. "hey bobby, what's the french for va va voom?".

    I dunno, I like Liverpool being Spain B team, it almost worked ha ha. Alonso was hot though, good player and good to look at. I'm certainly not gonna complain about that.

    I guess football there is what ice hockey is here. I can't watch British hockey coverage, it's awful.

  12. * ... = Premier League?

  13. They're car commercials, for Renault Clio I think. Renault for sure. He's either driving or is voice over. I love his French accent :D Youtube it, some of them are actually funny in a way.

    In a way I am glad he's gone, I boycotted last season 'cause he sold Alonso. Just hope Torress & Gerrard stay. LFC is in the crap right now. :( Do you follow the premier...

  14. I like France me, loved winding up Irish fans when Henry did a Maradona and handballed the ball into the net. Even got some -'s on here. I have some French in my fantasy too. I like to see them do well, though I didn't watch yesterday so I can't comment on the game. Henry is awesome though, I like his 'Va Va Voom' commercials too.

  15. I do that every England game. Swear like a bloke. I am too much of a lad most of the time. I fail to see how Heskey is there too, he can't even make it in to the first team at Aston Villa. Blah.

    We'll still win the group though, i'm sure of it :)

  16. If you go to the top it says.

    I've watched every game except France 'cause Corrie was on ha ha! The Americans are arrogant at everything, it's no surprise that nobody else in the world really likes them.

    I have Gerrard & King, King has gone off now though, sadly. Think i'll swap him though anyway. You?

  17. It's good, you should enjoy it.

    I feel sorry for him me, he's gonna be slated for that mess up. We'll pull it back (I hope).

    What's your score on fantasy football? Am I still #1 ... you were #2.

  18. Go England indeed :D

  19. Also, watch Saturday Night and Sunday Morning if you've not already.

  20. Kes is awesome, it's one of my favourite films and sometimes even I have trouble understanding the thick local accent (even though I talk a little like that, a hint).

    I've not seen extras, I don't like Gervais so I don't watch his shows.

  21. Did you ever watch any of those British films?

  22. I know right.

    If I read another post saying the same thing I might have to gauge my eyes out!

  23. I must have read it at least 10 times today.

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